

Traffic congestion slider.

How coronavirus turned peak hour into a Sunday morning drive

Traffic congestion throughout the country has plummeted as people heed calls to avoid unnecessary travel, with peak hour maps no longer a sea of flashing red.

  • Craig Butt


Michael Day and the screens that show how fast - or slow - Canberra traffic moves.

Traffic lights: They're all about politics

Meet the man who can make or break your morning - all the with the click of a mouse.

  • Steve Evans
Sgt David Wills

'Don't drive angry. Take the bus or tram': Police plea on road rage

Would you behave like that with a baby, your mother or a nun in the back?

  • Steve Evans
Canberra's light rail.

Priority for trams will likely make crossing Northbourne even worse

Transport Canberra has revealed exactly how light rail vehicles will be given priority between Gungahlin and the city.

  • Jasper Lindell and Steve Evans
Minister for Transport Meegan Fitzharris for her first ride on Canberra's light rail.

We got a sneak peek at riding Canberra's light rail

And yes, it has that new tram smell.

  • Katie Burgess
Under the new CTP, anyone injured in a motor vehicle crash can access up to five years' of paid medical treatment and care, regardless of fault.

Projected CTP savings fall under amended scheme

Canberrans could save as little as $14 on the new model of compulsory third party insurance, after changes to the draft legislation.

  • Katie Burgess
Motor vehicle accident victim Glenn Herbert has filed a discrimination claim against the ACT government and Democracy Co over their decision to exclude CTP claimants from last year's citizen's jury.

Glenn was blocked from the CTP jury. Now he's filing a complaint

Glenn Herbert had a CTP claim under way at the time of the jury, but felt he could have brought a useful perspective to the deliberations.

  • Katie Burgess
An artist's impression of light rail travelling over Commonwealth Bridge.

Federal Labor promises $200 million for Canberra's light rail

The route from Civic to Woden will be more expensive than the first leg because of the need for wire-free running through the Parliamentary Triangle.

  • Katie Burgess
David Hine said he had to resign as a school crossing supervisor after repeated instances of abuse.

Crossing guards abused on the job, lacking training and support

Canberra's school crossing guards are being sworn at and threatened while trying to help children cross the road to school safely.

  • Elliot Williams
Light rail has arrived at Alinga Street in the centre of Canberra after eight months of testing.

Light rail makes it to last stop, as drivers prepare for city runs

With the tram now able to get to the Alinga Street terminal using its own power, it's time for drivers to start runs from the Mitchell depot to Civic.

  • Katie Burgess & Jasper Lindell

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