
Dominican Republic

Bernard Tomic.

Bernard Tomic was kicked out of a match – and he wasn’t even playing

The Australian lost to Andy Andrade earlier in the tournament, refused to shake his opponent’s hand and then showed up at the final as a spectator and was eventually booted out of the match.

  • Marc McGowan


The United Nations Security Council meets at UN Headquarters in March 2018.

UN Security Council welcomes five new members, one as new president

Belgium, Germany, Indonesia, South Africa and new president the Dominican Republic have joined the UN's most powerful body.

Taiwan angry as China snatches ally away

Taiwan angry as China snatches ally away

The Dominican Republic has severed ties with Taiwan which accused it of switching allegiance on false promises of aid from Beijing.

  • Jess Macy Yu
Sides: Where one country ends and the other begins.

Travel to the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti

Travelling the boundary that separates my homeland, the Dominican Republic, from its neighbour, Haiti.

  • Julia Alvarez

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