

This was published 8 months ago


Why Australia joined the US in missile strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen

Australia’s support for the attacks on Yemen’s Houthis by a coalition of countries led by the US and the UK contributes to several Australian government objectives. Perhaps foremost among them is trying to silence critics who said Australia went missing when the US sought allies to send ships to the Red Sea. Other objectives were made clear by the prime minister: protecting lives, the global economy and international commerce.

It is early days, but the coalition is well-placed to achieve the latter tranche of objectives.

The Houthis are, at best, an impoverished, improvised military force that has been at war with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It was not long ago that attacks by those countries were thought by some to be war crimes, given the disproportionate capabilities and wealth of Saudi Arabia and the UAE compared with Yemen.

Yemen has not improved since then, registering a modest $US21 billion GDP ($31 billion). By contrast, the coalition it now faces has a combined GDP of over $US33 trillion ($49 trillion). By any standards, that is a mismatch of major proportions. The desired outcome – suppressing the Houthi attacks – is likely not in doubt. However, the Houthis’ success at impeding international shipping underscores the threat that determined adversaries can pose when they occupy geography of strategic importance.

Indeed, one of the important outcomes of Australia’s involvement may be for Australia to gain a deeper appreciation of the new balance shift in favour of military capabilities required for effective area denial. Yemen sits at the mouth of the Red Sea, including the narrow passage that leads to the Gulf of Aiden, and beyond that, the Indian Ocean. This passage is vital for shipping to avoid the long journey from Europe around Africa to the Indian Ocean.

Why is that important to Australia? Simply, the approach to Australia from anywhere north of Indonesia is rich in similar narrow passages that are vital to that transit. Defensively, it gives Australia the strategic benefit of geography in both distance and choke points that will disadvantage a potential attacker. The other side of that coin is that Australia needs to have capabilities to safeguard these passages.

Australia’s Department of Defence and the ADF will reflect carefully on the implications of this, both for Australia’s defence of its mainland and operations further from home – especially in and around the first island chain that is a key to military competition with China.

Diplomatically, given the company Australia is in with this coalition, there’s little international political downside to its support for the attacks on the Houthis. The Houthis’ key backer, Iran, is a pariah for the West, with little support from any country that Australia values. Nor does it have a vocal domestic constituency.


There is the more subtle question of whether the actions against the Houthis are purely to protect the lives of seamen and keep trading routes open, or whether the coalition is acting as a shield for Israel – both against missiles and drones directed at Israel itself, and Israel-related shipping. In the West, it is unlikely that this distinction will be closely examined, or if it is, greatly cared about. The Australian government’s narrative about the threat to the global economy and international commerce is likely enough.

Even Arab countries with domestic constituencies that weigh against their participation in, or vocal support for, the actions against the Houthis are unlikely to take issue with Australia for its involvement. Notably, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are not in the coalition, probably because of domestic anti-Israel sentiment. And yet, neither government is fond of the Houthis or Hamas, and while their relations with Israel may be strained, they likely feel an overriding imperative to try to defuse and stabilise relations with Israel, rather than further inflame them.

Accordingly, the Albanese government has reason to feel it has backed a winner. It can bask in the reflected strength and vigour of a government which has – sort of – gone to war for a reason projected and widely accepted as a public good; it again demonstrates solidarity (and generates goodwill) with its main ally the US and other important security partners; it feeds well into the government narrative of Iran as an adversary that operates through proxies; and is a domestic plus at a time when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s ratings have been in trouble.

Apart from the ongoing tragedy of the humanitarian crisis confronting the people of Yemen, which will unlikely feature in the context of this latest action against the Houthis, Australia’s support for this military action looks like a low-cost, high-benefit decision for the government.

David Livingstone is a former Australian diplomat and an international security and strategy specialist. He served as deputy head of mission in Iraq between 2011 and 2012.

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