

This was published 9 years ago

Nobel prize in chemistry 2015 awarded for mapping how cells repair damaged DNA

By Rachel Feltman

The 2015 Nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded to Tomas Lindahl of the Francis Crick Institute and Clare Hall Laboratory in Britain, Paul Modrich of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University School of Medicine, and Aziz Sancar of the University of North Carolina.

The three men were honoured for their work on the mechanisms of DNA repair, which could lead to therapies for everything from cancer to old age.

Sweden's Tomas Lindahl has some champagne after his win.

Sweden's Tomas Lindahl has some champagne after his win.Credit: AP

"The genetic information that governs how human beings are shaped has flowed through our bodies for hundreds of thousands of years," the Nobel committee wrote in a statement. "It is constantly subjected to assaults from the environment, yet it remains surprisingly intact. Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar are awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 for having mapped and explained how the cell repairs its DNA and safeguards the genetic information."

Our genetic information is remarkably resilient. Starting with a single cell, containing just a metre worth of DNA, our genetic material copies itself over and over again until there's enough of it to travel to the sun and back some 250 times. If you stretched it all out, that is.

Aziz Sancar, far right, watching a World Cup game in 2014.

Aziz Sancar, far right, watching a World Cup game in 2014.Credit: Jim Kenney

But changes do occur doing this long string of replications. After all, the successful adaptation and evolution of a species relies on random mutations. Some of them are harmless and occur without causing a noticeable result, and others are fatal, but some end up proving beneficial and get passed on.

Lindahl, a Swedish scientist, demonstrated that these changes happen so often that they should be devastating. Multiple potentially dangerous breakdowns of the genome happen every day, according to his work. But such a rate of decay should never have allowed life to flourish. Lindahl discovered base excision repair, a mechanism by which certain proteins work to constantly repair DNA.

There are more DNA repair mechanisms, too -- with more being discovered all the time.


Sancar, a dual citizen of Turkey and the United States, focused on the mechanisms by which proteins repair ultraviolet damage, called nucleotide excision repair. Modrich, an American, focused on mismatch repair, a mechanism by which errors during cell division - a process that happens constantly, and should result in a myriad of mutations in the new cells - are corrected.

Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar.

Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar.Credit: N. Elmehed/Nobel Media

"The awards really give recognition to the role that chemistry plays in repairing DNA, the blueprint of life itself," American Chemical Society president Diane Grob Schmidt said. The repairs, she explained, involve the making and breaking of chemical bonds. Without chemistry these processes wouldn't be possible, and life simply could not occur.

Because DNA damage leads to notable ill effects in humans - the side effects of old age, certain congenital defects, and cancer, just to name a few - understanding these mechanisms is more than just basic science. With the work of people such as the 2015 laureates, researchers can work to find ways to make our own DNA repair mechanisms. If there's ever a "cure" for old age, these scientists will likely be able to take some of the credit.

"Now we have a better understanding of how these mechanisms occur," Schmidt said. "Understanding this can potentially open the door to the development of insights from a pharmaceutical perspective."

The Washington Post

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