Centuria Office REIT
Commercial cannibals: The landlords eating themselves alive
Around Australia more and more office buildings have large vacancies, but Australia’s landlords aren’t budging on pricing or their plans to build even more skyscrapers.
- Sarah Danckert
Industrial and office markets will be the key to reporting season
Industrial property owners will likely be the standout performers in the reporting season which kicks off in earnest next week for the Australian real estate investment trust sector.
- Carolyn Cummins
Office markets face a bumpy road ahead
Challenges include upcoming supply, mainly in the CBD markets, and structural challenges as the work-from-home trend plays out.
- Carolyn Cummins
Business is hitting the ’burbs as office deals increase
The battle between suburban offices and their hard-hit city CBD cousins is intensifying amid employees’ ongoing desire to remain working closer to home as part of the now-normal flexible model.
- Carolyn Cummins
- Exclusive
- Commercial real estate
Landlords move to the beat of tenants as offices welcome back workers
Landlords are investing heavily in office assets by working closely with tenants to help them prepare to welcome back staff as COVID-19 restrictions ease and booster vaccination rates rise in the coming months.
- Carolyn Cummins
Centuria Office REIT benefits from being on the fringe
The country’s largest pure-play office landlord has revealed a record year of lease deals that indicate corporate and government tenants are looking at future requirements.
- Carolyn Cummins
COVID-19 and rising yields create headwinds for listed property vehicles
Listed property trusts in the challenged office and discretionary retail sectors are trading at discounts not seen since the global financial crisis.
- tim boreham
- Exclusive
- Commercial real estate
Centuria bosses say being nimble is the secret to success
Centuria Capital's joint chief executives, John McBain and Jason Huljich say the ability to make a quick decision and act on it are the secrets to success.
- Carolyn Cummins
Centuria trusts boosted by strong office and industrial sectors
Centuria group's listed office and industrial trusts have benefited from the strong underlying sub-markets.
- Carolyn Cummins
Metro office sector gets $4.6b lift on back of strong demand
Tight supply of assets and escalating rents in the capital cities have attracted investment.
- Carolyn Cummins
Original URL: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/topic/centuria-office-reit-d6