

This was published 8 years ago

Victorian firefighters dispute: The burning questions

The bitter pay dispute between the United Firefighters Union and the CFA has infuriated tens of thousands of volunteers and divided the Premier's own cabinet. Richard Willingham and Josh Gordon look at what is actually at stake.


What is the dispute over - money or control?

Negotiations have been going on for more than 1160 days. The union wants to insure that best practise firefighting is implemented and that the 800 career firefighters are given a fair pay rise.

Throughout the dispute the union has placed conditions as the main sticking point, not pay.

The biggest sticking point from the CFA is handing more power to the union through draconian consultation provisions that give the union a say on even the smallest operational changes. The MFB has been warning the CFA about how disruptive these provisions can be.

The CFA is also worried about a clause that requires seven paid staff to be dispatched to a fire incident before operations can begin – the volunteers say this will have deep safety implications. The union and government argue that this will not affect volunteers or public safety, especially at the 1200 volunteer brigades.

The CFA also says there is a problem with clauses around lines of command and allocation of resources, with volunteer incident controllers instructing paid staff who may be second to the scene.

Many critics are also deeply concerned about the cost to the state with the most extreme estimates placing the entire cost of the deal – including the promise of 350 extra firefighters made at the state election – at more than $1.2 billion.

At the other end of the scale is a cost of between $140 -$160 million over four years.


What did Fair Work say?

Julius Roe.

Julius Roe.Credit: Gabriele Charotte

Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe, a former Australian Manufacturing Workers Union national president, handed down non-binding recommendations last week that infuriated the CFA because it sided much with what the union had been pushing. It has since been rejected outright by the CFA board.

Mr Roe said that it would not impact volunteers.

"The role of volunteers in fighting bushfires and maintaining community safety and delivering high quality services to the public in remote and regional areas and in integrated stations is not altered by the this agreement."

But no one has listened to this clause, and argues that the overall agreement, especially around lines of command is unworkable.

Why is the human rights watchdog opposed?

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has ruled - at the behest of the CFA - that up to 12 clauses in the industrial agreement could breach the Equal Opportunity Act.

It's overarching concern is that only 2.9 per cent of firefighters are women. The agreement, as the Commission sees it, could entrench this situation.

It warns the agreement "effectively bans employees working part time at a station as an active career firefighter". In addition to other restrictions that have concerned the Commission, any employee wishing to work part time must get the union's agreement, and progression to a career as a firefighter must include full-time training.

These sorts of clauses are seen as discriminating against parents, pregnant women, carers and people with disabilities.

But the government has hit back, arguing the agreement assessed by the Commission is now out of date. It claims a so-called diversity clause proposed by Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe will deal with the issue. The CFA, however, begs to differ. On Monday, its board resolved not to approve the agreement, particularly because of the Commission's advice that it would be unlawful.

What does Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley think?

The Emergency Management Commissioner has been appointed to oversee the implementation of the deal - particularly to ensure that volunteers are no worse off. His response to the agreement has so far been muted. Asked on Sunday if the CFA would become a toothless tiger as a result of the agreement, Mr Lapsley said: "that will be one of the challenges".

Why did Premier Andrews get involved?

Premier Daniel Andrews and Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett. Credit: Simon O'Dwyer

Politically, this is the $1 million question.

Premier Andrews portrayed himself a circuit breaker and met with the union's secretary Peter Marshall. It was a backflip. He had previously publicly backed Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett for months to continue her work to get the best deal for Victorians against the "outrageous" claims of the union.

The only reason he has given the public is that the dispute has been going on too long - other than this, there has been no explanation as to the apparent capitulation to the union's log of claims on the matter.

Did the UFU campaign for Andrews at the election?

If it did, did Mr Andrews promise anything in return?

The union was very public in its campaign against the Napthine government in 2014 - yes over the same protracted pay deal - and manned polling booths and door knocked in marginal seats.

At the time they said they were not campaigning for Labor, but instead wanted Napthine out.

During the campaign Mr Andrews addressed a special meeting of the union at a big event at the Collingwood Town Hall promising to honour, respect and value their work.

He also pledged Labor would recruit an extra 450 firefighters - 350 of those for the CFA.

Why was Garrett silent? Why wasn't she involved?

The Minister, who was sidelined in the negotiations, stood by the CFA board and against the Premier in this matter. She has now resigned from the cabinet over the dispute, although negotiations apparently continue.


Will there be a byelection?

In a tweet Ms Garrett indicated she would continue to serve as the member for Brunswick.

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