

This was published 2 years ago

Rugby Australia close in on $300m backing for 2027 World Cup bid

By Georgina Robinson

The clock is ticking on Rugby Australia’s push for $300 million in government guarantees to help secure the 2027 World Cup.

Australia’s World Cup bid bosses and RA executives and officials fly to London next week for a series of high-level meetings with a who’s who of international rugby before a January 14 deadline for tournament bids.

Phil Kearns will lead a charm offensive among international rugby’s elite

Phil Kearns will lead a charm offensive among international rugby’s elite Credit: Getty

Led by bid director Phil Kearns and RA chairman Hamish McLennan, the group will be seeking a straight answer from the RFU on whether it will make a late run for hosting rights for the 2031 World Cup, a move that could have a knock on effect for Australia’s 2027 aspirations.

They will also be looking to strike a deal on reducing the staggering cost of hosting the tournament and pitch to World Rugby a plan to bring onto the organising committee executives from struggling tier two union USA Rugby.

That could be a winning move after the USA Eagles were embarrassed by the All Blacks 104-14 in front of a disappointing crowd in Washington DC over the weekend. The demolition will do America’s hosting ambitions no favours on the back of the union’s failure to qualify for the 2023 World Cup at the first attempt (they still have a chance with a playoff against Chile next year) and a bankruptcy crisis last year.


But before a flight is boarded the Australian bid team must first make sure it secures an overall financial commitment of about $300 million from federal and state governments.

It is a crucial show of credibility during the bid process and demonstrates the aspiring hosts have the backing of government to pull off a major sporting event.

RA officials were reluctant to comment on what the total figure would be but said it was akin to the £150 million ($275 million) financial guarantee offered by France to secure the hosting rights to the 2023 World Cup.


The federal government would typically meet half of that commitment with four or five states expected to make up the rest. Sources indicated the federal government and the NSW, South Australian and West Australian governments were all settled on their contributions, while Queensland and Victoria were yet to put a figure on what they were prepared to commit.

Kearns said he was confident his team could have the missing pieces squared away by the time they flew out next Thursday.

Australia looks increasingly likely to host its first World Cup in almost 25 years in 2027.

Australia looks increasingly likely to host its first World Cup in almost 25 years in 2027.Credit: PA

“I’m confident that we’ve done a hell of a lot of work with World Rugby and they know we are a safe pair of hands for the jewel in their crown,” he said. “I also know we’re confident we’ve done some really good work with our state and federal governments here to garner their support, and I also know we’ve done a lot of work with the state bodies [unions] and grassroots stakeholders to make sure we have their support. We’ve secured 50,000 signatures on our ‘Back the Bid’ petition and more than half of those people have never been on a rugby database before so all of that makes me feel confident that we’ve put together a really good package.“

Kearns and McLennan will be accompanied by RA chief executive Andy Marinos, bid executive Anthony French and bid advisory board chairman Sir Rod Eddington. Meeting the contingent in London will be Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates, another member of the bid advisory board.

The group have a packed agenda. They will be pressing their case that Australia is a “safe pair of hands” for World Rugby’s four-yearly money earner, a commercial reality more important than ever after the global governing body cut hard into its financial reserves to bail out unions hit by the COVID-19 pandemic last year.


Also high on the list is a push to cut back where possible on the host nation’s running costs, pressing the case for World Rugby to adopt a “preferred bidder status” step in the World Cup bid process, and assuring officials that Australia has a role to play in helping 2031 hosting aspirants the United States get up to speed with what is required to pull off such an event.

“If Australia get 2027 and the US 2031, then Australia would like to have some Americans as part of the tournament team to help guide them in their passage to hosting their first World Cup,” Kearns said.

With Russia still locked out of bidding for major sporting events, only England loom as potential spoilers for Australia’s hosting push. RFU chairman Tom Ilube last month said England would bid for the 2031 tournament, a move that could push USA Rugby to set their sights on 2027.

There was no mention of a bid during the RFU’s unveiling of its play for the 2029 women’s World Cup last week and Australian officials are all but convinced it is too late in the process for England to enter the race.

“We’d be silly if we didn’t ask the question but I expect the answer will be that they’re not running,” Kearns said. “It would be a big change of direction for World Rugby to [open the process to the RFU] at this point.”

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