

This was published 8 years ago

Could the death of Luke Batty have been reasonably foreseen?

By Konrad Marshall

It could not be reasonably foreseen.

Not by any person, entity or agency. Not singularly or in combination. Not through official processes or the lived experience. This was the central truth handed down in the coronial inquest into the murder of Luke Batty, following a deliberate act of filicide engineered and executed by his father, Greg Anderson.

Former Australian of the Year Rosie Batty wants the government to end chronic underfunding of the Family Court, and close down Nauru.

Former Australian of the Year Rosie Batty wants the government to end chronic underfunding of the Family Court, and close down Nauru. Credit: Eddie Jim

It could not be reasonably foreseen.

State Coroner Judge Ian Gray sat at the bench in Southbank on Monday, explaining his 111-page finding, flanked by a photograph of Luke and his mother, Rosie Batty. He addressed shortcomings in the system, and there were more than a few. The weakness of intervention orders, delays in exercising warrants, and the inability to order psychiatric assessments of dangerous men.

Luke Batty's death was not foreseeable, according to the Victorian state coroner.

Luke Batty's death was not foreseeable, according to the Victorian state coroner.Credit: Wayne Taylor

The sad consequence of these failings could not be reasonably foreseen.

Ms Batty had been a compelling witness, Gray said, and a loving, caring, intelligent and thoughtful mother. She had gone to the police because she "felt alone" and wanted someone else to stand up to Anderson. She was fearful of him and could not do it herself. He had told her at one point: "Right now I'd really like to kill you … I hope you have made a will."

Yet his actions could not be reasonably foreseen.

Luke "loved his father to bits", it emerged, yet he managed that relationship carefully, and he developed an increasing appreciation of how his father was different from others. He witnessed acts of psychological and physical violence against his mother, and once sat with his father in a car on the foreshore, playing on his iPad while his father prayed, held a knife, and said "It could all end with this".


Yet this end still could not be reasonably foreseen.

Judge Gray noted how the system was unable to snare this killer, despite a magistrate making the point that warrants for Anderson needed to be executed as "a matter of urgency". Emails were marked "high importance" and officers noted the risk that "going postal" would apply to this man. Despite an "escalation of dynamic risk factors" there was "too much emphasis on closing the file".

The manner in which the file was closed could not be reasonably foreseen.

Anderson was hospitalised and reviewed for aggressive outbursts and "mild hypermania". People observed his fixations and delusions, "ranting and raving", but he had not been diagnosed. This was the nub of the problem: "The inability to bring people like him inside the framework and attempt change." Support was "fragmented", "lacked continuity", and risk assessments were conducted in silos.

The risk – somehow – could not be reasonably foreseen.

Ms Batty too spoke on what she called a "momentous day" – a day that provided a moment of closure and a degree of hope. She was pleased that the findings highlighted systemic failures without apportioning personal blame.

"People do the best they can," she said. This could have been prevented, she added, if we review how we work together and do so in an integrative, collaborative manner. "Luke has not died in vain," she said. "That's what I've been working for."

And so it was that 18 months after suffering the most incomprehensible loss, this woman, this grieving mother, this catalyst, is still campaigning and speaking and gathering strength and support, with eloquence, grace and success.

This of all truths could not reasonably be foreseen.

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