

This was published 3 years ago

Sun doping case sequel should be about rules, not frenzied vigilantism

By Darren Kane

Federation Internationale de Natation — FINA, for short — is the international sports governing body for aquatic disciplines, including swimming. For transparency, I’m a member of FINA’s legal committee. That’s of relevance, given what I’m about to say.

Precisely nada, zero, zilch of what I’m about to tell you does, in any respect, constitute the views of FINA, or its legal committee. And just so you know, I have never crossed swords with Sun Yang; to my knowledge, I’ve never even been in the same room as the multiple Olympic and world champion swimmer. I’ve had nothing to do with his doping case, or any deliberations about it.

Whatever the widely held attitude to Sun Yang, it has nothing to do with the merits of the case.

Whatever the widely held attitude to Sun Yang, it has nothing to do with the merits of the case.Credit: AP

That five judges of the Swiss Federal Tribunal (Switzerland's federal court, SFT) did, this past week, void the earlier decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport to ban Sun Yang from sport for eight years, upon finding him to have committed an anti-doping rule violation in late 2018, is indeed a rare outcome. A rare outcome in a saga that’s probably being orchestrated by Punxsutawney Phil; Groundhog Day indeed.

Indeed a rare outcome in circumstances, where eight years of being forced to sit in the bleachers would equal a life sentence for a 29-year-old freestyler. Swimmers don’t return at the highest level aged in their late 30s, after a decade supping on the Moutai jungle juice. Sun Yang is the most influential, adored, and one of the richest athletes born of the Red Dragon. Of course he would appeal to the SFT; nobody thought he’d actually win, in that last-ditch petition.

CAS awards invariably represent the end of the journey to justice, with the slim qualification that Swiss law may, in limited circumstances, “step in” to annul a judgment. A couple of hundred of such sports cases, just like Yang’s, have been brought to the SFT since 1992 — and a single-digit percentage of appellants have succeeded.

You may remember, in 2019 the South African double Olympic gold medallist Caster Semenya failed in her appeal to the SFT, regarding a CAS decision on the legality of World Athletics’ controversial policy requiring female athletes with high testosterone levels to be medicated as a precondition to competition. The SFT is a tough school.


Doping appeals to the SFT haven’t anything to do with deciding if doping has occurred, in one or more of its defined forms. Instead, appeals to the SFT are all about answering whether parties were afforded fairness in the CAS procedure; whether they “got a fair go” at presenting their case; and whether (or not) the CAS panel was biased against them from the outset.

It’s on this last point that the CAS process unfairly failed. The SFT agreed with Sun Yang’s contention that Franco Frattini, the chairman of the CAS panel that heard WADA’s appeal in November 2019 — the same Franco Frattini who was, for a time, the Italian foreign minister in the cabinet formed by Silvio “Bunga Bunga” Berlusconi — was biased. The evidence on which the bias finding is based includes examples of Frattini’s predilection for posting anti-Chinese material on social media, with a special focus on canines. Inexplicably, Frattini’s said conduct occurred not that long before the CAS appeal hearing.


In circumstances where an athlete’s whole professional sporting career is at risk, and where there’s a dark question over whether they did or didn’t get a fair hearing before a wholly dispassionate and uninterested tribunal, the only solution is to order that the appealed-against decision be voided with a new trial to follow. Where the alleged doping incident is said to have occurred in 2018, and where the Olympics begin (fingers crossed) in six months’ time, another trial isn’t ideal. But it’s necessary.

And I say "new" because it’s somehow possible, apparently, that the other two members of the arbitration panel — a Brussels-based Queen’s Counsel and an English barrister — might be allowed to sit again as arbitrators in the rehearing. This is of some serious concern, in circumstances where the CAS panel in its decision did place much, and perhaps undue, emphasis on Sun Yang’s perceived “forceful personality” and supposed superiority complex.

