

This was published 4 years ago


Israel's annexation plan spells the end of the two-state solution

By Anas Iqtait and Tristan Dunning

Earlier this month US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Israel - their first visit from a foreign official since January. Israel has mandatory two-week quarantine for overseas arrivals, but for Pompeo they made an exception.

After three inconclusive Israeli elections within a year, caretaker Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party and opposition leader Benny Gantz of the Blue and White faction have now formed an emergency government.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on May 13.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on May 13.Credit: Getty

The emergency government will put the Israeli cabinet and Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, back in business after a year of political stalemate to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. According to Netanyahu and Gantz's coalition agreement, for six months only legislation related to the battle against COVID-19 will be brought before the Knesset.

But as was the case with Pompeo, this agreement has one exception. The new government plans to advance legislation aimed at unilaterally annexing swaths of the Israeli-occupied Palestinian West Bank in line with the ‘peace’ plan unveiled by US President Donald Trump in January. The legislation could be put forward as early as July 1.

The United States has voiced support for the annexation plans, with Pompeo describing the process as ultimately an Israeli decision.

Pro-annexation politicians are scrambling to secure Trump’s approval ahead of presidential elections in November, lest Trump should lose office. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his party have rejected the policy of annexation. In February, more than 100 Democratic members of Congress signed a letter opposing Trump’s plan, saying it would "hurt Israelis and Palestinians alike" and called upon the Israeli government not to take the plan as a "licence to violate international law by annexing all or portions of the West Bank".

On April 3, 220 retired Israeli generals and security officials voiced their objection to unilateral annexation. Similarly, over 130 prominent American Jewish leaders called upon Gantz to oppose annexation. Both petitions argued that such a step would isolate Israel and cause greater instability in the region.

In response to Trump’s plan and unilateral measures by Israel, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly threatened to nullify all existing agreements with Israel and the US, withdraw recognition of Israel by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and terminate security coordination with the Israeli government.


However, the PA's threats, repeated this week, are unlikely to present a real challenge to annexation given its dependence on international aid and the Israeli government, which controls the majority of the PA’s financial flows.

The United Nations, European Union and several European states, including Britain, France and Germany, have also warned Israel against annexation. Nickolay Mladenov, the UN special envoy for Middle East peace, has cautioned that such a move would be a "devastating blow" to the two-state solution. Britain has stated that the annexation of the West Bank would violate international law and the EU declared that "steps towards annexation, if implemented, could not pass unchallenged".

Israeli soldiers make one of several arrests of Palestinians on May 12 after a soldier of their occupation force was killed by a rock thrown from a rooftop in the West Bank village of Yabad.

Israeli soldiers make one of several arrests of Palestinians on May 12 after a soldier of their occupation force was killed by a rock thrown from a rooftop in the West Bank village of Yabad. Credit: AP

Yet while there is no shortage of stated opposition to Israeli annexation, there seem to be no concrete strategies for preventing it. Both annexation and Trump’s plan are widely viewed as strengthening Israel’s permanent control over Palestinian lives, land and resources and reinforcing the divided and unequal reality that exists in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

The Australian government has yet to comment on Israel's announcement that it will move ahead with annexation. Australia has formally supported a two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine coexist peacefully, and in 2018 Australia acknowledged the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a future state along the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem. Given that Israeli annexation would mean the elimination of the very few possibilities left for achieving such a solution, Australia’s silence at this crucial moment is deeply troubling.

While the Australian government may still officially support the two-state solution, recent years have seen a shift in Canberra’s record on upholding international law and the global consensus in the occupied Palestinian territories.


For example in December 2014, at the end of Australia’s two-year tenure as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, one of Australia’s last acts was to vote against a resolution calling upon the Israeli government to end the occupation by the end of 2017. The only other country that opposed the resolution was the US.

Later in 2016, then foreign minister Julie Bishop, representing the Turnbull government, stated that Australia would not have supported a UN Security Council resolution sponsored by New Zealand condemning Israel’s settlement expansion in Palestinian territory.

In 2018, Australia and the Trump administration were alone at the United Nations Human Rights Council in voting against the Palestinian right of self-determination, an international commission of inquiry following the killings of over 100 civilians, and a call for international protection of the Palestinian people.

That year also saw Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s political fumble during the Wentworth byelection when, following the White House's lead, he said he was considering shifting Australia’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem without consulting senior Department of Foreign Affairs officials.

The Morrison government has welcomed Trump’s “peace plan” and in December Australia rejected the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction over the occupied Palestinian territories after the court’s chief prosecutor proposed launching an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

There is now a significant and widening gap between the outcome this government says it wants in that conflict and the Israeli and American political moves it is willing to support.

Opposing Israeli annexation in the West Bank would be a good place to start repairing Australia’s reputation as a state promoting multilateralism and constructive engagement in world affairs. When it comes to upholding international law and UN resolutions, Palestine should not be an exception.

Dr Anas Iqtait is a lecturer at the Australian National University.

Dr Tristan Dunning is an honorary research fellow at the University of Queensland.

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