‘Shocking waste’: Grim figure in rental crisis
New analysis has revealed the shocking number of vacant homes in one of Australia’s biggest cities, as renters struggle to find somewhere to live and prices skyrocket.
New analysis has revealed the shocking number of vacant homes in one of Australia’s biggest cities, as renters struggle to find somewhere to live and prices skyrocket.
The Australian sharemarket has closed out the week on a record high as investors position themselves for imminent US Federal Reserve rate cuts.
Australia’s largest company will suspend its vast nickel mining operations, putting up to 2500 jobs in limbo.
A university graduate whose months-long search for a job has been fruitless shook things up on a Sydney train.
A shock deficit in the number of new homes being approved has put the federal government’s housing target in jeopardy.
Half of Australia has entered the nation’s biggest ever Powerball jackpot. But what should you do if you were to win $200m?
A thing hardworking Aussies used to do has leapt into the realm of something only those with intergenerational wealth can dream of.
Home prices have experienced a slow start to the New Year, according to a new report, but steady interest rates may change that.
The share market hit a new high on Wednesday as better than expected inflation figures raised hopes of an end to interest rate hikes.
About 1m homes could be under threat because of new laws cracking down on tax deductions, developers have warned.
A teal independent said Australians needed both sides of politics to take ‘ambitious reform’ to the next election.
Inflation eased in the December quarter to its lowest level in two years, all but guaranteeing the Reserve Bank board keeps rates on hold.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/business/economy/page/172