General secretary of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Matthieu Reeb, delivers the original verdict in the case of Sun Yang in February.

General secretary of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Matthieu Reeb, delivers the original verdict in the case of Sun Yang in February.Credit: AP

A fairer process would involve three entirely fresh minds. The rules of procedural fairness that apply in Australia wouldn’t ever allow two of the three arbitrators from the “old” tribunal to form the “new” tribunal, such is the rule that “the bias of one infects all” — but these matters, of course, aren’t subject to Australian law.

In any event, it’s lamentable that it has even been mooted that two of the judges who have already decided the case will be allowed to sit again on the new panel. Conversely though, one suspects that Sun Yang and his legal team could quite easily quarrel about the appointment of any of CAS’s many arbitrators, drawn from any corner of the world; he has unlimited resources to deploy to defend himself.

Already-formed views about Yang, however accurate or not, don’t make for a fair process. This isn’t a case where Yang’s on trial because he has been rude, abrasive or uncooperative on occasions before the night in question, when doping control officers came knocking on his door unannounced in the dead of night.

This case isn’t about frenzied vigilantism. It isn’t about whether Sun Yang is a “drug cheat”. Yang might well be a grating, divisive figure in world sport, but he must be afforded the same exact rights — just as he must also be subjected to the same obligations — as any other athlete, in any other sport.

Another trial determining Sun Yang's fate is far from ideal, but absolutely necessary.

Another trial determining Sun Yang's fate is far from ideal, but absolutely necessary.Credit: Visual China Group

This case, which will be heard by the CAS for a second time, after having also gone through the FINA Doping Panel and the SFT, has precious little to do with hammers, vials of blood obliterated in anger, or what might happen if excluding Sun Yang from sport is tantamount to stomping on the Red Dragon.

Nor is this case about addressing any concerns — religiously held by some — regarding the clandestine manner in which Yang was previously banned by the Chinese swimming federation in 2014, after he tested positive to the prohibited stimulant Trimetazidine. Neither is this case about “balancing the books”, given the sanction handed down in 2014 amounted to a three-month ban.


Instead, distilled down, the Sun Yang case is about this: that the doping rules governing the collection of blood and urine samples are crystal clear; and whether WADA can prove that the rules have been clearly and definitively followed in Yang’s case. It’s frankly as simple as that.

The “fight against doping” is arduous, and it requires strict rules. But the rule-makers and the rule-appliers must be strict with themselves. Regulations that may affect the careers of dedicated athletes must be predictable. They must emanate from duly authorised bodies. They must be adopted in constitutionally proper ways. They shouldn’t be the product of an obscure process of accretion.

Athletes and officials and sports can’t be confronted with a morass of mutually qualifying or even contradictory rules that can be understood only on the basis of the de facto practice over the course of many years, by a small group of insiders.

The entire doping rules regime is constructed on the bedrock of the “strict liability” premise, where in many instances there’s no requirement to prove the truth of what an athlete did, or did not intend on doing. Equally, it is entirely necessary that it be proved that an athlete’s accuser has strictly complied with all rules and regulations concerning the same factual scenario.

WADA’s World Anti-Doping Code, and its applicable International Standards on matters including testing and investigations, run for a thousand pages or thereabouts. In aggregate, it is a monumentally complex contract document that even I have to give serious time and devotion to digesting. But at its simplest, it’s a contract that binds the athlete and his or her participation in sport.

Yet regardless as to how dense and complicated the terms of that contract are, what’s required here is very simple: that the terms of the contract be fairly, dispassionately and universally applied. Regardless as to the headline-grabbing salaciousness of sledgehammers raining blows on jars of body fluids, like it’s some sort of peculiar 1980s game show.

A fair, dispassionate and balanced decision about what the rules require, and whether that requirement was met is what this is all about. That is what Sun Yang deserves; that is what his sport deserves; that is what all athletes deserve. Hopefully, one day, we’ll get there.

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