

This was published 5 years ago

How gun control went from a vote loser to a vote winner these midterms

Gun control is now a winning issue for US Democrats – in the key swing state of Florida it's shaping up to be critical. Could it be the "Gunshine State" that helps end America's love affair with firearms?

By Matthew Knott

Credit: Mark Stehle

At this time of day, Virginia Hernandez, an 18-year old Humanities student at Miami Dade College, would normally be in class. But today her professor dismissed the students early, telling them they had a more important place to be: a get-out-the-vote rally at the college's North Campus.

So Hernandez and her friends are outside in the sun on this sweltering, soupy mid-October morning, for a lesson in democratic participation.

Miami Dade, one of the biggest universities in the country, is an open-admission college, meaning anyone with a high school diploma can attend. Most students are black or Hispanic, and come from low-income families.

Students on the North Campus specialise in cinematography, biology and funeral service education (there's even an on-site embalming laboratory and casket display room). The buildings are all grey concrete and harsh lines, reflecting the brutalist style popular in the 1960s.

Softening the scene are rows of palm trees and a man-made lake, a favourite place for iguanas to bask in the sun. Dozens of the creatures – some fat and orange, with spikes running down their spines; others lithe and green –luxuriate by the water. Signs warn not to feed them: they can bite.

Enrol to vote: students campaign to get their classmates engaged in Miami.

Enrol to vote: students campaign to get their classmates engaged in Miami.Credit: Jorge Martinez


Today is the last day to register to vote in Florida before the November 6 midterm elections, and the university is going all-out to ensure that as many students as possible get their names on the electoral roll. Making voting cool is a hard ask, but they're giving it a red-hot go: a DJ is playing Drake and Rihanna, and food trucks serve free pizza and Cuban sandwiches.


The next challenge is convincing the students to cast a ballot. Voter turnout among young Americans is usually abysmal, especially in midterm elections. In the most recent midterms, in 2014, just 16 per cent of Americans aged between 18 and 29 voted compared to 55 per cent of those aged over 60.

“This is a big deal,” campus president Malou Harris exhorts from a podium, reminding the students that previous generations risked their lives for the right to vote. “This election is a game changer!”

Asked what the biggest issue is for them in their first election, Virginia Hernandez and classmate David Turino respond instantly: guns.

“There should be more restrictions – there have to be background checks, it should be harder to buy a gun on the black market,” Hernandez says.

Speaking to other students here, they say the same thing – for them, ending America's love affair with guns is the animating issue this election.

A gun shop on every corner: Miami.

A gun shop on every corner: Miami.Credit: Jorge Martinez

Nicknamed the Gunshine State, Florida has some of the loosest gun laws in America. Walking around Little Havana in downtown Miami, you see pawn stores everywhere displaying pistols, rifles and shotguns beside gold necklaces and stereo speakers.

A big reason is the aggressive lobbying of the National Rifle Association (NRA), led in Florida by the organisation's "first lady of freedom" Marion Hammer, who has worked for decades pressuring the state's politicians to enact gun-friendly legislation.

In 2016, there were 2700 deaths by firearm in Florida, more than the total recorded in Australia over the past decade. It is also the site of some of the country's deadliest mass shootings.

Forty-nine people were gunned down at a gay nightclub in Orlando in 2016. And in February this year, 17 people were killed in a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, a 40-minute drive from Miami Dade College.

It is impossible to overestimate how numb most Americans had become to the regularity of mass shootings at the time of the Parkland shooting.

We don’t want your f---ing thoughts and prayers, we want you to do something.


When a gunman opened fire at a music festival in Las Vegas last October, killing 58 people, former congressman Steve Israel wrote an opinion article in The New York Times the next day headlined: “Nothing Will Change After the Las Vegas Shooting”.

In the piece, he laid blame with the NRA and the Republican Party – but also the general public.

“You’ve become inoculated,” he said, addressing readers. “You’ll watch or listen to the news and shake your head then flip to another channel or another app. This horrific event will recede into our collective memory.”

He was right. Just days after the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in US history, gun control faded from the headlines. Congress passed no legislation to stop a similar massacre happening again.

But after Parkland, something changed. The students who survived the attack harnessed their grief to create a national student movement dedicated to preventing gun violence.

