

This was published 9 years ago

Europe tries to ensure asylum seekers reach shore safely

Europe's policy towards boat people is a stark contrast to Australia's, even if refugees' futures are uncertain.

By Nick Miller

Sicily: When you think about what it means, the first step gives you goosebumps.

A young man, his dark face illegible behind a white mask, pauses at the end of the gangplank of the Italian navy ship the Commandante Borsini.

Asylum seekers arrive in Sicily.

Asylum seekers arrive in Sicily.Credit: New York Tiimes

It's about 9am. A day ago, he was adrift in the Mediterranean on an overcrowded dinghy under grey skies. Days earlier, he was in Libya, beaten, hunted, a pawn of the criminals that operate in open defiance in the ports of that failing state.

Before that, he was crossing the north African desert in the hot bowels of a truck. Before that, the hopelessness and violence of Mogadishu, Somalia, his home.

Safe landing: Refugees rescued by a Spanish navy vessel involved in Operation Triton line up in Sicily.

Safe landing: Refugees rescued by a Spanish navy vessel involved in Operation Triton line up in Sicily.Credit: Nick Miller

Now he is taking his first bare footstep onto European soil, at the Augusta port on Sicily's eastern coast. The harbour is on his right, glinting in the autumn sun. Ahead and to the left rise the flanks of Mount Etna. It is likely he has only the faintest idea where he is.

He owns the reeking clothes on his back. He is a stranger in a continent tiring of dealing with his too-familiar desperation.

An official is waiting. The official holds out a bottle of aqua panna some biscotti, and some brand-new sandals.

Beyond that is a makeshift Red Cross tent. Beyond that, a gaggle of Polizia and army and UNHCR and coastguard and Gardia di Finanza (anti-smuggling police) in green berets. And beyond that, maybe, a future.

Fleeing multitudes: Hundreds of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa arrive at Augusta port in Sicily in September.

Fleeing multitudes: Hundreds of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa arrive at Augusta port in Sicily in September. Credit: New York Times

He leans forward and his eyes don't lift to the horizon, he just shifts his bodyweight and he's on Sicily's soil.

To an Australian observer, the contrast to our own treatment of boat people is, well … clear.

This is not a rare moment. The only media here are international, to the locals it's about as remarkable as the bus timetable.

The 300 refugees on board the Borsini were picked up a day earlier from three boats, as part of Operation Triton, the EU's border protection patrol that is substituting for Italy's overburdened Mare Nostrum humanitarian operation to rescue asylum seekers (though paradoxically, with fewer resources). In November, almost two boats a day were intercepted off the Libyan coast. Tens of thousands are fleeing Africa and the Middle East for the European Union.

Two days earlier, another of Operation Triton's patrol vessels, the Rio Miño, set out on patrol from Pantelleria, an Italian island halfway to Tunisia.

Fairfax was the first Australian media organisation to go aboard an Operation Triton mission. Along with journalists from Italy, Brazil and Ireland we took a launch over the mirror-still, palm tree-lined harbour out to the Spanish coastguard ship.

Commander Jose Maria Dueñas greeted us.

Apparently, with only three Triton vessels strung across a wide stretch of the Med, it is vital that today we patrol this stretch, a long way from Libya, out of sight of common trafficking lanes (more on this later).

After weeks of patrol, the Miño has not seen a single refugee. But if they do see one, Dueñas says, the protocol is this: "First of all, get them out, inside our vessel," he says. A nurse will check for infection. They will get water, orange juice and clothes. They will be taken to an Italian harbour.

The Miño has room for 200 in its diesel-smelling hold, scrunched together on the fresh-white-painted seats – plus some secure cells for potential traffickers.

Ewa Moncure, spokeswoman for Frontex, the EU body that has run Triton since its inception at the start of last month, says Triton is a border patrol operation, not a search and rescue mission. But if a refugee boat is spotted, the laws of the sea require a rescue. One of their planes might find the boat, or those on board might call authorities and ask for help. Moncure once got a call on her mobile while she was in Ikea, from a family in Sierra Leone telling her that their son was on a boat in the Mediterranean and could she please arrange a rescue (she did, they picked up 80 people).

