
Deutsche Bank

Jeffrey Epstein in a court appearance in 2008.

Deutsche Bank will pay $113 million to victims of Jeffrey Epstein

The German lender took the sex-trafficking financier on as a client after JPMorgan Chase, his primary bank for roughly 15 years, stopped doing business with him.

  • Matthew Goldstein


Deutsche Bank is vacating several floors of a building that houses about 1000 staff.

Deutsche Bank was once ‘the riskiest bank in the world’. But there are bigger dangers to worry about

Fear and loathing is spreading through the global financial system, with Deutsche Bank the latest giant in the crosshairs. But there are greater points of vulnerability that cause concern.

  • Stephen Bartholomeusz
Several rich families in the Middle East and Asia are believed to have collectively pulling hundreds of millions of dollars from the Swiss giant.

‘Swimming naked’: Credit Suisse is not the only financial giant facing trouble

Credit Suisse will survive but with history as a guide, it should have known better. And as economic conditions worsen, it won’t be the only wealth titan left exposed.

  • Stephen Bartholomeusz
Deutsche Bank

Why a ‘greenwashing’ crackdown should have come as no surprise

A police raid on Deutsche Bank this week sent shockwaves through the $US30 trillion-plus ESG sector. Everyone should have seen it coming.

  • Stephen Bartholomeusz
Petrol prices surged in 2021.

Households hit hard on fuel, groceries in inflation’s biggest spike since 2014

Households are confronting the sharpest inflation spike in years, fuelling the case for an early interest rate rise.

  • Jennifer Duke
 The Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC.

Trump hotel lost millions despite foreign payments, House panel says

The former US president’s showcase hotel in Washington bled millions of dollars during his time in office even as he concealed payments from foreign governments, a US House of Representatives panel said.

  • Jan Wolfe
Deutsche Bank chief Christian Sewing’s turnaround plan is on track.

Deutsche Bank’s nightmare decade is gone but not forgotten

Deutsche Bank chief Christian Sewing joined an urgent meeting with a not-unfamiliar message: there was a problem, and billions of dollars were at stake.

  • Steven Arons, Nicholas Comfort and Donal Griffin
The country’s regulators have been remarkably indulgent towards the buy now, pay later sector.

Investment banker to replace Shipton in ASIC shake-up

Long-time investment bank lawyer Joe Longo has been named the new head of the corporate watchdog, as the government prepares a radical shake-up of the regulator.

  • Sarah Danckert
Archegos is run by Bill Hwang, a former Tiger Management fund manager who pleaded guilty to insider trading in 2012 and paid $US44 million to settle the charges.

Greed is not good: Hedge fund’s implosion hurts some of the world’s biggest banks

There’s no mystery about why a collection of the world’s larger and important banks lined up to provide so much funding and leverage to a character with Bill Hwang’s history.

  • Stephen Bartholomeusz
ANZ Bank.

ANZ defence threatens to quash indictment in drawn-out cartel case

The indictment against ANZ, Citi and Deutsche bankers was described as invalid, incomprehensible and of “no use to anybody” in court.

  • Charlotte Grieve

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