

This was published 1 year ago


Stop pretending famine has nothing to do with you

Climate change, COVID-19 and conflict have combined to make 2022 a year of hunger.

The United Nations World Food Programme estimates the number of people facing acute food insecurity worldwide has jumped from 135 million to 345 million since 2019.

Families wait for trucked water to be distributed at the drought-affected village of Lumayo in Somaliland

Families wait for trucked water to be distributed at the drought-affected village of Lumayo in SomalilandCredit: Jack Rintoul

I saw the awful consequences of this global crisis during a recent visit to Somaliland, a self-governing region of Somalia where drought and volatile food prices are stoking a humanitarian catastrophe.

Most would agree the horror of children emaciated by severe malnutrition has no place in the 21st century. But that’s what I witnessed in a crowded hospital ward in Burao, a dusty town in one of Somaliland’s badly affected districts. Most of the children’s parents and relatives had brought them long distances, searching for help.

Consecutive years of below-average rainfall in the Horn of Africa have created one of the worst climate-related emergencies of the past 40 years. The effects have been compounded by the disruptions of the pandemic and the gyrations in global food prices caused by the war in Ukraine.


The famished kids I encountered at Burao were a tiny sample of a huge problem – the UN warned a few weeks ago that 1.5 million children across Somalia will face acute malnutrition by the end of this month if we remain on the current course. Children could die in devastating numbers unless support is urgently provided.

And yet, the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa is going largely under the radar.

The prospect of children starving to death is reason enough for us to generously support humanitarian relief efforts. But our contribution to climate change is another motivating factor.


Australians are among the biggest emitters per person of the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. We can’t pretend climate-related disasters like the one now affecting people in the Horn of Africa have nothing to do with us.

There are signs that the seasonal rains which sustain the livelihoods of millions in the Horn of Africa are being disrupted. In August, the UN said the severity of the current drought “underlines the vulnerability of the region to climate-related risks, which are expected to intensify because of climate change”.

Australians are among the biggest emitters per person of the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

Australians are among the biggest emitters per person of the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.Credit: Louie Douvis

The UN’s humanitarian co-ordination body describes Somalis caught up in the crisis as “the human face of the global climate crisis”.

Sadly, Somalia is just one hotspot in a food security crunch affecting many nations. The number of people classified by the World Food Programme as “teetering on the edge of famine” has ballooned from 27 million before the pandemic to 50 million across 45 countries now.

It’s a striking moral challenge for Australians given how wealthy we are by global standards.

The Oxford University-based Our World in Data website estimates those living on $US30 a day are among the richest 15 per cent of the world’s population (that’s equivalent to $46, which is a little less than Australia’s JobSeeker payment). If you have a median personal income in Australia, you’re comfortably in the world’s top 10 per cent of earners.


The upshot? Most Australians are rich people living in a new age of hunger. We can’t just ignore those hit by the global food security crisis, like the malnourished children I encountered in Somaliland.

The good news is that the international humanitarian system has the capacity to respond to emergencies when sufficient funds are available. One veteran aid worker in Somalia told me that effective systems are in place to help those in need – all they require is adequate resources to get the work done.

Relatively simple interventions can make a big difference in a food crisis. One of the striking things about the malnutrition ward I visited in Burao was a chart on the wall summarising monthly patient statistics. While the number of children admitted with severe acute malnutrition has trebled since January 2022, there have been very few deaths. It shows that relatively simply treatments for malnourished children are highly effective in most cases.

Australians have been generous in the past. When famine hit Somalia in 2011, Australia was among the world’s top five country donors in both absolute terms and relative to gross domestic product. Most of this emergency relief was channelled through UN agencies such as the WFP.

But our response to the current emergency has been stingy so far. Last month the Albanese government pledged a paltry $15 million to the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa.

Graham Strong, World Vision Australia’s chief of field impact, who travelled to Somalia last month, says that’s not nearly enough.

“I believe our government should contribute at least $150 million, to show that this crisis really matters,” he says. “Planting our flag deep into the ground, once again, as a true humanitarian leader.”

Australia must again be ready to do its part to combat hunger. If people as wealthy as us can’t help, who will?

Matt Wade was supported by World Vision Australia to report from Somaliland.

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