

This was published 1 year ago


Why was bunga-bunga Berlusconi so durable? He doped Italy before ruling it

For a man who regularly said he was an entrepreneur on loan to politics, Silvio Berlusconi stayed an awfully long time.

A member of parliament until the end, Italy’s longest-serving prime minister since World War II died yesterday in Milan aged 86. He won his first general election in March 1994. Italy’s current far right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, who leads a coalition including Berlusconi’s party, was not yet old enough to vote.

That government would collapse by the end of the year, raising doubts about Berlusconi’s capacity to navigate the turbulent world of Italian politics. However, and not for the last time, he would prove his doubters wrong, leading right-wing coalitions to victory in 2001 and 2008, before eventually stepping down, as Italy’s economy melted down, in 2011. In total, he spent nine years as prime minister.

During his comeback campaign in 2001, Berlusconi famously had a biography of himself delivered to every Italian household. It was called An Italian Story. And in many ways, the story of Italy over the past half-century is the story of Silvio Berlusconi.

He doped the country before ruling it. Having established a media empire in the 1980s with the help of his political friends, Berlusconi’s television stations offered viewers a lowest-common denominator diet based on breasts, bums, boors, and (foot)balls. Lo spettacolo, the spectacle, was everything.


When Italy’s First Republic collapsed under the weight of its own corruption in the early 1990s, Berlusconi was suddenly left without his main protectors and facing judicial investigations. To save his skin, he announced he would enter politics and save the country.

Having three television stations, two national newspapers, a public relations firm, and a massive personal fortune at your disposal helps, but Berlusconi’s achievement in creating Forza Italia in just a couple of months and winning the 1994 election remains unparalleled among Western parliamentary democracies.

However, he was never willing to move beyond that initial model of the personal party, created in his own image, and build a political movement that could survive without him.


As one senior member of his inner circle told me during our meeting in the Italian Senate back in 2010: “His ideal is a party which does not give him too much cause for concern, which basically exists to provide him with power, and then it is up to him to use that power”.

If Berlusconi’s party existed to serve his needs, the same can be said of his governments. He promised voters a second Italian miracle, harking back to the glory days of the late 1950s. He delivered nothing of the sort.

Berlusconi framed by microphones in the Italian Senate in 2010.

Berlusconi framed by microphones in the Italian Senate in 2010. Credit: AP

In the decade from 2000 to 2010, Italy’s average growth, measured by GDP at constant prices, was just 0.25 per cent a year. It was the third-worst performer in the world over the period, ahead of only Haiti and Zimbabwe.

Italians under Berlusconi became poorer and, especially if they were young, were more likely to be unemployed than their counterparts in other European countries. Many of the more talented ones simply left. By the time his last government stepped down in November 2011, to be replaced by technocrats, Italy had the largest debt of any country in the European Union. The great entrepreneur who was going to run his country “like a business” had run it into the ground.

Instead, Berlusconi’s years in office were characterised by repeated clashes with the judiciary as he sought to finally shake himself free of its clutches. Laws were proposed to grant him immunity from prosecution, to make his other trials time out, and to reduce the severity of crimes he had been accused of.

Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi.

Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi.Credit: AP

And, of course, there were the sex scandals, the “bunga bunga” parties involving young women and minors, the sexist jokes, the inappropriate behaviour at international meetings.


Some of the above should sound pretty familiar to followers of contemporary politics. Before Donald, there was Silvio. Berlusconi’s legacy, his breaking of the norms of acceptable political behaviour, his disdain for the checks and balances of liberal democracy, lives on through populist politicians not only in Italy, but across the West.

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum. Don’t speak ill of the dead. Italian commentators tend to piously respect the rule that when major public figures die, it is in poor taste to discuss their flaws, however glaring they were.

For that reason, Berlusconi will – yet again – benefit from soft media treatment in his own country. But the rest of us should not be so kind.

Duncan McDonnell is professor of politics at Griffith University.

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