
Bush Fire Support

Team Rubicon member Neil Milner is an arborist from Yorkshire in England and is helping in the bushfire rebuild. Pictured helping out by cutting down trees on a farm in Verona. Picture: Jonathan Ng
Bushfire Support

British vets help rebuild razed towns

The special squad — which is part of veteran-led disaster response organisation Team Rubicon — includes a former soldier, retired London police officer and even an arborist who has been helping to cut down trees around the devastated town of Cobargo.

Olivia Newton John performed a song with old mate John Farnham and Russell Crowe made a special appearance.
Bushfire Support

As it happened: Fire Fight Australia

Queen fronted by Adam Lambert reprised the band’s iconic 1985 Live Aid set for Fire Fight Australia, where Olivia Newton John performed for the first time in two years with John Farnham and Russell Crowe made a special appearance.

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Michael Miller, Bushfire. Picture: Alex Coppel

To the bushfire towns: We’re for you

At News Corp, we are committed to helping communities rebuild after the bushfires, and today’s special editions will add to the millions we are putting towards recovery, writes Michael Miller.

Bushfire Support
Malua Bay bushfire follow up. Rural Fire Service volunteer Steve Hillyar sits in front of the remains of his home on Blackbutt Lane in Malua Bay that was destroyed while he was out fighting the bushfires. Steve with some of his animals that survived the inferno including his chook and sheep. Picture: Toby Zerna

Homeless hero’s own bushfire hell

Volunteer firey Steve Hillyar was 24 hours into a brutal shift, going door to burning door in the seaside town of Malua Bay, unaware his own slice of paradise was burning to the ground. Only his chooks, three pigs and a sheep were still standing.

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