Traveller Awards: 10 of the greatest innovations in travel
From a cutting-edge airline cabin to a trailblazing way to experience the outback, these new experiences are the ones you’ll want.
- Traveller team
Qantas bans passengers from charging new Samsung Galaxy Note7 phones on flights
Qantas is banning passengers charging the new Samsung Galaxy Note7 on all flights because of fears devices with faulty batteries could catch fire.
- Latika Bourke
Banker's lost iPad takes its own (trackable) holidays
Updates on missing iPad gain cult following as its travels include Elvis's Gracelands mansion.
- Nick Wingfield
All you can fly start-up Airly aims for third quarter launch
Airly hopes to start flying between Sydney and Melbourne by the end of September.
- Jamie Freed
Airlander 10, world's longest aircraft, ready for flight
The world's longest aircraft, an airship, will make its maiden flight in the northern hemisphere spring, British manufacturer Hybrid Air Vehicles says.
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