
Water buyback controversy

Federal Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek.

Historic moment for Murray Darling as water wars reignite

Farmers are reviving their campaign against the revived plan to boost the health of the nation’s largest river system.

  • Mike Foley


Three wet seasons have led to record inflows into the southern Murray Darling Basin.

Plibersek swamps Victoria on Murray Darling water buybacks

The federal government will push ahead with unpopular water buybacks from farmers despite Victoria opposing the move in a bid to complete the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

  • Mike Foley
Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek.

Water wars ramp up ahead of hot summer for Murray-Darling Basin

A scathing Productivity Commission review has backed Tanya Plibersek’s push to take control of the environmental plan, but farmers are putting up a fight.

  • Mike Foley
Water Minister Tanya Plibersek faces opposition on the Murray Darling Basin Plan when she meets state ministers on February 24.

Plibersek left high and dry on Murray-Darling promise

The recovery plan is on track to miss its 2024 deadline, with the federal water minister to face opposition from states as she tries to complete the reforms as promised.

  • Mike Foley
Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has her hands full delivering Labor’s ambitious reform agenda.

Plibersek faces major challenges as environment minister

Three major environmental reforms were pledged by Labor, they are now being urged to get to work on them immediately to halt Australia’s extinction crisis.

  • Mike Foley
The Murray-Darling Basin in NSW and Queensland during the drought between 2015 and 2020, the most intense on record, leaving many towns at risk of running out of drinking water.

Labor wades into Murray-Darling water wars to woo Adelaide voters

Anthony Albanese has kickstarted a fight over water policy as Labor eyes marginal seats in South Australia.

Brewarrina Weir, pictured on February 16, overflowed for the first time in years after last month's rain.

Indigenous water promise punted to new minister after three-year delay

First Nations groups have been blindsided by revelations of further disruption to a long-delayed program to return water rights in the Murray Darling Basin.

  • Mike Foley
Nationals MP Anne Webster, Senators Bridget McKenzie and Perin Davey, with MP Damian Drum addressing media after the party moved in the Senate to halt water recovery under the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

Liberal Party scuppers Nationals shake up to Murray Darling water plan

The Liberal Party has delivered its first slapdown to its junior Coalition partner since Barnaby Joyce deposed Michael McCormack as Nationals leader.

  • Mike Foley
Tatti Tatti traditional owners during a cultural flow planning project at Margooya Lagoon in north-west Victoria.

‘Betrayal’: First Nations warning to government over water fund pledge

First Nations groups say it will be a betrayal if federal government follows through with a mooted plan and ditches its $40 million commitment to water rights.

  • Mike Foley
Water Minister Keith Pitt.

‘Breach of faith’: Money meant for Indigenous water rights could go elsewhere

Indigenous groups are accusing the government of breaching their faith on a $40 million commitment to recover water rights from voluntary irrigation sellers.

  • Mike Foley

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