
International students

Caps on overseas uni students could cost Victorian economy $6 billion

Caps on overseas uni students could cost Victorian economy $6 billion

Victoria is the state of choice for one-third of Australia’s international students. Universities say slashing migration will have major economic consequences.

  • by Caroline Schelle


Stop fishing for red herrings and start fixing the problems

Stop fishing for red herrings and start fixing the problems

There’s an urgent need to lessen the cost-of-living crisis, provide more homes and drive investment. Playing the blame game is not helping anyone.

  • by Bran Black
$1.1 billion black hole: Unis brace for loss of tens of thousands of students

$1.1 billion black hole: Unis brace for loss of tens of thousands of students

New economic modelling suggests universities are facing a funding shortfall of more than $1 billion under the federal government’s crackdown.

  • by Daniella White
Student crackdown will lead to lasting economic pain: business council

Student crackdown will lead to lasting economic pain: business council

The Australian Business Council argues capping foreign student numbers could “irreparably damage” the higher education sector and even hit supermarkets.

  • by Angus Thompson
States revolt over foreign student caps

States revolt over foreign student caps

NSW and South Australia have warned federal Labor its contentious push to drive down international student numbers risks damaging Australia’s international reputation and economic standing ahead of a slated debate in parliament this week over laws to limit overseas students.

  • by Angus Thompson
Unis blame government for student visa delays weeks before semester two

Unis blame government for student visa delays weeks before semester two

Several alarmed universities believe the visa delays are more evidence of the government suppressing foreign arrivals due to a political fight over migration.

  • by Angus Thompson
Cockroaches and balconies as bedrooms: How foreign student Valentina survived Sydney

Cockroaches and balconies as bedrooms: How foreign student Valentina survived Sydney

A report has found significant problems with migration and education agents’ practices, which are often marred by high costs and incorrect advice.

  • by Daniella White
Overseas students are flocking to WA. Here’s where they’re not living

Overseas students are flocking to WA. Here’s where they’re not living

With 27 students for every bed, you could quadruple the amount of purpose-built student accommodation in this area and still not meet demand, experts say.

  • by Holly Thompson
‘Unjustifiable risk to the nation’: Elite universities lash student caps

‘Unjustifiable risk to the nation’: Elite universities lash student caps

Group of Eight universities have accused the federal government of creating a lasting legacy of political interference in higher education.

  • by Daniella White
Treat us like mining: Universities warn of 4500 job cuts over student crackdown

Treat us like mining: Universities warn of 4500 job cuts over student crackdown

Universities say they face a $500 million funding shortfall and are calling for the sector to be given the same bipartisan support as the mining industry.

  • by Angus Thompson
Let’s not be tossers to our foreign students. Looking at you, Randwick

Let’s not be tossers to our foreign students. Looking at you, Randwick

We’ve opened our doors, but not our hearts, to international students. Now a Sydney council has joined the pile-on.

  • by Jenna Price

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