- ★★★★
- Airport reviews
Burgers and free vaccines: Inside South America’s busiest airport
Renovated about a decade ago, the Colombian capital’s only terminal is disarmingly tranquil.
- Michael Fowler
Bogota, Colombia travel guide and things to do: 10 must-do highlights
Bogota's traffic can be hideous, so here's the best way to see this vibrant city.
- Rob McFarland
Six of the best: Colombian designer hotels
This restored colonial mansion, in historic Cartagena, has a chic industrial interior.
- Sheriden Rhodes
Bogota, Colombia: One day, three ways
Despite Colombia being the third largest exporter of coffee in the world, finding a decent cup is surprisingly tricky.
- Sheriden Rhodes
24 hours in Bogota
In a once-feared city, Andrew Bain finds the jaguar can change its spots.
Ten 'awful' cities you should still visit
There are many cities around the world with a justifiably awful image. But here are 10 that are better than their reputation suggests.
- David Whitley
Twenty reasons to visit Bogota
Steve McKenna singles out Zipaquira cathedral - an extraordinary underground church chiselled into a saltmine - as one of the top drawcards of the Colombian capital.
City synonymous with all things scary
A place where lucky tourists get mugged and unlucky ones get shot. Or so they say.
A city reclaimed
With the drug wars of the 1990s behind it, Bogota is bursting with creativity, writes Vicky Baker.
Hot times in old towns
Bogota rushes, Cartagena reclines, yet both Colombia's mountain-hugged capital and her beachside city of sun make for a heady combination, writes Andrew Taylor.
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