

This was published 2 years ago

Readers pay tribute to the Queen after her death

By Kate Rose

Australia woke this morning to news that Queen Elizabeth II had died, aged 96. Since then, tributes have been paid by world leaders, celebrities and those who knew her majesty. Readers have also been reflecting on what the Queen means to them. This is what they wrote:

Queen Elizabeth II of England at Balmoral Castle with one of her corgis, in 1952, the year she became Queen.

Queen Elizabeth II of England at Balmoral Castle with one of her corgis, in 1952, the year she became Queen.Credit: Getty

In November 2011 my husband (then Australian of the Year) Simon McKeon and I were invited to a cocktail function being attended by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at Parliament House Canberra. The then prime minister, Julia Gillard, was leading her majesty down our side of the room, and Prince Philip was being led down the other side of the room. Across the crowd, Julia Gillard’s eyes met mine, and we had an unspoken task before us; to steer our charges towards each other through the sea of VIPs in order for them to meet. Finally, we four met. The PM introduced Simon and after his formal introduction he introduced me. Simon, then Chair of CSIRO, proceeded to share his story of how the Queen was used as a guinea pig when she was in Australia in 1963. In 1963 CSIRO were developing Aerogard (which they later sold to Reckitt and Colman.) On her first day of playing golf here, her majesty had been harangued by flies. Word got out and CSIRO contacted her people and offered their newly developed personal insect repellent for her majesty to trial. It was a success, and the Queen was then able to play unhindered. The Queen didn’t appear to recall it at all, but she seemed to really enjoy Simon’s tale and laughed so much I could see all of her back teeth! Heather Forbes-McKeon

It was with great sadness that we learned of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passing. She was an unwavering remarkable sovereign, and she will be sorely missed. The Royal family are in our thoughts and prayers. - Cecilia Preston

My mum tore photos of the Royal Family out of magazines and pasted them on her walls. One day our son, aged three, saw the Queen on the TV and said, ‘Look, nanny’s friend.’ And that is how she seemed to many of us. - Chris McGregor

My grandmother was an avowed Monarchist. Born in 1920, she made scrapbooks with pictures of the royal family cut from magazines in them for me as a child. We would discuss them like they were members of our extended family, especially Diana and Charles and the little princes William and Harry in the 1980s. It was a special time for me in my relationship with my dear grandmother. The grief for the loss of her is intertwined with my feelings at the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. - Elizabeth Shield

A woman of grace, intelligence and humble steadfast leadership. Thank you for your leadership and inspiration, a great woman of her times. With sincere admiration and condolences. - Suzanne Cridge


We have been truly blessed to have had you in our lives. Your unwavering commitment to duty is something that will be missed. May you forever Rest In Peace. - Mark and Jo

For my entire life of 36 years I’ve known the Queen to be a constant presence in Australian life, and always a source of stability and comfort. I had the joy of seeing her briefly in person when she attended the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, at the Royal Exhibition Centre, but I will always remember with fondness the strength nations like Australia and others in the Commonwealth drew from her in moments of sadness and the stability and guiding leadership she provided. We take things like the Crown and Queen for granted, and don’t know what we had until it’s gone. But I feel sad today and she will be well remembered and missed greatly. - James


I had lunch with the Queen in 1963. Melbourne Town Hall. I was only 7, and all I can remember is that crayfish was served. My uncle was Lord Mayor at the time, which is how we as a family got to attend. She will be sorely missed. - Jan Syme

I feel like I’ve lost my nan, a lady so beautiful, kind, thoughtful always. Now with her beloved Prince. Thank you. - Therese Black

We have lived, studied and worked in both the UK (London) and Australia (Melbourne) for over 50 years as migrants from Myanmar and have been privileged to have witnessed the lovely face and countenance of our gorgeous Queen Elizabeth II and all her equally lovely immediate and extended family all these past decades. I am sure we will all miss her presence and grace - fond memories for the rest of our lives. May God allow us to meet her one glorious day on that great day of resurrection. Amen. - Malcolm A. Roberts

I had the privilege of meeting Her Majesty at a garden party at Government House (Sydney) when I was a young journalist at Radio 2GB. The Queen noticed the logo on my microphone and saw other journos near me holding mikes bearing the logos of competing stations (2UE and 2WS). After introducing myself, Her Majesty quipped: “I see you’re consorting with the enemy, Colin”. I will always remember her radiant smile and send my condolences to the royal family and all those who admired Queen Elizabeth II. Colin Tyrus

I have loved the Queen ever since I was a little boy going to school in Baradine. We would sing God Save The Queen while looking at her picture on the wall. Those memories have never left me. She loved this country and we loved her back. Today is an incredibly sad day. Rest in peace, Your Majesty. – Ben Zoffman

For someone who early in life stated a desire to become “country lady with lots of horses and dogs”, her late majesty Queen Elizabeth II certainly took to her responsibilities as Queen with dedication, humour and aplomb. Let us not forget, however, that beyond the role of head of state, she was also a mother and grandmother, and it is to Her family most of all that my thoughts go out to today. May she rest in Peace. – Aydan Casey

On a visit to Melbourne the Queen rode the tram from Federation Square to Government House.

