

This was published 9 years ago

Hungary plans to rebuild 'Iron Curtain' to block migrants

By Daniel Nolan

Budapest: Hungary has unveiled plans to erect a fence along its border with Serbia as part of an anti-immigration drive, saying it "cannot afford to wait any longer" for the European Union to come up with a solution to the migration crisis.

"The Hungarian government has instructed the interior ministry to physically close the border with Serbia," said Peter Szijjarto, the foreign minister, adding that preparations would be completed within a week.

A Kosovar family after successfully crossing the Hungarian-Serbian border in February.

A Kosovar family after successfully crossing the Hungarian-Serbian border in February.Credit: Reuters

The fence will be four metres high, 180 kilometres long, and may have barbed wire, officials said.

The fence will evoke memories of the Cold War-era barriers -- including the Berlin Wall -- that separated communist eastern Europe, including Hungary, from the capitalist west.

Kosovar children wait for their parents on the Hungarian-Serbian border  in February.

Kosovar children wait for their parents on the Hungarian-Serbian border in February.Credit: Reuters

Mr Szijjarto said the fence would not violate any international agreements and that the government would hold a high-level meeting on July 1 with Serbia, which is not in the EU but wants to join, to discuss the plans.

Hungary is one of the main points of entry for migrants into the Schengen passport-free zone and is witnessing an increase in migration, with about 57,000 people entering the country illegally so far this year, up from 43,000 in the whole of 2014.

Ninety-five per cent of those cross from Serbia, which is not a member of the EU but has started accession talks. Last year, Hungary received more refugees per capita than any other EU country apart from Sweden.


Leaching voters to the far-Right party Jobbik, the government has lost patience with efforts in Brussels to reach a solution to the surging inflows into the EU.

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto, left, on Wednesday announcing the plan to fence the Hungarian-Serbian border.

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto, left, on Wednesday announcing the plan to fence the Hungarian-Serbian border.Credit: AP

Viktor Orban, the prime minister, has said that a proposal to distribute migrants evenly throughout the 28 member states "borders on insanity", while Mr Szijjarto has dismissed the EU's "rather long and time-consuming" negotiations.

But the fence plan drew immediate condemnation at home and abroad, evoking memories of the days of the Iron Curtain. The United Nations Refugee Agency said it would "place too many barriers" to the "inalienable human right" to seek asylum.

A Kosovar man wades through the water while carrying his child as they illegally cross the Hungarian-Serbian border in February.

A Kosovar man wades through the water while carrying his child as they illegally cross the Hungarian-Serbian border in February.Credit: Reuters

"This is a scandal," said a former senior diplomat in the region. . "Hungary, which was the first Communist country to dismantle the Iron Curtain, is now building a new curtain on its southern border.

"This is a very obvious diversionary tactic. There are many social and economic problems here. There are four million people (40 per cent of Hungary's population) living in poverty", the former diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Mounted police officers patrol in  Morahalom, Hungary, near the Serbian border in February.

Mounted police officers patrol in Morahalom, Hungary, near the Serbian border in February. Credit: AP

The move will prove unpopular with the EU border agency Frontex, which criticised a recent Bulgarian fencing project along its border with Turkey.

Mr Orban has upped his anti-immigration rhetoric in recent weeks, calling migration "a threat to European civilisation" and suggesting that an EU internment camp be set up outside the bloc's borders.

He has also launched a "national consultation on immigration and terrorism" - criticised by his own European People's Party bloc in the European Parliament - which asks questions such as "Do you agree that mistaken immigration policies contribute to the spread of terrorism?" Political allies of the Hungarian government across the border in Serbia, home to a sizeable ethnic-Hungarian minority, defended the fence plan yesterday. Istvan Pasztor, the leader of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians party, said the move will mean migrants will now "very likely avoid this area".

Pope Francis had harsh words for nations which refused to accept migrants, saying in his weekly audience that "people and institutions" who close doors to them should seek forgiveness from God.

Aleksandar Vucic, the Serbian prime minister, said he was "surprised and shocked" by the Hungarian government's plan to close the border.

"We will discuss this decision with our Hungarian colleagues," Mr Vucic added, speaking live on RTS state television during a visit to Oslo.

Telegraph, London, Reuters

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