

This was published 8 years ago

What is the Benghazi issue? Why is Hillary Clinton testifying about it?

By Nick O'Malley

What happened?

On September 11, 2012 – 11 years to the day after the al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington a temporary US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, was overrun by militants and/or protesters, and ambassador Chris Stevens and three other US citizens werekilled.

Then what?

The attack quickly became a partisan political issue, with Republicans levelling a series of allegations at the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton, who was then secretary of state, the US equivalent of foreign minister.

Hillary Clinton speaks during a House select committee on Benghazi hearing in Washington.

Hillary Clinton speaks during a House select committee on Benghazi hearing in Washington.Credit: Bloomberg

Some claims were outlandish, suggesting that somehow Obama and Clinton supported the attack. Others alleged Clinton ordered rescuers to "stand down". Most allegations now focus on two issues: whether or not the outpost was properly protected in the first place; and whether or not the administration lied after the attack. In the latter issue it is alleged that to burnish Obama's foreign policy credentials during the 2012 election the White House said the attack was a protest that got out of hand rather than a planned terrorist attack.

The investigation so far

So far there have been eight investigations by various Congressional committees and one non-partisan agency investigation. None have found any misconduct by Clinton. Eleven months ago the Republican-led House intelligence committee concluded a two-year investigation by finding there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team and no missed opportunity for a military rescue.

What are the possible outcomes?


So far the ongoing Republican-led investigation before which Clinton testified on Thursday has revealed no new information. Indeed the only politician so far seriously wounded by it is the Republican, Kevin McCarthy, who had hoped to run for House speaker before he destroyed his chances by admitting on Fox News: "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping." One other Republican congressman and a committee staff member have said the same thing.

Nonetheless, the ongoing investigations have revealed that Clinton was using her own email server and they appear to have seriously damaged her in the polls.

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