Emma Gonzalez yells, "We call BS!" at a rally for gun safety after the Parkdale shootings.

Emma Gonzalez yells, "We call BS!" at a rally for gun safety after the Parkdale shootings.Credit: Alamy

It started the night after the shooting, when a small group of Parkland students got together and came up with the name Never Again, which soon became a trending hashtag on Twitter. At a rally the week after the shooting Senior student Emma Gonzalez shot to national attention with her blistering “we call BS” speech. “Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this, we call BS,” she said.


At a town hall meeting broadcast live on CNN, surviving students and the parents of victims confronted Republican Senator Marco Rubio and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch in what has been described as one of the TV events of the year.

You've become inoculated. This horrific event will recede into our collective memory.

The month after the shooting the students organised the March for Our Lives, a rally in Washington DC that drew between 1.2 and 2 million people, making it one of the largest protests in American history.

In the lead up to the midterms, the Parkland students embarked upon a 20-state bus tour with two clear goals: enrolling as many first-time voters as possible and making gun safety a top-tier election issue.

Dana Loesch, spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association, speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2018.

Dana Loesch, spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association, speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2018.Credit: AP

Robert Spitzer, author of The Politics of Gun Control, says Parkland was a turning point in the US gun safety debate.

“This was the first time high-school students themselves seized the moment and said, 'We’re sick and tired of the government doing nothing',” he said.


“They said, 'We don’t want your f---ing thoughts and prayers, we want you to do something'.”

A Gallup poll taken a month after the shooting found that 67 per cent of Americans favoured stricter gun control laws, the highest recorded since 1993.

As a response to the shooting, Florida's Republican governor Rick Scott approved new laws increasing the minimum age to buy rifles and shotguns from 18 to 21 and extending the waiting period for handgun purchases.

Kristin Goss, an expert in public policy at Duke University, says the students' youthful energy and social-media savvy has perfectly complemented the work of Moms Demand Action on Gun Sense, an organisation created to promote gun safety after the 2012 shooting at a Connecticut primary school.

“They are the heart and soul of the movement,” she says of the 150,000 mothers in the group.

Goss says the political landscape has changed entirely from a decade ago when she wrote a book titled Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America.

“The movement,” she says, “is no longer missing.”

#NeverAgain: the March for Our Lives in Washington in March.

#NeverAgain: the March for Our Lives in Washington in March.Credit: AP

Bill Mansfield should be a busy man right now. The schoolteacher from Rhinebeck in upstate New York is a Frontline Activist Leader for the NRA, a title recognising his role as one of the organisation's “most dedicated volunteers, who work vigorously at the local, state, and federal levels to defend our Second Amendment rights”.

Deer, turkey and bear hunting are popular pastimes in Rhinebeck, and the town sits inside the state's 19th congressional district, which is rated a “toss-up” this year. The contest pits a proudly pro-gun Republican incumbent against a Democrat challenger who says firearm deaths constitute a national emergency.

Yet Mansfield says there is no campaigning going on to get gun owners to the polls. “If anyone asks me, I just tell them to go to the NRA website and look up the ratings for the different candidates,” he says.

This is not an isolated case. Long regarded as one of the most fearsome and effective lobbying groups in the US, the NRA is badly wounded, bleeding cash and on the defensive.

In a column published in the group's member magazine in October, NRA President Oliver North warned that America risked becoming “a gun-free socialist utopia” unless gun lovers get out to vote.

“All the freedoms we hold dear are at stake in this election," he said. "The enemies of our freedom are highly organised and abundantly funded, thanks to a group of super-rich political elites hell-bent on 'buying' this election to serve their own agenda.”


A financial audit published this year found the NRA's membership dues had plummeted from US$163 million in 2016 to US$128 million a year later, and that the organisation was deep in debt.

“Their current business model cannot be sustained the way it is going,” said Brian Mittendorf, an accounting professor from Ohio State University.

In this election cycle, the NRA has so far spent only US$9 million on campaign expenditures – well down on the $US25.8 million it spent during the 2014 midterms.

Meanwhile, gun-control groups are flooding the airwaves with advertising.

A Political Action Committee (PAC) founded by Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona politician who was shot at a meeting with constituents in 2011, has spent US$6.4 million this election.

Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control group founded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, has spent US$4.2 million. A separate PAC run by Bloomberg has unloaded $32 million to support pro-gun-control Democrat candidates.

The deluge of cash has helped fuel a remarkable turnaround from the last midterm elections.From January to August 2014, Democrat candidates aired 558 advertisements promoting gun control compared to 8598 Republican ads that were anti-gun control.

In the same period this year, Democrats have aired 18,416 ads promoting gun control compared to 8897 Republican ads that are anti-gun control.

In their campaign ads, many Democrats boast about receiving an F rating from the NRA.

Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in 2016 with mothers of children killed by gun or police violence. Lucy McBath is to the right of Clinton.

Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in 2016 with mothers of children killed by gun or police violence. Lucy McBath is to the right of Clinton.Credit: Alamy

At Miami Dade College, a long row of students is queuing up to vote and a stilt-walker dressed as Uncle Sam is tottering around posing for selfies.

Rebecca Pulham, executive director of Engage Miami, a group that works to engage young people in politics, tells the students they cannot argue their vote doesn't matter.

“Floridians make history every time we vote,” she says.

It's no exaggeration. Florida is evenly split between Democrats and Republicans and has enough voters to decide presidential elections. Barack Obama carried Florida twice, before Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by a mere 1.2 per cent.

Even by Florida's standards, though, this year's midterm elections are historic.

The battle for Florida's Senate seat is one of the closest in the country and Democrats are trying to take five House of Representative seats away from Republicans.

Then there is a ballot initiative that, if approved, would allow 1.4 million ex-felons in Florida to vote.

At the state level, Andrew Gillum is aiming to become the first African-American governor in the state's history and the first Democrat elected to the position since 1990.

Gillum is campaigning strongly on gun control and has highlighted the fact he was sued by the NRA for not allowing shooting in city parks when he was the mayor of Tallahassee.

Democrat Andrew Gillum, as mayor of Tallahassee, marches with students seeking gun reform after the Parkland high-school shooting.

Democrat Andrew Gillum, as mayor of Tallahassee, marches with students seeking gun reform after the Parkland high-school shooting.Credit: Alamy

North of the border in Georgia, Democrat candidate for governor Stacey Abrams has vowed to end the almost sacred legal status guns have in the state.

She wants to repeal a law that makes it legal for university students to carry concealed weapons on campus and a separate law requiring authorities to auction off any guns they collect within six months so they can be put back in circulation.

In Georgia's sixth district, a traditionally Republican House seat in the Atlanta suburbs, polls show Democrat and gun safety activist Lucy McBath with a slight lead.

In 2012, McBath's 17-year-old son Jordan was shot dead by a man at a service station when he refused to turn down the volume on the rap music playing in his car.

Formerly the national spokeswoman for Moms Demand Action, McBath was planning to run for state office this year. But she decided to run for Congress after becoming inspired by the student activists' response to the Parkland shootings.

Mothers (and a father) opposing guns walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Mothers (and a father) opposing guns walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.Credit: Alamy

Optimism about progress on gun safety should not be taken too far, says Eliot Spitzer, author of The Politics of Gun Control.

The NRA remains a powerful force within the Republican party and almost all Republican candidates remain committed to gun-friendly policies.

In Florida, Republican candidate for governor Rick DeSantis describes himself as a “big Second Amendment guy” and has said he would have vetoed the gun restrictions enacted after the Parkland shooting.

In Georgia, Stacey Abrams' opponent, conservative candidate Brian Kemp, starred in a campaign advertisement where he points a gun at a young man who is courting his teenage daughter and asks if the youngster respects the second amendment.

And with Trump in the White House, the prospect of new national gun safety laws in the near future looks remote.

A still from Bill Kemp's campaign ad featuring a young man who wants to date his daughter.

A still from Bill Kemp's campaign ad featuring a young man who wants to date his daughter.Credit: Kemp for Governor

Then there is the question of whether young people break with history and turn out to vote in large numbers at the midterms. So far the early voting trends - showing youth turnout has doubled since the 2014 elections - are promising.

"With every vote the majesty of our democracy is renewed," Miami Dade College political science professor Richard Tapia says, pumping up the student crowd. "With every vote the majesty of America is renewed."

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