
John Elliott

Melbourne’s Savage Club.

The savage reckoning unfolding at Melbourne’s bohemian bolthole

Melbourne’s Savage Club has been a haven for bohemians, politicians and corporate titans for 130 years, but its conservative members face a battle for relevance.

  • Cameron Houston


Krystle Mitchell is standing as a councillor for the City of Melbourne.

She quit the police over COVID-19 lockdowns. Now she’s standing for election

Krystle Mitchell quit the force in a blaze of publicity. Now she is on the hustings as a libertarian candidate.

  • Stephen Brook and Kishor Napier-Raman

‘A bit of a slow-motion train wreck’: 3AW’s Tom Elliott on his infamous father’s fall

The son of controversial 1980s businessman John Elliott and former state MP Lorraine Elliott never wanted a career in the public eye. What happened?

  • Konrad Marshall
Late Melbourne businessman John Elliott.

$6951 in the bank and some furniture: What was left in John Elliott’s will

There wasn’t much of an inheritance left for his children, as the fallen corporate titan held no real estate and very little cash at the time of his death.

  • Tom Cowie and Colin Kruger
Family and friends attend the Memorial service for John Elliott in the Legends Stand, Ikon  Park. Students hand out order of service cards.

‘Put Jack back’: Kennett makes a stand at Carlton

The former premier adds a mischievous touch to a memorial service for John Elliott by calling for his name to be restored to an Ikon Park grandstand.

  • Greg Baum
John Elliott

Prime Minister John Elliott? He’d have ‘blown up the country’

In September 1988, a group of plotters met to draw up a plan for John Elliott, then-Liberal Party federal president, to become prime minister.

  • Rob Harris
John Elliott in his Collins Street office.

‘Properly Shakespearean’: John Elliott’s fall from grace came after greatness

John Elliott’s business career faded following his bankruptcy, but leading business figures say his contribution to Melbourne business life should not be so easily forgotten or dismissed.

  • Sarah Danckert and Daniel Brettig
Carlton captain Stephen Kernahan with John Elliott in 1988.

Blues greats pay tribute to John Elliott, who defined Carlton

No AFL club was so tied to the fortunes, to the heady peaks and embarrassing troughs, of its president as Carlton was to John Elliott.

  • Jake Niall
John Elliott

Vale, John Elliott, one of the country’s great characters

To some, the businessman, former Liberal president and ex-Carlton boss will be remembered as a brilliant star who exploded across the corporate firmament. Others will look upon him less favourably.

  • Peter Denton
Businessman and Carlton president-elect Luke Sayers.

The corporate takeover of AFL clubs is complete

Today, the people at the helm of AFL clubs are increasingly institutional corporate people, a trend that has been underway for several years.

  • Jake Niall

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