‘Ultimate canine aristocrat’: Australia’s top dog scores a win at Crufts
A five-year-old hound named after an eyeliner turned heads at the world’s largest dog show, after travelling to the UK from Melbourne.
- Rob Harris
People ‘just picking up’ starving WA cockatoos as burglars target nests
At what point does a pet become a pest? Meanwhile, here’s why one of Perth’s foremost black cockatoo rehab figures is saying he’s ‘never seen anything like it’.
- Emma Young
- Exclusive
- Victorian environment
Inside the fight to save the last Victorian Highlands forest fairies
Faced with ‘government inaction’ on protecting Australia’s most critically endangered animals, these campaigners are taking matters into their own hands.
- Bianca Hall
What we know about the deadly mystery illnesses affecting hundreds in Congo
The first cases occurred after children ate bats. Now hundreds of people in two villages are sick and more than 50 are dead.
- Chinedu Asadu and Jean-Yves Kamale
‘More abundant’: Spider season spikes as summer ends
Sydneysiders can expect to see a lot more spiders, including deadly funnel-webs, as weather becomes perfect for arachnids.
- Angus Dalton
Cause of mysterious peacock deaths revealed in environmental Cluedo
The environmental watchdog has found six peacocks from a wild population on the Central Coast died from eating pesticide pellets, in what may have been a deliberate poisoning.
- Caitlin Fitzsimmons
1000 times worse than cyanide: Blue-ringed octopus bite can turn deadly, quickly
A man bitten in Mosman said he felt himself stop breathing. He was hit with so much venom he suffered another three bouts of paralysis in the week that followed.
- Angus Dalton
‘Carnage’: Killers on the loose after wombats deliberately mown down
Residents in Victoria’s south-east were horrified to wake to the sight of wombats strewn on the roadside, with at least 10 killed within a few hundred metres.
- Bianca Hall
Australia-first study finds rat poison in rare Perth Hills chuditch
New evidence shows the first confirmed cases of rat poisoning in native Australian marsupial carnivores.
- Claire Ottaviano
New frog species named after Leonardo DiCaprio
Scientists chose to honour the 50-year-old actor for his dedication to environmental causes.
- Michael Murphy
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