

This was published 9 years ago

Europe's immigration crisis: Migrant found wrapped around car engine


In scenes reminiscent of Cold War East Berlin, refugees have taken to smuggling themselves into Europe even in car engines, in the latest episode of the continent's growing immigration crisis.

Two Guinean migrants were intercepted at a checkpoint at El Tarajal near Spain's border with Morocco, on Sunday afternoon, European media report.

A migrant from Guinea was found hiding in a car engine in a bid to enter Spain from Morocco.

A migrant from Guinea was found hiding in a car engine in a bid to enter Spain from Morocco.Credit: Guardia Civil

One man was found under the car bonnet, his body contorted around the engine. Another was found hidden under the back seat.

The man under the bonnet was treated for oxygen deprivation after potentially hours of inhaling noxious car fumes.

The man was attempting entry to Ceuta, a Spanish enclave on the African coast.

The man was attempting entry to Ceuta, a Spanish enclave on the African coast. Credit: Guardia Civil

Two Moroccan nationals, travelling in the car by conventional means, were detained.

The men were seeking entry to Ceuta - now heavily defended - a Spanish enclave at the very tip of North Africa's coast, used often as a stepping stone for illegal migration to the Spanish mainland.

Like many who have suffered injury or worse in recent weeks, the Guinean men were seeking entry into an EU member country.


The world was shocked last week by the sight of an abandoned van on the Austrian-Hungarian border. It contained the bodies of 71 migrants who had died days earlier in a vain attempt to reach the west.

A second migrant was found hiding under a car seat.

A second migrant was found hiding under a car seat. Credit: Guardia Civil

To less publicity, about 200 asylum seekers were found off the Libyan coast last week.

"Some 2500 refugees and migrants are estimated to have died or gone missing this year, trying to reach Europe," UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said in a statement last week.

Authorities in Greece last month tear-gassed migrants on its border with Macedonia.

About 300,000 people have tried to enter Greece and Italy this year via a dangerous route across the Mediterranean, according to the UNHCR.

Trafficking into the EU is thought to generate far more than $3 billion a year in income for people smugglers, estimates by the UN have found.

By contrast, 20,000 asylum seekers are estimated to have attempted entry to Australia in 2013.

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