

This was published 4 years ago

'Onshoring' manufacturing after pandemic will drive up prices: ICC boss John Denton

By Bevan Shields

London: The push to 'onshore' more production in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic will lead to higher prices and damage the long-term global economy, the Australian head of the world's largest business organisation warns.

John Denton, the secretary-general of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce and Industry, also said that the appetite among world leaders to solve problems together has now "all but evaporated" unlike the global financial crisis.

John Denton is the first Australian secretary-general of the International Chamber of Commerce.

John Denton is the first Australian secretary-general of the International Chamber of Commerce. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Denton made the comments while delivering Deakin University's 2020 Brookes Oration on Wednesday.

Denton was the former chief executive of law firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth for many years before he went to run the ICC in 2018. The organisation represents more than 45 million businesses across 100 countries and has big influence in trade policy.

Denton said the pandemic had made global connectivity weaker and exposed an over-reliance on importing goods - particularly personal protective equipment - from China.


But he also warned against panic and embracing "short-sighted" export bans on medical equipment and supplies.

"In this era of feeble international cooperation, many political leaders questioned whether they can rely on trading partners to allow the necessary goods and services to flow in times of crisis," Denton said.

He said this had fuelled protectionism that seeks "in misguided fashion to reduce the risk of trade lapses by requiring production onshore".


"This policy distortion, coupled with a resurgent discussion on industrial self-reliance, will if unchecked dramatically alter the landscape of global trade for the worse.

"It will lead to overall higher prices, reduced production and increase product scarcity."

Denton said goods trade alone was worth $19.5 trillion in 2018, or nearly 15 per cent of global GDP.

North America and Europe would face the greatest declines in the medium-term however Africa and Latin America would suffer the "most enduring" losses, he predicted.

He encouraged middle powers like Australia, France and Japan to "seize the mantle of leadership" and promote free and fair trade.

"Uncertainty will be the dominant challenge of the coming months and years. We will need to apply fresh thinking, to be responsive and to adapt," he said.

"We may accept that going it alone can work for a while. Divisiveness can score political wins.

"But COVID-19 has demonstrated that our inability to tackle common problems in collaboration will be to our collective detriment."

The World Trade Organisation warned in April that the coronavirus pandemic could wipe up to a third off usual global trade in 2020.

Denton used the lecture to endorse the need for change at the WTO, which is searching for a new director-general amid sustained criticism of the organisation by US President Donald Trump and some other leaders.

"For too long, the Geneva-based instituation's trade rules have been allowed to rest on the laurels of their creation, falling increasingly out of step with the realities of today's economy and the needs of voters throughout the world," Denton said.

"I say this because acknowledging failings is not an admission of failure. It is instead an urgent call for reform of a system that has succeeded, but imperfectly."

The ICC has more than 300 employees in Paris, together with local teams around the world, and is responsible for the International Court of Arbitration.

Denton also serves on the board of fund manager IFM Investors.

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