

Aimee Welton believed at age 35 that she had eggs enough to spare to give some to a friend struggling with fertility, only to discover she would need donor eggs herself,

A donor egg helped Aimee become a mum. A rule change will make it easier for others

The growing number of women choosing to start families alone has led to wait times on donor eggs and sperm rising, but Victoria has moved to make importing them easier.

  • Wendy Tuohy


The study found women were less likely to have children if their mothers had not reached pension age, but the timing of their father’s retirement had no impact on starting a family.

The grandma penalty: Women delay families when their mothers keep working

Government leg-ups help, but the high cost of formal childcare in Australia meant the availability of family members to babysit was still important.

  • Millie Muroi
Emma Burridge Mother and acupuncturist. Story on birth centres at Private hospitals. Daughter Delilah assisting with lighting.

Emma ditched her expensive health cover but a new plan could get her back

Expectant mothers could have their pregnancy managed by a midwife or GP under a radical proposal to make private maternity care more affordable.

  • Angus Thomson
Olivia Ancelet, Aariq Hasan and Noah Zunde all died after being left in a car by their parents.

‘I killed my daughter’: What happens when a forgotten child dies in a car

When the unimaginable happens, families, authorities and communities are left with many questions.

  • Riley Walter

Falling fertility rates will hurt the economy. But a new baby boom is not the answer

Australia’s fertility rates have been falling fast and are now at rock bottom. The economic consequences will be far-reaching.

  • Matt Wade
Human embryologists traditionally select which embryos are best to transfer into patients.
  • Exclusive
  • AI

Artificial intelligence ‘beginning to make decisions about who is brought into the world’

Bioethics researchers want guidelines for use of AI in embryo selection during IVF, and transparency for patients.

  • Wendy Tuohy
Medical misogyny has a long history.

From wandering wombs to the missing clitoris: How medical misogyny works

From Ancient Greece right through to modern medicine in Australia today, the treatment of women in science started badly and remains a serious problem.

  • Kate Aubusson and Emily Kaine
A rolling GIF of artist’s impressions for the new Rouse Hill hospital, which is due to open around 2029.

This hospital will cost $700 million. There’ll be nowhere to have a baby

Locals in the Hills Shire were furious to discover that, when their new hospital eventually opens, it won’t have a birthing suite.

  • Angus Thomson
Louis Taffs was conceived by sperm donor, but is yet to meet his biological father.

At 26, I don’t know if my donor father is dead or alive – or if I’m ready to find out

Donor children now are born with a set of relationships with people known, yet to be known, and, for some, forever unknowable.

  • Louis Taffs

The three F-words that sum up Australia’s economic malaise

For years, governments have focused on population, productivity and participation. But as the US election shows, they need to start paying attention to the letter F.

  • Shane Wright

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