

This was published 4 years ago

Why Wiggs' grand plans failed to win over those who mattered most

By Georgina Robinson

There were two theories running hot through the corridors of rugby power in the aftermath of the sudden departure of Peter Wiggs on Wednesday.

The first, confirmed by multiple Rugby Australia board sources, was that Wiggs had sprung a leadership coup on Monday night and resigned when it failed.

The second, posited by close associates of the Archer Capital co-founder, was that the financial horrors surfaced by the coronavirus shutdown and teased out by Wiggs's financial expertise, were of such a magnitude that he wanted out.

Wiggs would not return the Herald's calls on Wednesday, so it is impossible to ascribe motives to the Supercars chairman who, in six weeks and with a ferocious work ethic, came to be respected and valued by almost everyone who dealt with him or observed the deals he brokered.

Going, going gone. Peter Wiggs has resigned from the board of Rugby Australia.

Going, going gone. Peter Wiggs has resigned from the board of Rugby Australia.Credit: Daniel Munoz

But the second theory does not stand to reason if the accounts of Monday's meeting from three RA directors are correct.

The eight directors, including interim executive chairman Paul McLean, had convened via conference call to sort out a leadership structure for the next six months after Raelene Castle's resignation. During the meeting, Wiggs proposed a package deal that had the backing of McLean and the state chairs, Jeff Miller and Roger Davis: he would be chairman, if he could bring in Australian Olympic Committee boss Matt Carroll as chief executive and give former RA boss John O'Neill a seat on the board.

Why would Wiggs propose a model for his ongoing involvement in the game if he was looking for a way out? It could have been a case of 'I lead the fix-it job or I'm out for good', which is similar to the executive chairman model O'Neill proposed late last year and employed effectively when he ran Football Federation Australia under Frank Lowy's imprimatur 17 years ago.

In any case, Wiggs's proposal was rejected by every other board member, all of whom – bar McLean – had been blindsided by the plan.

Not because Carroll is a poor candidate to run the game. The Mosman-raised veteran has worked in every level of rugby as chief executive or deputy chief of both NSW Rugby and Rugby Australia. For the highlights, he pulled off a wildly successful 2003 Rugby World Cup, he ran Yachting Australia, he spent a year advising the 2019 Rugby World Cup Organising Committee and has for the past three years run the AOC under president John Coates.


The directors baulked because Wiggs – a director for only 37 days at this point – was asking them to put aside due process and give the job to a close friend. A qualified close friend but a close friend nevertheless.

Wiggs' camp argued in the aftermath that rugby, in its parlous financial state, did not have time to worry about due process. That was akin to shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic when there was a leadership team ready and waiting to save the foundering vessel.

Many others, who have seen all manner of top rugby appointments backfire over a lack of due process, posited that this unprecedented crisis was the very time due process mattered most. Control of the game would not be given over to an impressive but new director

No one wanted to lose Wiggs and his expertise. His victories in the player pay deal and his specialty in distressed businesses had proved crucial to RA surviving to this point.

But with a proverbial gun to their heads, the board held fast. They did not realise it would result in Wiggs's departure, leaving one director to note "it is bitterly disappointing".

What's next in rugby's ongoing melodrama?

Back to an accelerated version of the original plan, which was for former Ten boss and News Corp senior executive Hamish McLennan to join the board in July as chairman, along with two more directors, potentially former Wallaby Joe Roff and Victorian Rugby director MaryJane Crabtree.

This was reported by the Herald back in March, before the coronavirus-enforced shutdown of professional sport. On Wednesday afternoon it appeared the board was set to accelerate the handover, with McLennan to join much sooner than anticipated.

In the background another drama unfolded, with every member union of Rugby Australia, with the exception of NSW Rugby, releasing a statement supporting that plan.


Meanwhile, the only sensible comments of the past two weeks came from interim chief executive Rob Clarke, another former RA senior executive who's seen all the politics play out before, only perhaps not so violently.

"I'll leave what happens in the board room to the board room, I really don't want to get distracted by that side of things other than to say that I would encourage everyone to unite on the challenges that face the game, which are many and significant," Clarke told the Herald. "Parochialism and politics rarely combine to achieve productive outcomes."

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