

This was published 5 years ago

It came from DC: invasion of the Trump effect

A remote desert town in New Mexico is at the centre of a hotly contested Republican seat these midterms. Could the Democrats take over? Weirder things have happened.

By Matthew Knott

Credit: Mark Stehle

The memory still makes Barbara Portillo shiver: this thing hurtling towards her as she watched the sun setting over the Rio Grande years ago.“I kid you not, it was like a manta ray floating through the air," she says, her eyes growing wide and her hands expressive.

“It was this grey-purple colour. Twenty feet long. Following the river. All skin. Not a damn feather on it. I've never seen it before or since.”

She takes out a pad and starts drawing the creature, which looks like a pterodactyl.

Portillo knows her apparition sounds kooky (“I was stone-cold sober,” she stresses). But that's how life is in Truth or Consequences, a remote town of 7000 people at the tip of the Chihuahuan Desert in New Mexico.

“Stay here long enough, man, you see some weird things,” says Portillo, who runs the Grapevine Bistro, a cafe on the town's main drag. On the menu: buttermilk biscuits, huevos rancheros with blue corn tortillas and maple chipotle bacon.

Barbara Portillo: "Man, you see some weird things."

Barbara Portillo: "Man, you see some weird things."Credit: Steven St John


Truth or Consequences is a magnet for drifters and drop-outs, a place where fundamentalist Christians, New Age healers, UFO enthusiasts and artists rub up against each other.

Only cacti and conspiracy theories bloom here. The White Sands Missile Range, the site of the first atomic test on US soil, is a short drive away; so is Roswell, the UFO capital of the world.

It's the type of place that you can imagine Bruce Springsteen working into a song and, indeed, he did: 2007's Last to Die (“We took the highway till the road went black/ We marked Truth or Consequences on our map”).

A few doors down from the Grapevine Bistro, Bret Berman, a cartoonist and musician, is working at Xochi's, a second-hand bookstore. There are some local history books for sale but he doesn't recommend them.

They are sanitised, he says; not a word in them about the brothels, gambling dens and saloons that powered the town's economy in its early days.

“If you told the true story of this place someone would burn a cross on your front lawn,” Berman says.

Bernie Sanders fan Bret Berman will not be voting: "Both sides are way off track."

Bernie Sanders fan Bret Berman will not be voting: "Both sides are way off track."Credit: Steven St John


The town was known as Hot Springs until 1950, when Ralph Edwards, the presenter of a popular radio quiz show called Truth or Consequences, announced he would host a live broadcast from a town willing to change its name to that of his program.

Residents hoped the exotic name would set the town apart and attract people to visit its mineral baths and maybe even move permanently.

But today the streets – lined with adobe homes painted lime green, burnt orange and flamingo pink – hang heavy with a sense of melancholy, of opportunities missed and dreams ground into gravel.

Even the lightning moves slow here.

In 2011, SpacePort America, hailed as “the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport”, opened nearby. Funded partly by a tax increase on local residents, the project promised to bring a surge of commercial activity to the area. But it has been racked by delays and sits mostly unused. Truth or Consequences remains one of the poorest towns in the state.

“Waves of people come here expecting this place to take off but it never does," says Berman, sitting surrounded by stacks of musty old books.

“If you're in a hurry in Truth or Consequences, you're in deep trouble. Even the lightning moves slow here.”


As she refills a customer's cups with percolated coffee, Barbara Portillo says: "I used to have a sign up that said, 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'.

“You can fall into a deep depression in this town if you're not careful. There is an energy that can really suck you in.”

The site of the first atomic tests on US soil, White Sands Missile Range Museum.

The site of the first atomic tests on US soil, White Sands Missile Range Museum. Credit: Alamy

Truth or Consequences sits almost smack in the middle of New Mexico's second congressional district, a sprawling seat that takes up the entire lower half the state.

The bohemian downtown area is left-leaning, but the prevalence of cattle ranchers, pecan and chilli farmers, and oil and gas extraction workers in surrounding areas gives the region a conservative flavour.

