

This was published 9 years ago

Tunisia terror attack: the radical mosques that bred gunman Seifeddine Rezgui

By Ruth Pollard

Tunisia: On the dusty streets of Hay Ettadhamen, long-term unemployment and grinding poverty has left many families struggling to keep their sons away from the radical mosque that has taken hold in their tight knit community.

The neighbourhood north-west of Tunisia's capital Tunis is one of a clutch of poor towns in which extremist mosques had been allowed to flourish since the overthrow of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in 2011.

It was at one of these unlicensed mosques in the city of Kairouan that the Islamic State-inspired gunman Seifeddine Rezgui is believed to have been exposed to the radical teachings that fuelled Friday's devastating attack on one of Tunisia's best-known beach resorts.

Operating outside state control, an estimated 80 mosques have been slated for closure as the Tunisian Government struggles to respond to the worst ever terror attack on its soil.

Tourists carry a Tunisian flag along Marhaba beach where 38 people were killed on Friday.

Tourists carry a Tunisian flag along Marhaba beach where 38 people were killed on Friday.Credit: Getty

At least 38 people, mostly tourists from Britain, Ireland, Germany and Belgium as well as several Tunisians were killed on June 26 when a lone gunman armed with a Kalashnikov and grenades attacked sunbathers in the beach resort town of Sousse, 140 kilometres south of the capital.

In an attempt to silence the extremist imams and stabilise the country's fragile security situation, Prime Minister Habib Essid announced on Sunday that political parties and associations promoting radical teachings, including those with suspicious funding sources, would be closed down.

Not before time, says 69-year-old Hay Ettadhamen resident Taher, who asked Fairfax Media not to use his last name for fear of reprisals.


"There is a lot of unemployment here and these radical Salafist groups at the mosque use their doubtful sources of funding to attract people to them," Taher says.

Tunisian gunman Seifeddine Rezgui

Tunisian gunman Seifeddine Rezgui Credit: AP

"They say to people's sons: 'we will give you a job' and they give them a fruit stall or something like that, and then they brainwash them with their teachings."

Two of his daughters, both university graduates, have been unemployed for three and four years respectively and the family struggles to live on his modest salary.

A tourist lights a candle in front of the Imperial Marhabada Hotel in Sousse, Tunisia.

A tourist lights a candle in front of the Imperial Marhabada Hotel in Sousse, Tunisia.Credit: Reuters

"It is the same for the majority of families here. We are patient, we are hoping for a better future since our revolution but we are worried about these mosques – it is difficult for some families to control their sons."

Many Tunisians are despairing at their government's ongoing failure to stop extremists from gaining a foothold.

A man kisses a Tunisian flag at the site of a shooting attack on the beach in front of the Riu Imperial Marhaba Hotel in Port el Kantaoui.

A man kisses a Tunisian flag at the site of a shooting attack on the beach in front of the Riu Imperial Marhaba Hotel in Port el Kantaoui.Credit: AFP

They say it could have forced a better balance between the country's newly evolving democracy and an emboldened Islamist movement emerging from decades of harsh repression under the former president.

They point to the 2013 assassination of two left-wing politicians and the attack on the National Bardo Museum in March, in which 22 people were killed, mostly foreign tourists as a clear indication that extremism was a growing threat in Tunisia.

A video still of gunman Seifeddine Rezgui

A video still of gunman Seifeddine Rezgui

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the museum attack, as it has for Friday's attack on the beach resort on Sousse. Monday marks one year since its self-declared leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a caliphate across territory that stretches from Iraq to Syria and Libya to the north Sinai region of Egypt.

Terrorism experts estimate that at least 3000 Tunisians have gone to fight in Libya, Iraq and Syria, leaving Tunisia with the unenviable distinction of providing more foreign fighters to the Islamic State than any other country in the world.

Rafaa Tebib, a Tunis-based security expert and researcher at the Universite Francois Rabelais (CITERES-CNRS) in France, says the government has "no political will to fight terrorism".

He lays the blame at the feet of Tunisia's moderate Islamist party Ennada, who he says has provided cover for the renegade mosques to gain a foothold in communities.

But, he says, even though Islamic State has indicated a desire to take territory in Tunisia it has yet not managed to do so.

"They have no widespread support from the population, only from a few individuals."

Not all those who have turned to jihad were driven solely by economic factors, says Tunisian political analyst Youssef Cherif.

"The economy is part of it, but the ideology of Tunisia is not something that is well entrenched in the population … you have a generation who does not know to what it belongs: is it to Tunisia, to the Muslim world or the Arab world?

"This vacuum that was created by the Ben Ali regime is now challenged by groups like ISIS who are portraying themselves as the alternative, channelling the anger of the population over the economic situation and the widespread corruption."

Along with control over the country's mosques, the Government is also struggling to usher through new anti-terrorism laws.

Many Tunisians, including most of the country's human rights groups, believe the draft law gives too much power to the security and military forces at the expense of the hard won civil liberties for which those who took to the streets in 2011 fought.

"I am afraid as these attacks continue such laws will be enforced and become even more popular," Mr Cherif says.

And there are fears that heavy-handed security tactics will only worsen the country's vulnerability to further violence.

"There are 20,000 mosques in Tunis and only 80 of them are not government-controlled … if they intensify the crackdown there will only be more terrorist attacks," warns 50-year-old school teacher Abderraouf Saadouni, who was worshipping at a mosque in the capital.

"I socialise with young people who come to this mosque and their main problems are unemployment and marginalisation – that is what gives them dark ideas, they develop an anger against the state, they take information from the internet that radicalises them."

A fellow worshipper, Badr, 26, is relieved the government is closing the illegal mosques although he is worried that the crackdown will extend well beyond the extremists who preach violence.

"I am worried," he says. "Men with beards like me are already harassed …people on the street look at us like they are disgusted, some insult us, they call us assassins, killers and bastards and say 'you ruined our country'."

"They put Salafis in the same box as jihadists but there is a difference – Salafism means to follow the path of the Prophet Mohamed and it is different to the takfiri groups who describe anyone who doesn't agree with them as infidels."

With its relatively peaceful, ongoing transition from dictatorship to democracy, Tunisia has emerged as the only success story out of the 2011 Arab revolutions.

"We have freedom of expression, freedom of the press, people are voting freely, and I think that is now under threat more now than ever," Mr Cherif warns.

"It is under threat because of ISIS, its attacks, the radicalisation of the youth and also because of the advocates of the security state, who are saying further repression is needed."

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