

One of the perks of SMSFs is the ability to put residential property inside your super fund.

Think you’re too young for self-managed super? Maybe not

More and more young Australians are opting for self-managed super funds. So what’s the appeal?

  • Daniel Zaffino


Putting your inheritance somewhere it can’t easily be accessed – such as superannuation – could be a good move.

Do you have enough super to retire? You may need less than you think

Compared to 2022, Australians think they need 20 per cent more in their nest egg to quit work. But new estimates show many may overestimate the amount needed.

  • Cindy Yin
Australians of all ages and stages of life are interested in financial advice - provided its not too expensive.

You can now get super advice for less than $100. Here’s how

Australians will now be able to access financial advice from their super fund for less than $100 following the introduction of new laws.

  • Nina Hendy
Self-managed superannuation funds in Australia are exhibiting a concerning trend, over-allocating to vulnerable assets like shares and property.

The $160 billion problem with Australian SMSFs - and how to fix it

Self-managed superannuation funds in Australia are exhibiting a concerning trend in over-allocating to vulnerable assets such as shares and property.

  • Tim Keith
Nest egg.

The self-managed super fund I was told to start is losing money. What do I do?

Generally, SMSFs don’t make sense unless there is a specific investment case that requires them, or your balance is above $1 million.

  • Paul Benson
Operating a self-managed super fund.

I have $1.1 million in assets. Would a self-managed super fund suit me?

Super funds are very well run, well regulated and great value for money. Stepping away from these solutions would require very compelling benefits.

  • Paul Benson
Borrowing to invest is certainly a key wealth creation strategy, but it all comes down to your appetite for risk.

Should we borrow $500,000 and invest it in shares?

Borrowing to invest is certainly a key wealth creation strategy, but it all comes down to your appetite for risk.

  • Paul Benson
It’s worth adding that the ATO recommends using an independent valuer when the valuation is complex,

Does ATO need to know how I spend my pension?

While all regulated super funds have to report members’ pension payments to the ATO every three months, what happens when you manage your own super?

  • Noel Whittaker
If careful preparation has not been put in place, serious problems can emerge when a loved one dies.

Death and taxes are inevitable. Here’s how retirees can minimise the latter

If couples and families don’t put proper preparations in place, serious financial problems can emerge when a loved one dies.

  • Noel Whittaker
For most, there comes a time in later life where the costs in time and accounting fees of a self-managed super fund outweigh the benefits.

I’m getting old and my SMSF has become a burden. What should I do?

For most, there comes a time in later life where the costs in time and accounting fees of a self-managed super fund outweigh the benefits.

  • Paul Benson

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