

This was published 8 years ago

Paris attacks: three pieces of evidence drive international hunt for accomplices, masterminds and financiers

By Nick Miller

Paris: Three key pieces of evidence are driving an international investigation into the accomplices, masterminds and financiers behind the terrorist atrocity in Paris.

One, a Syrian passport found with a suicide bomber at the Stade de France, suggests the attacker had registered on a Greek island as a refugee in early October. Greek authorities said on Saturday another of the attackers might have come through the same way two months earlier.

Another was the Belgian registration of a Volkswagen Polo hire car, which drove one of three teams of attackers to the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, the site of the most deadly attack.

That clue has already led to arrests in Belgium, and Brussels police are investigating links to an infamous hotbed of radicalism in the Belgian capital.

A black Seat linked to the terror attacks is taken away.

A black Seat linked to the terror attacks is taken away. Credit: BFMTV via AP

French officials told AP that police questioned,then freed a fugitive suspect hours after the Paris attacks.

Meanwhile on home soil, French police have conducted raids and have made two arrests after they identified – through fingerprints on a severed finger at the Bataclan concert hall – one of the attackers as a man with a criminal history who was considered a radicalised person and who had a surveillance file.

Le Monde named him as Ismail Omar Mostefai. Seven of his relatives were being questioned, sources and French media said on Sunday.


A second attacker has also been identified, believed to be a suicide bomber who blew himself up at the Bataclan as police closed in.

Police at Boulevard Voltaire near the Bataclan theatre in Paris, France in the hours after the attack that left 130 people dead.

Police at Boulevard Voltaire near the Bataclan theatre in Paris, France in the hours after the attack that left 130 people dead. Credit: Andrew Meares

Belgian police have issued an international arrest warrant for a man suspected of being involved in the attacks.

French police issued an alert and released a photo of Salah Abdeslam, describing him as 26 years old, five foot seven, and born in Brussels. The alert said he was "dangerous" and urged the public not to try to detain him themselves.

Police guard the crime scene near the La Belle Equipe cafe in Paris, France on Saturday.

Police guard the crime scene near the La Belle Equipe cafe in Paris, France on Saturday.Credit: Andrew Meares

Police say two of his brothers took part in the attacks.

It is understood the man subject to the arrest warrant lived in the Molenbeek district of Brussels, a region of high unemployment and repeated arrests of terrorism suspects in recent times.

A couple embrace after laying flowers at the La Belle Equipe cafe on Saturday.

A couple embrace after laying flowers at the La Belle Equipe cafe on Saturday.Credit: Andrew Meares

Mostefai is thought to have spent several months in Syria during the European winter of 2013-14. Investigators have traced his journey back to France through Turkey, Le Monde reported.

Mostefai had eight convictions for minor offences, and was on the radar of intelligence services since 2010 for his alleged links to Islamist radicals.

The scene outside the Bataclan theatre the morning after the attacks.

The scene outside the Bataclan theatre the morning after the attacks.Credit: Andrew Meares

​His father, a brother and five other people were being held for questioning, several French media reported on Sunday, as the hunt continued for others involved in the shootings.

The reports said searches were also being conducted in the relatives' homes in the north-eastern Aube region and in Essonne, south of Paris.

Police forensic experts work on the scene of one the shootings that took place in Paris at the Cafe Comptoir Voltaire.

Police forensic experts work on the scene of one the shootings that took place in Paris at the Cafe Comptoir Voltaire.Credit: EPA/Marius Becker

Father-of-one Mostefai was born in Courcouronnes, a southern suburb of Paris and lived in Chartres, south-west of the capital.

A source close to the investigation also confirmed media reports that a vehicle, a black Seat, used in the attacks was found with some arms onboard in Montreuil, a suburb in the east of Paris. Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said on Saturday that the Seat had been used in the attacks.

Rescue workers at the scene as victims lay on the pavement outside a Paris restaurant on Friday.

