
Doctors at work

Holy Family Medical Centre at Dulwich Hill, in Sydney’s inner west.

‘I just burst into tears’: Sydney GP gave wrong vaccine to newborn

The incident occurred months after health authorities discovered the GP’s clinic had incorrectly stored vaccines, potentially leaving more than 1000 patients unprotected against diseases.

  • Kate Aubusson


Danijela Fitzgibbon has witnessed how differently the healthcare system treats her two children, William, 12 and Alexis, 10.

‘Why are you letting them do this?’ The terror these mothers have for ‘unseen’ children

Rachel’s long-term fears for her boy became reality. For Danijela and son William, the same feelings are ever-present.

  • Kate Aubusson
Ken McCroary, a doctor in Campbelltown. said the election spend from both parties was not enough for him to change his billing practices.

Free GP visits for all? Even with an $8.5b top-up, it depends on where you live

Doctors are warning Australians to temper their expectations as they fear patients will be disappointed when most city clinics keep charging gap fees.

  • Natassia Chrysanthos, Daniel Lo Surdo and Madeleine Heffernan
Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas unveiling the government’s proposed changes on Thursday alongside Dying with Dignity Victoria president Jane Morris.

Victoria to widen access to assisted dying after ‘heartbreaking’ stories

Reforms designed to bring Victoria’s assisted dying framework in line with other states will be put to a conscience vote by the year’s end.

  • Broede Carmody
Underresourced public hospitals have refused to treat women seeking pregnancy terminations.

Without doctors, hospital patients left in locked wards

Extremely unwell patients held against their will at a western Sydney hospital are waiting for days to see a psychiatrist.

  • Kate Aubusson
A leaked patient list from Westmead Hospital Emergency Department

Ninety hours in emergency: Leaked patient list reveals dire effects of psychiatrist crisis

Severely ill and distressed patients are waiting three and a half days in emergency for mental health beds that don’t exist in a shocking escalation of the state’s psychiatrist workforce crisis.

  • Kate Aubusson and Angus Thomson
Foreign doctors are being sold the dream of living near the Sydney Opera House or at Byron Bay as the state government desperately tries to fill hospital psychiatrist roles. 

‘Opera House on your doorstep’: Pitch for foreign doctors to plug NSW Health holes

NSW Health is offering “crisis” rates up to $3050 a day to doctors after more than half the state’s public hospital psychiatrists resigned.

  • Angus Thomson and Kate Aubusson
Nepean Hospital has a backlog of 17,000 scans. 

Patients wait months for scan results at ‘toxic’ Sydney hospital

A backlog of more than 17,000 MRIs and other scans at Nepean Hospital is putting patients at risk of delayed diagnoses, the hospital’s staff have warned.

  • Angus Thomson and Kate Aubusson
If the impasse cannot be resolved by Monday, Gosford Hospital’s obstetrics and gynaecology services risk going on bypass.

Hospital stripped of trainee doctors over staff, patient welfare concerns

The Central Coast’s only public obstetric and gynaecology service is about to be severely depleted with the temporary loss of accredited trainee doctors.

  • Kate Aubusson
Bureau of Health Information data July - September 2024

Revealed: How our hospitals fail half their seriously ill patients

Fewer people are visiting NSW emergency departments with non-urgent conditions, but emergency staff are overwhelmed with a record number of seriously ill patients.

  • Angus Thomson

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