

The National Multicultural Festival is changing. Is it for the better?

The National Multicultural Festival is changing. Is it for the better?

There is at least one part of the festival that has the community, cultural and commercial mix spot on: the entertainment scene.

  • by The Canberra Times


Building boom can't come at expense of quality

Building boom can't come at expense of quality

There is much work to do to repair confidence in the standard of construction in Canberra

  • by The Canberra Times
Look after each other in the heat

Look after each other in the heat

Vigilance for your own safety, and that of your neighbours, family and friends, could be the difference between life and death.

  • by The Canberra Times
Petrol prices an outrage and Canberrans deserve better

Petrol prices an outrage and Canberrans deserve better

The ACT government said fuel prices in Canberra are expensive because of a lack of competition. That argument doesn’t fly.

  • by The Canberra Times
Response to domestic violence a complex challenge

Response to domestic violence a complex challenge

Given one in six women have been victims of physical or sexual violence involving a partner we can't afford to get our responses to this crisis wrong.

Murray Darling mismanagement must stop

Murray Darling mismanagement must stop

The six governments with a vested interest in the management of the Murray Darling need to get their act together if this resource is to be preserved.

  • by The Canberra Times
Loyalty is a mug's game according to the banks

Loyalty is a mug's game according to the banks

What value do the major banks place on customer loyalty? "Not very much at all" appears to be the short but most accurate answer.

  • by The Canberra Times
Only time will tell if the JSF was a good choice

Only time will tell if the JSF was a good choice

It's critics would have you believe the F-35 is a turkey. It's defenders say the plane is the best thing the Wright Flyer. The truth is somewhere in between.

  • by The Canberra Times
Mould a problem for health and homes

Mould a problem for health and homes

Not all moulds are hazardous, but exposure to some moulds can trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, wheeze or respiratory infections.

  • by The Canberra Times
Coalition's airport stampede a cause for cynicism

Coalition's airport stampede a cause for cynicism

If any politician wonders why Australians are so cynical about their profession they need only look in the mirror for the answer.

  • by The Canberra Times
Canberra's future needs to be planned

Canberra's future needs to be planned

While Canberra has a long way to go before it faces the congestion issues seen in Sydney and Canberra the potential is definitely there.

  • by The Canberra Times

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