

Big business calls on government to police tide of plastic packaging

Big business calls on government to police tide of plastic packaging

The companies behind Australia’s biggest consumer brands are calling for regulation of recycling and packaging to ensure consistency between the states and territories, and ensure laggards don’t benefit from cheaper costs.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons


Virtually good value: A jolly Joe Hockey gig costs $20,000 a pop

Virtually good value: A jolly Joe Hockey gig costs $20,000 a pop

The former treasurer, who once declared an end to the “age of entitlement”, has a big price tag attached to his time.

  • by Stephen Brook and Kishor Napier-Raman
Box billionaire goes Pratty in pink at the Met Gala

Box billionaire goes Pratty in pink at the Met Gala

Visy cardboard king Anthony Pratt was one of the brightest figures on the glamour carpet in New York, if not the best dressed.

  • by Stephen Brook and Kishor Napier-Raman
‘Red flags went up’: Former Mar-a-Lago worker details Pratt’s relationship with Trump

‘Red flags went up’: Former Mar-a-Lago worker details Pratt’s relationship with Trump

A witness in a criminal trial involving Donald Trump claims the Australian billionaire was told information by the former president that “would more than likely be classified”.

  • by Farrah Tomazin
After Taylor Swift plays to 80,000, the PM will be off to a private Katy Perry show

After Taylor Swift plays to 80,000, the PM will be off to a private Katy Perry show

Anthony Albanese will be at Taylor Swift in Sydney on Friday and then attend an exclusive performance by Katy Perry at Visy magnate Anthony Pratt’s mansion this weekend.

  • by Paul Sakkal
Buyers sign gas deals with Senex, but stalled project still in doubt

Buyers sign gas deals with Senex, but stalled project still in doubt

Senex says gas-fired power plants will play a role in the clean energy transition by backing up renewable energy when wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining.

  • by Nick Toscano
Victorians will collect 10¢ for used cans and bottles from November

Victorians will collect 10¢ for used cans and bottles from November

A container deposit scheme will start operating by the end of the year under the state government’s long-awaited recycling reforms.

  • by Broede Carmody and Sumeyya Ilanbey
‘Australia is way behind’: Recycling targets fall out of reach

‘Australia is way behind’: Recycling targets fall out of reach

The packaging industry has conceded for the first time that plastic recycling is falling far short of its targets.

  • by Ben Cubby
Anthony Pratt donates $1 million to the Yes campaign for the Voice

Anthony Pratt donates $1 million to the Yes campaign for the Voice

The donation comes as both sides seek to amass war chests for the looming advertising blitz.

  • by Anthony Galloway
Consumers driving environmental change, industry leaders told

Consumers driving environmental change, industry leaders told

Top names from Australian business and politics have gathered in Sydney to discuss how to tackle the waste crisis.

  • by Laura Chung
‘At arm’s length’: Minister denies conflict of interest in Visy fundraiser

‘At arm’s length’: Minister denies conflict of interest in Visy fundraiser

Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio insists there is no conflict of interest in the tender process for the state’s $500 million container deposit scheme.

  • by Caroline Schelle and Rachael Dexter

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