The district usually votes Republican and swung strongly behind Donald Trump in 2016, handing him an 11-percentage-point victory over Hillary Clinton.


But it has now emerged as one of the most competitive and closely watched contests in this year's midterm elections. Democrats are pouring resources into the area in a bid to win the seat on November 6, a victory that would help them reach the 23 seats required to reclaim a majority in the House of Representatives.

A poll taken in late October by Siena College found 46 per cent of voters in the district plan to vote Republican in the midterms, 45 per cent for the Democrats, with the remainder undecided.

Truth or Consequences may be an idiosyncratic place, but the political battle playing out here is emblematic of how candidates across the country are responding to Trump, a cyclonic force who has smashed the old rules of American politics.

While the President's name is not on the ballot this year, the election revolves around him.

“Yes, there’s healthcare, there are other issues,” Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's former chief of staff, said at a recent panel discussion on the midterms. “But the fact of the matter is Donald Trump is the issue.”


This may suggest that Xochitl Torres Small, the Democrat candidate in New Mexico's second district, is fashioning her campaign as a rejection of Trump's agenda.

She is running away from her party ID as fast as she can.

In fact, the former water-rights attorney rarely mentions Trump by name. Rather than a member of the anti-Trump resistance, or even a proud Democrat, she is styling herself as an “independent fighter” focused on local issues such as healthcare and the environment.

“She is running away from her party ID as fast as she can,” says Lonna Atkeson, a political science professor at the University of New Mexico.

The thinking is that Democrat loyalists – such as Dimid Hayes and Michael Donlan, a gay couple who live in a converted doctor's office in Truth or Consequences – are already fired up over Trump and won't need to be prodded to vote.

“When Trump won I felt physically sick,” says Donlan, a volunteer on Torres Small's campaign.

The don't-mention-the-President strategy is one being deployed by Democrats across the country running in seats that backed Trump in 2016. Moderate Democrat Conor Lamb used it to great effect last year when he won a Pennsylvania special election in a district Trump carried by 20 percentage points.

Dimid Hayes and Michael Donlan on Main Street in Truth or Consequences.

Dimid Hayes and Michael Donlan on Main Street in Truth or Consequences.Credit: Steven St John


Meanwhile Republican candidates, alive to Trump's popularity among the party's base, are generally hugging him as tightly as possible.“There is no Republican Party, there’s a Trump party,” former Republican House speaker John Boehner said recently. “The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere.”

An analysis of congressional advertisements conducted earlier this year by media analytics group Kantar Media found that 37 per cent of Republican congressional advertisements had mentioned Trump, all of them positively. Just 24 per cent of Democrat ads mentioned him negatively.

In her advertisements, the Republican candidate in New Mexico's second district, Yvette Herrell, describes herself as a “fiscal conservative, a Christian conservative and a Trump conservative” She has said repeatedly there's nothing she disagrees with the President on.

It's a pitch that resonates with Nancy Phelps, a Republican-voting cattle farmer who lives on a ranch near Truth or Consequences.

“I was not a Trumper in the beginning but I am now – the man has done an extremely good job,” Phelps says, pointing to the booming economy and cuts to regulations.

Eloy Valdez tosses a horsehoe watched by David Warne (centre on bench) and friends.

Eloy Valdez tosses a horsehoe watched by David Warne (centre on bench) and friends.Credit: Matthew Knott

It's a different story with David Warne, a 63-year-old retiree with long, grey hair and only a couple of teeth at the top of his mouth. Most days he meets up with his buddies to throw horseshoes, drink beer, smoke weed and trash talk each other.

Warne voted for Obama twice but switched to Trump because he liked the idea of a populist businessman in the White House.

I'm kind of sorry I voted for him.

"We needed some different blood in there,” he says. Warne agrees with Trump on the need for America's NATO allies to increase their defence spending and to renegotiate foreign trade deals: “He's right to say we're tired of pulling the weight for everybody else.”