They usually genuinely need rescuing.

"As a rule those boats should never leave harbour," Moncure says. "They are so unseaworthy, so overcrowded."

More than 5000 have been rescued since the beginning of November, she says (at the time it is the third week of November). The majority come from Libya.

"The people smugglers are doing very well," she says. "It's a great business, very low risk – for them. A big vessel will earn them up to half a million euros. There is very little coastguard in Libya [to stop them], no police. It's a very nasty business.

"This year we see more people in smaller boats, with less fuel and less water.

This year about 3000 refugees died attempting the crossing.

"It's a very dangerous journey. We had huge waves here two weeks ago. The navy were saying they were scared."

Not today. We pass a pod of dolphins, leaping from the bathtub sea.

"Is it boring? Sometimes," Dueñas says.

At Augusta, the Borsini is gradually emptying. White suited, Ebola-proofed sailors guide the rescued refugees to the gangplank, after an initial health check. A small group of men and women with suspected scabies are separated from the rest. The order is children first (or those claiming to be children, which gives them a better stab at refugee status – some of these children look pretty mature), women, and finally the men.

They line up at the Red Cross tent for another medical check, then they are chivvied into lines and marched to a makeshift compound at the land end of the pier. They are starting to relax and chat. They look around them. Some put their arms around each other. Here and there is a smile, and a V-for-victory sign for the media.

Their new sandals shuffle on the concrete dock.

On board the Miño, a boat is spotted. We are at the limit of the planned day's patrol, within sight of the Tunisian coast, but the commander decides to take a look. Infrared cameras detect only three on board. Nevertheless (and some of us suspect for show, though we are assured not), a launch is sent to buzz the boat at close range. As everyone already knew, it's a Tunisian fishing boat, population three fishermen, unknown number of fish. The launch returns.

It's lunchtime. The Italian government representative on board opens a bottle of the red wine he's brought for the crew. There are churros dipped in chocolate. The cook expertly slices a leg of juicy Spanish smoked ham. They have three more legs in the pantry. The main course is seafood chowder - then, of course, the espresso machine chugs into action.

Often the refugee boats come all at once – if the weather is calm, 20 can launch in a day.

Dueñas says that back in July, while working for the normal Spanish coastguard, the Miño picked up a boat of Moroccan migrants.

"They were very happy," he said. "It's very gratifying to save lives. Their faces change when they come on board. There are smiles."

What happens next depends. There are bilateral treaties – if Egyptians turn up in Italy, and cannot establish a convincing asylum claim, they are returned. The same for Tunisians.

But others genuinely need help. They have fled war in Syria or the wreckage of Eritrea. You get West Africans, even some from Afghanistan or Pakistan at the end of an inconceivable journey. Triton's "screeners" use simple tests to make sure they are not lying – questions about geography or currency weed out the try-ons.

"We have never taken anybody back to Libya," Moncure explains. "There is a hypothetical search and rescue scenario that it would be the best solution, but we would need to define the destination as a 'safe city' – and that is not Libya!"

European laws and regulations cover in great detail the rights of those seeking asylum, and the obligation of those who find them while they are seeking it.

When they are picked up, some say they would never have made the journey if they knew what it was like. Others say it was fine. Others say they have seen horrors in Libya and could never go back.

But the bottom line is, for whatever reason, twice as many are being driven to try it this year compared to last.

In Augusta, the refugees are being separated into groups, given tags and numbers, asked their names and ages. They are offered more biscotti, water and milk. Some line up multiple times, testing the patience of the server behind the bench: "one each, one each!"

The conversation level matches the rising air of confidence and relief. Some come outside their camp-bed-lined tents to ask for cigarettes.

"Most of them don't want to stay in Italy, they want to go to another country – Germany or Sweden," explains Giovanna di Benedetto, spokeswoman forSave the Children Sicily.

"It's very important, what we are doing here – but I have seen it now 100 times. There is a deep crisis in Libya. Most of them have been tortured, they have known every kind of violence. It's normal that they want to have a normal life, in another country. Yesterday I saw a child who had lost a father, mother and a brother.