On a visit to Melbourne the Queen rode the tram from Federation Square to Government House.Credit: Fairfax Archives

She was like a family member. She was one of the strongest women we will ever know she will be missed Briton will not be the same ever again. – Sue Cosford

Although I did not know the Queen personally, it was comforting to know that we had a strong woman leader, who was courageous and kind. She made a long-lasting impact on many lives, and I know that we will miss her deeply as a country (Australia). Many have been touched by the spirit the Queen held. In a world filled with much despair, she managed to fill it with a spark no one else could. I send my deepest regards to the royal family, and am thinking of them during this unfathomable time. – Violet

She was an amazing lady. I remember seeing her at Town Hall Sydney in 1954. I was four. May she RIP. – Gayle Byrin

With grace, dignity and kindness will this extraordinary and much-loved monarch be remembered always. – Aubrey Seknow

I remember being in North Sydney park as a school child, to welcome the Queen on her first visit to Australia. It was a most exciting day. Since then, I have been inspired by her resilience in the face of adversity, her service to her country and the Commonwealth, and her humility, leadership, and humanity. Rest In Peace your majesty. – Carmel Brooks

I stood on the banks of the Thames at Tower Hill for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012. The rain tumbled down but the crowds were massive, watching the Queen at the head of the river pageant. It was such a joyous, momentous early June day. To my surprise, just over two weeks later, I had the opportunity to meet her majesty at Royal Ascot as she fawned over Black Caviar, the unbeaten Australian mare who had just won the Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Her knowledge of horses and of racing was as good as any person I have met and she fondly recalled her 1997 Melbourne Cup runner Arabian Story. Today is a very sad day – as an Australian, as a racing fan, as a global citizen. The world as we know it is simply not the same without Queen Elizabeth II at the helm. – Andrew

She was one of the few people of high office in this world, who made a promise early in her life and through a deep sense of duty kept it right until the end of her life. – Veronica Ranyard

Heart-wrenching to hear of the much loved and admired Queen Elizabeth. She has served her country with such dignity and grace and was much loved worldwide. Now she will be with her beloved husband Prince Philip and will continue their journey side by side. God Bless her majesty for her devoted service, who never faltered or complained of her service to her country. Passing in her beloved Balmoral Residence. Forever remembered. – Mari Rothbauer

Born in 1963 I have only ever known of life under the Queen. At primary school we sang God save the Queen at morning assembly and as an adult I went to serve in the Royal Australian Air Force. She has and always will be a piece of my heart, an idea of humble yet great love and humility, and an icon of a kinder and more gracious generation who lived a life of service. RIP. – Steve

For the entirety of my life she was Queen, she will always have a place in my heart. – Lixxie

A gracious, poised, hard-working and dedicated person who optimised the principle of service to humanity. – Diane Fitzmaurice


For me, the queen epitomised stability, duty and grace. She was such a constant in our ever-changing world. In some ways I dread a world without her. Although I know she lived a privileged life, I am grateful for the way she handled herself and the example she gave amidst a world that is crumbling. I hope that Charles can draw everyone together the way she has. I am thankful for the way she died – with dignity to the end. She was a great gift to the world. – Vicki Hosking

The most extraordinary woman of the 20th century. – Peter Bartley

The world has lost its brightest beacon. She was an exemplary example of how a leader should behave. A huge contrast to some of the world’s recent politicians. Truly selfless and often the institution of last resort. We all owe her a massive debt, which can only be repaid through service to others. – Marg Shonk

Farewell. At the last setting of the sun each day, may we continue to remember you fondly for the gracious joy and service you have given to all. – R Chee

Our universal grandmother is gone to join her great love. How beautiful to watch their gracious lives unfold and hold them in our hearts for so long. – Beth

No matter what turmoil existed in the world the Queen was a stable and calming influence. We grew up with our Queen and even though she was in a distant land we sang God Save the Queen at every assembly. It is a sad day for the world. Rest in Peace dearest Queen. – Geoff Stewart

I was fortunate enough to see the Queen three times in person. As a primary school student waving a small flag at the opening of my mum’s workplace in the 1990s. Once on her last trip to Australia in 2011 during the Perth commonwealth heads of government meeting, when I was a young student leader. And finally, during her last overseas trip, in Malta during the Commonwealth Summit. Her kindness as she made her way through the crowds always stood out, despite meeting so many people. I think one of the Queen’s greatest legacies will undoubtedly be her steadfast leadership of the Commonwealth of Nations. Although I’m far from a royalist, I’ve always been a big believer in the potential of this grouping of nations - so lovingly led by the Queen - to be a force for good in the world. - Michael Sheldrick

