

This was published 9 years ago

Bali Nine's Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran to be moved to Nusakambangan island this week, authorities say

By Jewel Topsfield

Two Australian Bali Nine members on death row in Indonesia will be transferred this week to the most notorious prison on Nusakambangan island, known as Indonesia's Alcatraz.

The head of the Bali prosecutors' office confirmed on Monday afternoon that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be taken to the maximum security Batu prison on the penal island. The name of the jail, which was built in 1925, means stone prison.

Executions imminent: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

Executions imminent: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.Credit: Anta Kesuma

Ten officers from the paramilitary force Brimob will escort the two men to Nusakambangan.

Momock Bambang Samiarso said the transfer would not take place on Monday - and was unlikely to happen on Tuesday - but would definitely happen this week.

"It will be a chartered commercial flight on a plane that will seat 20 to 30 people," he said.

"We are still working out the details."

Mr Samiarso said he would notify the families as soon as possible.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott revealed on Monday he made a further plea for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran's lives to Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

And a judge involved in handing down the death sentence to the two drug smugglers has denied allegations there was political intervention or bribery in the case.


Attorney-General spokesman Tony Spontana said earlier that condemned drug felons from Bali's infamous Kerobokan jail, where Chan and Sukumaran are on death row, will be the first transferred.

They would be later joined by felons from prisons in Madiun and Yogyakarta.

"Only after everybody is gathered at Nusakambangan will the D-day be decided," Mr Spontana said.

Eleven prisoners on death row for drug and murder charges are expected to be killed in the second round of executions in Indonesia this year. Of these, seven drug felons are foreigners from Australia, the Philippines, France, Brazil, Nigeria and Ghana.

Mr Abbott said he felt "sick in the pit of my stomach" when he thought about what was happening to Chan and Sukumaran.

"Like every parent, I want to try to ensue that nothing terrible happens."

Mr Abbott would not provide further information on his overtures to Mr Joko because he did not want it to come down to a test of strength.

"If we do turn this into a test of strength, I think we are much more likely to back the Indonesians into a corner than to get the result we want," he said.

Chan and Sukumaran's legal team have written to the Indonesian judicial committee requesting an investigation into allegations of political interference and bribery when the death sentence was imposed.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said these were very serious allegations and she understood the lawyers would continue to raise these matters.

However a judge involved in the case, Wayan Yasa Abadi, denied there had been political interference or bribes.

"I can assure you there was none," he said. "We protected ourselves from everybody. It was purely our decision."

He said he would respond if summonsed by the judicial committee.

Meanwhile, a new Lowy Institute poll has found that 62 per cent of Australians oppose the execution of Chan and Sukumaran.

This is in contrast to an earlier Roy Morgan poll – seized upon by the Indonesian government to justify the executions – which found that 52 per cent supported the death penalty for Australian drug traffickers.

The earlier poll was criticised for being crude and misleading due to the rubbery nature of the questions asked.

According to the Lowy poll, 69 per cent of the population do not believe the death penalty should be applied for drug trafficking.

Executive director of the Lowy Institute Michael Fullilove said Australian public and political opposition was crystallising as the date of the execution drew closer.

Bali Nine: the history

August, 2005: Indonesian police - acting on information passed onto them by the Australian Federal Police - arrest nine Australians at Denpasar airport for attempting to smuggle heroin.

September, 2006: Prime Minister John Howard refuses to intervene on behalf of the "Bali Nine". "There are still matters potentially to be heard before Indonesian courts," he said at the time, claiming he did not want to jeopardise the defendants' case.

July, 2007: Mr Howard raises the issue with Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono: "I thought it was appropriate to mention the fact that it's an issue that attracts a lot of interest in Australia."

December: Prime minister Kevin Rudd tells Mr Yudhoyono that if any of the Bali Nine still faced the death penalty when all legal avenues had been pursued, he would plead for clemency.

August, 2010: Letter from the AFP is submitted to the Indonesian court, stating Scott Rush only played a minor role in the drug-smuggling ring. AFP commissioner Mick Keelty also testifies in court. Mr Rush's death sentence is reduced to life in prison.

May, 2013: Foreign affairs minister Bob Carr defends the government's handling of the Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran cases "We urge them to grant the clemency appeals but we do so having respect with Indonesia to make its own laws." Mr Carr says he has spoken about the matter with his Indonesian counterpart at their meetings, as had prime minister Julia Gillard.

January 17, 2015: Prime Minister Tony Abbott writes directly to Indonesian President Joko Widodo for mercy regarding Chan and Sukumaran.

January 20: Mr Abbott renews direct appeal for clemency.

February 6: Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop and Mr Abbott say the government is doing "whatever [it] humanly can" behind the scenes to keep the pair alive, while considering recalling the Australian ambassador to Indonesia if Chan and Sukumaran are executed.

February 12: Ms Bishop and Shadow Foreign Minister Tanya Plibersek both address parliament. Bishop says 11 written representations have been made since January 7, from the Prime Minister, the Governor-General, the Foreign Minister, the Attorney-General, the Minister for Justice.

She says she has spoken to her Indonesian counterpart "many times". More than 55 personal representations at the ministerial and prime ministerial levels have been made.

February 14: Ms Bishop warns on radio that Australian tourists may choose to boycott Indonesia.

February 16: Mr Abbott tells media he has personally reiterated his concerns to Mr Widodo.

- with Karuni Rompies and Amilia Rosa

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