"Should we respect their right as human beings? Of course!"

They attend to urgent needs. Some have been at sea for more than a week, without water and food, drinking their own urine. Some have been beaten by traffickers. Sometimes they have arrived with the dead.

"I'm happy," says Wardo Suliman after I tell him he is in Italy. He tells me he is 16 and has come from Somalia.

"Three days, four days," he was in the dinghy. "Small boat, very crowded. We are 150 person."

Before that, Somalia. "Somalia is problem. War, hungry, murder people. Many things in Mogadishu."

Mohammad Mukhta, 15, is also from Mogadishu. He says he paid $US2000 ($2400) to traffickers.

"We did not sleep [on the boat]. We sit like this [he puts his arms together]."

Why are they here? Yahya, 16 (or 14, or not), from Mogadishu, replies.

"Life very difficult in Mogadishu. Terrorists and come and kill you, they say they are the police for us. From Mogadishu to Ethiopia, from Ethiopia to Sudan by car, and then to Libya.

"Life in Libya very difficult. Two months. Hard, very hard. When I paid money for boat they cut me, the Libyan kill me kill me and I go to prison. I running, I escape. After that I buy another to go in boat. I paid $1500, two times. When you go the ship they beat you, they say go go go.

"But I am smiling now, I am fully happy."

The night before, I sat outside a Sicilian café sharing a beer with Giovanni Abbote, a worker for the International Organisation for Migration. He told me he did not understand why Triton was patrolling from Pantelleria. He guesses it's symbolic, to signify a break from last year's tragic Lampedusa shipwrecks in which hundreds of refugees died, and the subsequent Mare Nostrum exercise.

But hardly any boats try to go from Tunisia to Italy – maybe one every few months. The action is out of Libya, the historic endpoint of migration in Africa's north.

Abbote has seen the joy of refugees reaching Sicily, and he has seen the boats that arrive with hundreds dead or missing. He has looked after a young girl who lost her whole family in a shipwreck until they could arrange for her grandfather to come and take her back to Sudan.

"They are just escaping from Libya," he says. "Why do they cross the sea? It is their only option. They cannot go to Egypt or Tunisia, south is the desert, so they cross the ocean.

"It's impossible to open humanitarian camps in Libya. We cannot send them back to torture, to killings, to deportation."

He knows this is a problematic situation, that the reception facilities are overcrowded, that resentment is growing in Italy against the newcomers (though Sicilians are more accepting than the rest of the country).

"The reception system has many problems," he says. "Our approach is humanitarian, we feed them and provide for them, but we do not so much give them the possibility to integrate. Here you have villages of 3000, 4000 where only Africans live."

In Augusta a line of coaches arrive, their seats wrapped in plastic, to take the refugees to the hotels, schools, B&Bs and public buildings across Sicily acting as reception centres, where they plan their next move.

A Guardia di Finanza officer has been watching the whole process. He and his workmates are avid watchers of the Australian TV show Border Security.

"It's very different," he says. "Here it is more human, but it is complicated. Too many people. But if we send them back, they come again."

Launched: October 2013 by Italian government.

Rescued: More than 100,000 people.

In the first seven months of 2014, more than 87,000 people arrived in Italy by sea, mainly from Eritrea and the Syria.

Mare Nostrum has officially been replaced by Operation Triton, unofficially it is continuing until the end of December

Launched: November 1, 2014

Monthly budget: EUR 2.9 million

Resources: three open sea patrol vessels, two coastal patrol vessels, two coastal patrol boats, two aircraft, and one helicopter in the Central Mediterranean.

Rescued: More than 5100 migrants arrived in Italy by sea in the last 10 days of November.

At least 8000 people were rescued for the entire month.

In 2014, more than 161,000 migrants arrived safely in Italy

At least 3200 went missing at sea, presumed drowned.


Launched: September

Annual budget: $3.9 billion.

Fleet: 21 ships and patrol boats, 15 surveillance aircraft

Number of asylum boats successfully arrived: 23 (zero since June).

Asylum seekers detained: 1308.

Deaths at sea: 0

Deaths in detention: 2

Boat turn-backs: At least 13

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