But he adds: “I'm kind of sorry I voted for him.

“I'm retired, I'm below poverty and he's doing better for the rich people. For the middle and lower classes he's not doing anything. He lies too much.”

Warne's friend Eloy Valdez, a 70-year-old cotton farmer in a black cowboy hat, voted for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in 2016. He didn't trust Hillary Clinton but can't stomach Trump.

“He's a con artist, he thinks he's above the law,” Valdez says. “This election is very important. It is going to be a referendum on Trump.”

Big Ass Turkey Legs at the Sierra County Fair.

Big Ass Turkey Legs at the Sierra County Fair.Credit: Matthew Knott

Simply looking at the food on sale at the Sierra County Fair, held each October on the outskirts of Truth or Consequences, can make your arteries harden. Fried macaroni cheese bites, fried pickles, fried funnel cake. Slices of apple drowning in rivers of caramel sauce. Big Ass turkey legs.

The highlight of the fair is an event called “cow patty bingo”. It works like this: a field is chalk-marked with 500 numbered squares, each of which corresponds to a ticket. A cow is then let loose with one task to perform: emptying its bowels. If it relieves itself on the square carrying your ticket number, you receive a $US1000 prize.

Last year's bingo game was a suspense-filled marathon as ticket-holders waited hours for the cow to defecate. This year's heifer strolled onto the grid and instantly started splatting before most spectators had even arrived.

Watching in the stands in a burgundy shirt and flowing skirt is Alice Hutchins, who has the style and mellow energy of a 1960s folk singer. Hutchins, 48, moved to Truth or Consequences two years ago from Seattle and works as a bartender in town. A committed Christian who attends church each Sunday, Hutchins has voted Republican most of her life.

We don't fight about money but we do fight about Trump.

But when the Republicans chose Sarah Palin as their vice-presidential candidate in 2008, she felt her politics shift. Palin – a pro-life Christian woman – should have appealed to her but Hutchins recoiled from her hardline politics.

“I began to think maybe I'm more than just a conservative Christian Republican,” she says.

Hutchins approves of the fact that Trump took a chance and met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. But that's about it.

“As a human being, he's an embarrassment to me,” she says. “He doesn't respect any rules, he is abhorrent in everything he says and does.”

Her antipathy to Trump puts her at odds with almost all the members of her church and, at times, her husband.

“We don't fight about money,” she says, “but we do fight about Trump.

“My husband says our 401(k) increased by $80,000, and that it's because of Trump,” she says, referring to the US equivalent of a superannuation account. “I'd sacrifice $80,000 from our retirement so children don't have to be separated at the border.”

Hutchins voted reluctantly for Clinton in 2016 and plans to vote Democrat again, this time with gusto.

“I am motivated exclusively to stop Donald Trump getting a second term,” she says.

Alice and Michael Hutchins are divided on Trump.

Alice and Michael Hutchins are divided on Trump.Credit: Steven St John

But not everyone in town is so resolute. You hear a lot about how polarised America is today, but here in the shadows of the Caballo Mountains you also find ambivalence, alienation, even apathy.

It suggests Democrats still have work to do to convert unease with Trump into a vote for them. “I don't trust no politician anymore,” Valdez says as he hurls a horseshoe into the air.

Bookseller Bret Berman, a fan of Bernie Sanders' anti-corporate politics, should be an easy vote for Democrats. But he expects to stay home on November 6. He thinks the party became hysterical in its pursuit of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and has moved too far to the left on cultural issues.

“Both sides are way off track, I'm not invested in any of them,” he says.

The intrigues of Washington, DC, can seem far away deep in the desert where even the lightning moves slowly and the boom times are always just around the corner.

“Joseph Stalin could be president and it wouldn't affect you,” Berman says. “Not here in Truth or Consequences.”

The sun rises over Truth or Consequences.

The sun rises over Truth or Consequences.Credit: Steven St John

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