
Retire with Confidence


Life expectancy and spending in retirement

Giving up work brings unique financial risks that make investing in retirement very different from investing in your working years

  • Jeremy Cooper


Reserve Bank of Australia has cut interest rates twice already this year – in June and July – by a total of 50 basis points.

Investing for retirement income? Here’s what you need to consider

Leaving your hard-earned cash in the bank is no longer the best option

  • Nina Hendy
When you retire, an overseas holiday might be on your mind but first you need to ensure what you will have left will sustain your day-to-day life.

How to turn your retirement savings into a regular pay cheque

Best strategy is to balance conservative with bolder investments into retirement

  • Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon

Super is delivering, so why do retirees feel financially insecure?

Regular and constant income is the most important element for a confident retirement

  • Jeremy Cooper
There are multiple options and requirements to consider when you decide to stop work.

So you've retired... what are your options to ensure income will last?

Here's just a few of the things to consider when you stop work

  • Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
Lifestyle choices are important, too, so new retirees need to consider where to live and what they want to do in their golden years.

Some simple steps to help you plan for a successful retirement

There's far more to retirement than just stopping the daily work grind.

  • Nina Hendy
Research shows that more than half of Australians fear outliving their retirement savings and 28 per cent regret not putting more money away for retirement.

The good news is you'll have a longer life, that's also the bad news

Allocating spending over a lifetime in preparation for retirement is complex so get the the experts to help with what you need

  • Nina Hendy
ASFA chief executive Martin Fahy says a lift in the Super Guarantee of 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent is needed as soon as possible, to ensure Australians achieve an adequate standard of living in retirement.

Can you afford to retire: How much super will you really need?

A lump sum of about $640,000 could get you a "comfortable retirement," assuming you also receive a partial age pension

  • Nina Hendy

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