Rescue workers at the scene as victims lay on the pavement outside a Paris restaurant on Friday.Credit: AP

French media said three kalashnikovs were found in the car.

Molins said the death toll of 129 people killed in the attacks was likely to rise, as a third of the 350 wounded were very seriously injured.

This undated file photo provided by French Police shows 26-year old Salah Abdeslam, who is wanted by police in connection with recent terror attacks in Paris.

This undated file photo provided by French Police shows 26-year old Salah Abdeslam, who is wanted by police in connection with recent terror attacks in Paris.Credit: AP

On Friday night, in three co-ordinated teams over around an hour and a half of attacks in Paris' north and east, the attackers used Kalashnikov automatic weapons and then activated their explosive belts, packed with TATP explosive lined with bolts to increase their deadly effect.

Almost 90 people were killed at a rock concert at the Bataclan concert hall.

The Bataclan attackers had arrived in the Volkswagen Polo, police said.

On Saturday, the man who hired the car – a French national who lives in Belgium – was arrested on the France-Belgium border with two other men.

The other car used in the attack, a black Seat, had Belgian number plates.

According to media reports, one of the cars contained parking tickets from the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek.

Belgian police conducted raids in Molenbeek on Saturday and made several arrests.

Belgium has been the site of several recent terrorist attacks. Last year a gunman killed four people at a Jewish museum in Brussels, and in August two people were wounded after a suspected Islamist gunman boarded a high-speed train from Amsterdam to Paris.

The investigation from that train attack led back to an Islamic centre in Molenbeek.

Belgian minister of interior and security Jan Jambon said: "We are at war with ISIS. Two people have been arrested in Molenbeek for links to the [Paris] offenders. I'm determined to clean up Molenbeek."

On Saturday, Nikos Toskas, the Greek minister for citizen protection, said a Syrian passport found by French police belonged to an asylum seeker who registered on a Greek island in October.

"We confirm that the Syrian passport holder came through the Greek island of Leros on October 3 where he was registered under EU rules," an official government statement said.

Greek police have sent the fingerprint of the passport owner to France, to check whether they match those of the suicide bomber.

The Serbian Interior Ministry said the same man passed through Serbia last month where he sought asylum.

"One of the suspected terrorists, A.A., who is of interest to the French security agencies, was registered on the Presevo border crossing on October 7 this year, where he formally sought asylum," the ministry said in a statement. The Presevo border crossing separates Serbia from Macedonia.

"Checks have confirmed that his details match those of the person who on October 3 was identified in Greece. There was no Interpol warrant issued against this person."

German officials are also investigating a possible link between the Paris attack and the November 5 arrest of a man, reportedly a Montenegrin national, who was arrested in Bavaria with a weapons cache in a secret compartment in his car, including assault rifles, pistols, hand grenades and TNT explosive.

Police were said to have discovered from his sat nav that he was en route to Paris.

French President François Hollande said Islamic State was behind Friday's massacre which was "planned from the outside with help from the inside".

The international links to the attacks have led to new security concerns in Europe, which is dealing with a huge wave of migration by refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict.

In the wake of the attack the Polish government has suspended its cooperation with the EU refugee resettlement program.

And German officials have expressed concerns about a lack of proper identity checks on the asylum seekers it has offered to shelter – making it potentially easier for Islamic State to infiltrate central Europe.

In September the Vocativ news site reported an interview with a people smuggler who helped migrants cross the Mediterranean into Europe, in which he claimed extremists and al-Qaeda militants were hiding among the genuine refugees.

However Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull played down the link between asylum seekers and terrorists.

"While there have been some exceptions, the history of terrorist activities in Australia and people of concern in this area is very much for the most part, second and third-generation Australians," he said. "The screening of refugees of the humanitarian intake has been very careful."

Mr Turnbull said the Paris attacks did "look like a war", though nations were stronger than terrorists. He anticipated that security issues would be a major issue at the upcoming G20 talks in Turkey.


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