

This was published 3 years ago


Shooting for the women's vote: the smoking gun in the Trump campaign

The first time I saw a gun for sale in an American supermarket, I was searching to buy nappies for my infant son.

It was a Walmart, on the rural reaches of Sonoma County just north of San Francisco where we lived for a decade. It wasn't my usual shopping spot, so I was surprised to find the aisle containing the boxes of "diapers" not far from the counter of firearms and ammunition.

I shouldn't have been shocked. The right to bear arms to protect "vulnerable women and children" has been one of the major "sales pitches" of the National Rifle Association in defending the second amendment rights of Americans. Women, particularly new mothers, are often targeted as potential new recruits for the NRA. Even if they are not card-carrying NRA members, there are a large number of American women who have a gun in their home for "self-protection". This is not political; many of them vote Democrat.

Bear Creek Arsenal in the US is selling rifle "uppers" in hot pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month this October.

Bear Creek Arsenal in the US is selling rifle "uppers" in hot pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month this October.

Even in San Francisco, the epicentre of "peace and love" hippiedom, my sister-in-law kept a gun in a locked case under her bed. Neighbours did too. One, a former law enforcer, told me this week "it definitely was a strong instinct as a mother of a young child that started my desire to carry my gun while off duty. I never wanted to be in the position where someone was trying to harm my child and not be able to protect us". That child is now an adult, but she still carries her concealed weapon, in a relatively safe, middle-class Californian neighbourhood.

I recently called a friend who lives alone in Oakland, a neighbourhood of San Francisco which has one of the highest murder rates in the nation. A former journalist, who now works for the American Civil Liberties Union, she tells me she is considering purchasing a gun for self-defence. Not so much if Donald Trump wins the November election, but more if he loses and refuses to leave office. The day Trump won in 2016, I remember calling her and you could hear the looting going on outside her newspaper office. She fears the same will happen again, and wants to be prepared.


In 2016, the NRA spent more than $30 million on behalf of the Trump campaign, according to Federal Election Commission data. Despite its deepening financial crisis, with 200 forced layoffs at its Virginia HQ, and the civil lawsuit filed against its executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre, alleging fraud, financial misconduct and misuse of charitable funds, calls for the dissolution of the association due to chronic fraudulent management seem to fall on deaf ears. The NRA is still a major backer of the Republican movement in 2020.

You can be sure the gun rights group will take aim to recruit women this presidential election in swing states such as North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Georgia and Ohio. It's female voters here who will decide who gets to be president.

Some, like air force veteran, second amendment proponent and Florida Republican Anna Paulina Luna, are the new faces of, trying to convince women that buying a firearm is an empowering, personal choice.


NRA Women promotes everything from gunmaker Ruger's “Vote 2020 10/22 Carbine" collector's item, to hot pink rifle parts made by Bear Creek Arsenal to promote Breast Cancer Awareness month this October. Other websites such as claim their membership has surged this year, while, offers tips on trigger protection for soft holsters and fashion advice to help conceal a weapon.


It still astounds me. In the 10 years I lived in the US I never got used to the gun thing. US gun owners claim they make them feel safer. I felt the opposite.

My US-born son is now 18, and voted for the first time this US election. While resisting the urge to tick the box for rapper Kanye West who was on the California ballot for vice-president for the America Independent Party, he told me he was grateful to have grown up in Australia, to have gone to school in a nation free from mass shootings, and the threat – nay, an NRA-floated idea after the 2018 Parkland school shooting – to have gun-toting teachers and school security guards.

He feels guns to Americans are what gambling is to Australians. I remember his father, the first time he came to Australia more than 20 years ago, doing a double-take when he walked into a TAB betting shop, much like my reaction to finding guns in a supermarket.

It's true; firearms have a hold on the US national psyche in the way gambling has on ours. Both industries have extraordinary political influence in their respective countries, and are both deadly. Guns kill people quickly, while gambling is a slow death by addiction. As a dual citizen, my son's wagering a bet that whoever wins on November 3, it will end with some sort of shoot-out.

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