
Andrew Leigh

People will be able to claim a tax deduction by rounding-up their morning coffee under changes to donation law.

Rounding up for charity at the register? Soon you’ll be able to claim it on tax

The $2 minimum for tax-deductible charity donations has been in place since 1927. Now the government plans to remove it.

  • Shane Wright


Almost have of all Australian workers have some form of restraint clause in their job contracts.

The clause in your job contract that costs you $500 a year – and Australia $7 billion

It’s not just chief executives. Almost half of Australian workers have signed contracts that restrict their ability to move jobs. New research shows the drag on the economy.

  • Shane Wright
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

State of US vote system puts ours in good light

The only upside of watching US elections and electoral processes is, as Peter Hartcher says, to develop or renew one’s own appreciation of Australia’s electoral system

Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney.

Six MPs defy Albanese over census backflip that baffled Coalition

Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney took a rare step in breaking with the government’s position, taking the revolt to six government MPs.

  • Paul Sakkal, Natassia Chrysanthos and Olivia Ireland
Rewards for frequent flyers.

Loyalty comes at a cost: the apps holding back Australian shoppers

Customers staying loyal to businesses and making choices against their own interests are the target of a policy overhaul aimed at turbocharging the economy.

  • Millie Muroi and Shane Wright
About 2 per cent of students in the state’s far west studied HSC economics last year, compared with 13 per cent in North Sydney.

Private school charity status sacrosanct despite calls to scrap it

A plan to boost donations to charities has proposed ending tax-deductible giving to private schools, but the move has been shut down by the federal government.

  • Shane Wright and Lucy Carroll
Mystery shoppers from CHOICE visited 81 supermarkets across the country to discover where it is cheapest to shop.

How much do you actually save at Aldi? The cheapest supermarkets revealed

Mystery shoppers from the independent consumer group Choice visited 81 supermarkets across the country to investigate the price differences of Aldi, Coles and Woolworths.

  • Olivia Ireland
Co-owners of Philter Brewing Mick Neil and Stef Constantoulas at their Marrickville brewery.

The fight brewing over the beer giants that have captured the Australian market

The assistant competition minister says Australians are “paying too much for a schooner” and independent brewers say the consumer watchdog should investigate.

  • Rachel Clun
Andrew Leigh’s book on economic history races from the ancient Babylonians to the rise of Skynet.

Can Miranda Kerr and a chimp make economics more interesting? Turns out, yes

Andrew Leigh, a federal minister who is also a long-distance runner, races readers through the history of economics in his latest book.

  • Shane Wright
Increased competition forces businesses to invest in new equipment and their staff.

States sign up for new competition agenda to lift wages

A closed-door meeting of competition experts has been held to discuss the federal government’s plans to renew competition policy across the country.

  • Shane Wright

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