

This was published 8 years ago

2016 US election: Hillary Clinton shades Donald Trump in points-win

By Paul McGeough

Washington: The fact-checkers had a field day, the candidates less so. As the first of three presidential debates closed on Monday night, a good number of analysts called it a points-win for the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton.

Neither she nor the GOP's Donald Trump managed to land a mortal blow on the other. But after early success on the issues of jobs and trade, Trump seemed to wilt while searching for a firm footing – which eluded him – somewhere between his raucous rally persona and his curious sense of what it meant to be presidential.

For all the anticipation and preliminary hyperventilation about the history-making moment of the two candidates' arrival on stage at Hofstra University, the debate proved the pre-encounter boasts of the candidates. Clinton devoted serious time and resources to debate preparation, and it showed. Trump did little, and it showed.

She began tentatively and finished with a bang; by the end, he seemed to concede.

Clinton and Trump shook hands, then the gloves were off.

Clinton and Trump shook hands, then the gloves were off.Credit: AP

Trump seemed quite out of sorts in the last minutes as Clinton reached an evening climax. About women.

The question had been about Trump's oft-stated jab that Clinton didn't have a presidential look. But Clinton jumped the rails and, instead, moved the debate to Trump's attitude to women.

Making his hanging-around beauty pageants sound just like that, Clinton wound up carefully, highlighting his encounter with one contestant: "He called this woman 'Miss Piggy.' Then he called her 'Miss Housekeeping,' because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name."


By now Trump seemed quite nonplussed, interjecting with a demand to know where Clinton had come across this woman.

"He called this woman 'Miss Piggy.' Then he called her 'Miss Housekeeping,' because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name": Hillary Clinton moved the debate to Donald Trump's attitude to women.

"He called this woman 'Miss Piggy.' Then he called her 'Miss Housekeeping,' because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name": Hillary Clinton moved the debate to Donald Trump's attitude to women.Credit: AP

Clinton: Her name is Alicia Machado and she has become a US citizen.

Trump: Oh, really?

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.Credit: AP

Clinton: And you can bet she's going to vote this November.

Clinton came across as an agile thinker, developing ideas and themes as she built arguments. Trump didn't drift far from his rally slogans, save to become louder, at times talking over Clinton and debate moderator Lester Holt, as he challenged long-established facts, such as he did support the Iraq war in the lead up to the US-led invasion in 2003.

Donald Trump.

Donald Trump. Credit: AP

Despite past Trump complaints that Clinton was shrill, her tactical achievement on the night was to not allow Trump to shout her down. Instead, she stuck to the point, or shifted to a new one of her choosing, rather than allow herself to be trapped in an exchange on the point of Trump's interjection.

Despite pre-debate taunts, Trump did not bring up former President Bill Clinton's extra-marital straying. "I said to myself, I can't do it. I just can't do it," he said during the debate. Later he explained he had curbed his tongue out of respect for Chelsea Clinton who was in the audience.

But there was no explanation for his failure to capitalise on Clinton's admission that her private email server had been a mistake, or for allowing her to slip away by resorting to a cute phrase – "well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts" – when he had correctly pinged Clinton for early support for the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, before she rejected it.

Trump made little effort to defend himself against a charge voiced by Clinton three times – unprecedented in a presidential debate – that he was racist, especially in his birther campaign against the legitimacy of the Obama presidency and on the misogynist terms in which he has referred to women. And he seemed positively dumbstruck, unable to protest in any way, as Clinton enumerated all the reasons for his refusal to release his tax returns.

For a candidate whose ego required that he be addressed as "Mr Trump," Clinton went out of her way to address him simply as "Donald" more than 20 times. Trump, by contrast, resorted to faux graciousness when he first addressed Clinton as "secretary."

And Clinton seemingly gulled Trump into an admission that he didn't pay income tax and that he had rooted for a crippling housing crisis in the US so that he could "go in and buy some and make some money". To this, Trump responded a bit too much in the vein of the infamous Romney 47 per cent quote: "That's called business."

The majority of the fact-checkers' ink was expended on utterances by Trump: from his claim that Clinton, age 68, had spent her "entire adult life" fighting ISIS, which first emerged as recently as 2003, to NATO failing to fight terrorism (it did deploy troops and resources in Afghanistan), the US was not updating its nuclear arsenal when the project is already under way with a price tag of tens of billions of dollars, to a "they're all leaving" charge at corporate flight and consequent job losses in Ohio and Michigan, when Ohio gained 78,300 jobs in the past year and Michigan gained 75,800.

All these points will be debated endlessly in that part of the US that is furthest from where the people live: inside the Washington DC Beltway. But it remains to be seen how they'll play in real America; to date Trump's fabulist tendencies have not damaged his standing with the Republican base.

But Trump must grow his support if he is to win the November 8 election. While polls in the coming days will give a clearer picture, analysts' calls on the night were that Trump likely had failed to move many of the estimated 20 per cent of voters who are still undecided.

Did Trump come across as temperamentally suited to the roles of president and commander-in-chief? Um, no, not really. Every answer seemed to come back to him rather than the US people; problems affecting particular states were rendered less important by Trump's need to affirm he had an investment or real estate in those states.

Searching for an expression of the points of difference between the two candidates on the night, Nick Confessor, live blogging for The New York Times, wrote: "I think that in sacrificing a lot of his bombast, [Trump] sacrifices the sense of absolute certainty in his ideas. And [Clinton's] hesitancy – her slowness and sometimes awkward moments – was less apparent … and at the same time she had some very confident moments when she swung hard and hit."

Those Clinton practice sessions, much ridiculed by Trump, produced some memorable lines: Trump's political rise was built on the back of a "racist lie", his tax plan was "Trumped-up trickle-down", and she several times urged the fact-checkers to get to work on a particular Trump comment.

Clinton did attempt to portray herself as warmer than her customary media posture. She mentioned her granddaughter to segue to a commentary on the future and she dwelt on her textile-printing father as the kind of worker who might have been stiffed by Trump.

And in that she seemed to ignite interest out in voter land.

As Trump started to stall about an hour into the debate, Republican pollster Frank Luntz tweeted that, in a group of 20 voters he had brought together to watch the debate, 17 said Clinton was winning. Only three backed Trump's performance.

John Weaver, a Republican consultant and adviser to Ohio Governor John Kasich, who was one of Trump's challengers for the GOP nomination, was cutting in his tweet: "Two thoughts: (1) She kicked his ass and (2) he helped her."

Progressive, or liberal, analyst Josh Marshall detected a bad early turn for Trump: "Clinton clearly went into this debate not looking for one or two big 'Have you no decency' moments but rather looking to hit him with a rat-tat-tat series of taunts and jabs to see if she could get him to lose his cool and throw him off his game. It ended up happening a lot more quickly than I expected.

"No more than 15 minutes in he was getting visibly angry. And he stayed that way for the next hour plus."

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