

This was published 7 months ago


Meet my friend, the UK Labour candidate seeing Red amid Tory death spiral

On a freezing day beneath leaden skies, I am standing on a street corner in Newcastle-under-Lyme, a bleak industrial town in the north of England. It is also a parliamentary constituency – one of the traditionally safe Labour seats won by the Tories when, in 2019, Boris Johnson blitzed the culturally conservative working class north with the promise to “get Brexit done”.

More than 40 seats – Labour’s so-called “Red Wall” – fell, giving Johnson the largest Conservative majority since Margaret Thatcher. The closest Australian comparison is John Howard’s rout of Labor in western Sydney in 1996.

Adam Jogee, the Labour candidate for Newcastle-under-Lyme, left, on the campaign trail with the shadow foreign secretary, David Lammy.

Adam Jogee, the Labour candidate for Newcastle-under-Lyme, left, on the campaign trail with the shadow foreign secretary, David Lammy.

Only Johnson, with his remarkable ability to connect with working-class Englishmen, could have won the Red Wall for the Tories – which is one of the reasons I think they were mad to get rid of him. Winning back these seats is key to Labour’s path to government.

At the moment, it looks very hard to beat: the latest polls show Labour 27 points ahead. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, with an approval rating of just 20 per cent and net favourability of minus-46, is almost twice as unpopular as Johnson was at his lowest point. On those figures, every Red Wall seat would be back in the Labour column, and it would win a thumping parliamentary majority.

Newcastle-under-Lyme traces its origins to medieval times: last year, it celebrated the 850th anniversary of its incorporation by royal charter granted by the Plantagenet Henry II in 1173. It has sent a representative to Westminster since the primordial House of Commons first emerged from the mists of the Middle Ages.


Today, it is typical of the grim towns of the north, with its shabby high street, dilapidated infrastructure, rundown public amenities and general air of neglect. The English journalist Sebastian Payne, in his classic book on the 2019 election, described these places as “Labour’s broken heartlands”. These communities, having borne the brunt of Thatcher’s closure of the coal industry in the 1980s, subsequently failed under both Conservative and Labour governments to match the relative prosperity of the south. Finally, alienated by what the Labour Party had become under the clownish Trotskyite Jeremy Corbyn, and pinning their hopes on Brexit, in 2019 they bought what Boris was selling.

But now Boris is gone. Labour has got its act together under the respectable Sir Keir Starmer KC. Sunak’s government is in a seemingly irreversible death spiral. Houses here don’t have verandahs, and people probably don’t own baseball bats, but you get the picture. Traditional Labour voters, charmed by Johnson’s idiosyncratic appeal and patriotic rhetoric, had a once-in-a-lifetime fling with the Tories and are ready to return to their natural political home.

Newcastle-under-Lyme has an interesting Australian connection. Joseph Cook, our sixth prime minister, was born here, in the coalmining district of Silverdale. Cook was in office for only 15 months on the eve of World War I, as leader of the “Commonwealth Liberal Party” – the first official use of “Liberal” in a party name. He later served as high commissioner in London. Disappointingly, the sole recognition of the town’s only prime minister is a plaque among a montage on a memorial to the coalmining industry.


Apart from paying homage to Australia’s first Liberal prime minister, I’m also here because the Labour candidate Adam Jogee is a friend of mine and I promised to visit him during his campaign. Not to canvass, of course; my Tory sympathies are a given. (When I’m picked up from the railway station by a fashionably dressed young operative in a Mercedes, he says, pleasantly enough, “I don’t usually give lifts to Conservatives”) Just observing.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with Labour leader Keir Starmer
in London last May.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with Labour leader Keir Starmer in London last May.Credit: X

Coincidentally, shadow foreign secretary David Lammy is campaigning in the constituency today, so this is a good opportunity to meet and sound out his views on the Australia-UK relationship.

Jogee is one of the brightest young up-and-comers of the Labour Party, and an emblematic Commonwealth citizen of Zimbabwean, Jamaican, Indian and English heritage. He is also – this is how we became friends – a world-class politics nerd with encyclopaedic knowledge of the political minutiae of Commonwealth nations. When I was high commissioner, he would commonly ring to gossip about such recondite topics as the latest political developments in Barbados, a recent byelection in Canada, or the effect of a redistribution in Western Australia.

Elected mayor of the north London borough of Haringey in 2020 at the age of just 28, he deftly navigated the Labour civil wars and is close to Starmer. Like the constituency itself, he has interesting Australian connections. He is a good mate of Anthony Albanese’s, and last year represented UK Labour at the ALP National Conference. He is also, bizarrely, a cousin of Malcolm Turnbull’s, to whom he is distantly related through the Lansbury family.


The Conservatives are deeply embedded both with Australian strategists (Lynton Crosby and his protege Isaac Levido have run Tory campaigns for years) and Australophile senior politicians (Johnson, Liz Truss and Sajid Javid among them). Starmer’s team has fewer Australian connections. (The notable exception is Catherine West, originally from Sydney, who is shadow minister for Asia and the Pacific.) In years to come, Adam Jogee may well be the senior figure in a future Labour government who knows Australia best.

Before I leave, I secure from him and from the local Silverdale councillor a promise to erect a statue to commemorate Joseph Cook.

George Brandis is a former high commissioner to the UK, and a former Liberal senator and federal attorney-general. He is now a professor in the practice of national security at the ANU’s National Security College.

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