Queen Elizabeth II was devoted to her calling, dignified, respectful and capable. It is unlikely there will ever be another quite like her. - Keith Howden


I am shattered, totally shattered. RIP beautiful Queen Elizabeth II, the world will never be the same without you. I pray that our God blesses you for all that you have done. - Paula Sirone

I really thought you would live forever. I can’t imagine a world without Queen Elizabeth II. Rest in peace your majesty. - Ken

My son Henry lives in London. One day we were standing near Buckingham Palace when we heard a helicopter overhead and around the corner came the Queen and Prince Phillip in a Royal car. It’s something special to see them live. - Geoff Moss

I felt shocked and saddened when I heard the news this morning of the Queen’s passing. Having been born in 1958, she is the only monarch whom I have known and has provided a great constancy over my life and times. I will miss her. - Ross Galloway

Like many, many others, she was the only Queen I had known during my life (51 years and counting) and the backdrop to life. I am neither a monarchist or a republican but I will miss a person I never met, who never met me but whose personality and dedication stood out over all these years. Vale my Queen. - Mandorallen

I was a school boy when she first came to Australia ‘when I did but see her passing buy’. Her entire life has been dedicated to people. Like all families her children had difficulties and I think she was a model mother in how she guided and assisted her children in a very public gaze through their emotional traumas.How she protected her teenage grandsons on the death of their mother Diana. So many times when the world saw only darkness Elizabeth our Queen saw light and hope. We are all the richer for her example. - Geoff Quinn

I remember being in the Guard of Honour in 1954 along Missenden Road when completing National Service. Also when she passed through Hurstville on a train. A very sad time for us all. Thank you for your long service. RIP. - Ronald Gordon Field

The Queen was a tremendous example of service, dedication and strength. I was heartbroken when she lost her great love, Phillip. She was a great example to all and can never be replaced. My Mum adored her and gave me her name. We have so many wonderful memories, especially her moments of fun. - Liz


As it has been said by many already, Her Majesty Elizabeth II has been the Queen my whole life. I have a deep found respect and love her grace, humility and dedication to serve until the end. I had the privilege to be at her Balmoral Estate during the Jubilee festivities in June. What a memory to be cherished. Rest In Peace. - Jonathan Zhao

There will never be another Queen Elizabeth. We have admired your grace and poise, intellect and leadership. Thank you. - Claire

As a baby boomer, for me the Queen has always been there. What a wonderful service HM has given to so many and will be missed by millions. She was like a Grandmother. Thank you and may your deal soul Rest in Peace. - David Francis

I feel unaccountably sad today. I am not the most fervent monarchist in our family (mum and dad stopped everything for the Queen’s Christmas message!) but she encapsulated so many good qualities (honour, duty, decency and self-deprecating humour) sadly missing from so many public figures. - Mark McNair

My grandmother adored the Queen. She fussed over us to get ready and we walked down to the main road in Newcastle to watch the Queen drive by in her black limousine, waving through the windows. I was six years old. We children were holding Australian flags to wave. The Queen had disembarked her ship at the port of Newcastle, to drive past the crowds to continue to Sydney and Canberra. This was the Queen’s royal visit to Australia in 1970. - David Hart

“Victorious, happy and glorious.” She has been there in my life always. I have seen her seven times. The most wonderful Queen and leader. What a life! Love you Lillibet. Fly high. - Sheelagh Wannop

Your Majesty, you were, and remain, the most amazing role model of service, duty and love. You will live forever in our hearts. Perhaps the most remarkable woman who has ever lived. Thank you for your incredible life. - Carole Dent

I saw her twice in my life. I saw her in my hometown of Lismore in 1954 during pouring rain and I still remember what she was wearing. Many years later I saw her with her family during a reception at the Sydney Town Hall. A truly gracious and dedicated lady right to the end. - Daphne Freke

Thankyou Ma’am for your service and duty. The end of an era. - Martin

A lady I will never forget. Queen Elizabeth has fulfilled her pledge and has served her country, the Commonwealth and the nations of the world by her example, her graciousness and her life wisdom. I well remember her becoming Queen on the death of her wonderful father, King George IV. May she be welcomed in Heaven and now be able to rest in peace. - Noel Harding

A great loss not only to UK but to many of us around the world, the Queen set the perfect role model of what public servant should be. We are forever grateful for her 70 years long of service to her people and around the world. She will be forever in our hearts as our only true Queen. - Carrie

Some tributes have been edited for clarity or length.

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