

This was published 9 years ago

Charleston shooting: ad underscores tragic depth of America's gun culture

By Nick O'Malley

Even as Charleston was coming to grips with the atrocity committed in one of its churches the evening before, the hometown paper thudded onto doorsteps on Thursday morning with an unlikely advertisement affixed to the front page.

The ad, which covered the headline, was spruiking a ladies night at a local gun range.

"$30 gets you everything," it trilled. Everything included "50 rounds of ammo", a "pistol or revolver" and a "range pass" for shooting.

The Post and Courier was quick to apologise for carrying the ad on the day after the murder of nine of the city's citizens, including the pastor and state senator, Reverend Clementa Pinckeny and the arrest of 21 year old suspect Dylann Roof.

Arrested: alleged shooter Dylann Roof.

Arrested: alleged shooter Dylann Roof.Credit: Reuters

But the unfortunate happenstance did serve as a reminder of how pervasive gun culture is in parts of the United States.

This is not an accident. The gun industry and its lobbyists have been successful not only in at defending and extending the right to bear arms, but in normalising the presence and use of lethal weapons.


We see this in the recent spread of so-called "guntry clubs" where people can socialise over a drink at their local club after using the range.

We see this in the family fun days advertised at shooting ranges. Normally this activity is safe, but when it is not the results can be horrific, such as in August last year when a nine-year -old girl accidently shot her instructor dead with an Uzi sub machine gun at a Nevada range as her parents filmed the incident on a phone.

Attendees look over pistols on display at the NRA convention in April in Nashville.

Attendees look over pistols on display at the NRA convention in April in Nashville. Credit: Bloomberg

We see this in the activities groups like Open Carry Texas, whose members carry military style semi-automatic weapons in restaurants and malls as part of their mission to, "Condition Texans to feel safe around law-abiding citizens that chose to open carry."

It is in this sort of culture where it might be considered appropriate for a parent to buy a handgun as a birthday present for an apparently disturbed young son.

Revolvers sit on display in the Smith & Wesson booth on the exhibition floor of the NRA convention.

Revolvers sit on display in the Smith & Wesson booth on the exhibition floor of the NRA convention.Credit: Bloomberg

Despite this process of normalisation, the rate of gun ownership in America is dropping, even as the number of guns in the circulation increases.

Only 31 per cent of Americans owned a gun last year, compared with nearly half in 1980.

One of the strongholds of gun ownership in America remains the South, where 38 per cent of adults own a gun, and, according to an analysis by The Washington Post , violence is more likely to occur.

And while the murder rate in America drops in line with overall crime trends, the incidence of mass shootings has increased. According to a Mother Jones analysis mass shootings occurred every 200 days on average between 1982 and 2011, since late 2011, mass shootings have occurred at triple that rate—every 64 days on average.

Each mass shooting prompts further debate over gun laws, though little action, and so far this chain of action and reaction is playing out in the same manner as other recent shootings.

The only difference is things seem to be operating on a slightly faster time frame.

After the Sandy Hook shooting it took a few days for the National Rifle Association's Wayne La Pierre to call for the arming of teachers rather than the disarming of Americans.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with gun," he said in a press conference.

This time around less than 12 hours after the bodies fell hosts and guests on a Fox News breakfast program were making the same point, suggesting that perhaps it would be best if pastors in churches were armed to protect their flock.

At lunch time, angry, stricken and blunt, Barack Obama addressed the nation from the White House and said in part: "Let's be clear, at some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.

"It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it."

In the past he has waited days before making similar points.

In response gun rights advocates and conservative commentators responded in kind.

"Why are we shocked that disturbed people gravitate towards 'gun free' zones to kill without themselves coming under fire," said Richard Feldman of the Independent Firearms Owners Association in a statement.

"It's time the gun prohibitionists accept some responsibility for the innocents lacking the protective tools they need when life and death hang in the balance."

And Mr Feldman pointed out that tomorrow gun shops will again be filled, as they have been after every other mass shooting, as gun owners stock up on new weapons and ammo in fear of a crack down.

But if the murder of 20 primary school children does not prompt a crackdown there is little reason to suspect that the murder of nine worshippers in their church will.

One politician who as much as admitted that fact in a cleverly worded comment that at once absolved himself of any responsibility while quietly aligning himself with the ascendant pro-gun forces was the presidential candidate Rand Paul.

"What kind of person goes in a church and shoots nine people?" he said.

"There's a sickness in our country. There's something terribly wrong, but it isn't going to be fixed by your government.

"It's people straying away, it's people not understanding where salvation comes from."

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