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‘I want to beat New Zealand’: Phil Waugh sets bar high as RA’s new chief

By Iain Payten

There is criticism Australian rugby is too insular, and you were an internal candidate and the third ex-Shore student of the last four Rugby Australia chief executives? Is that a problem?

I see it as more a coincidence than any preference for where someone finished school when they were 18. I also went to Newport Public School and started my junior rugby at the age of four at the Narrabeen Tigers, and ball-boyed for Warringah for fifth grade through to first grade every Saturday all over Sydney. I also did a couple of degrees at uni. So the high school component is just one part of a broad experience in education and rugby, across many parts of the community.

You are also the first ex-Wallaby to become chief executive of Rugby Australia. How much does your rugby leadership style transfer to this role, or must they be different?

Leadership styles always evolve. I am big believer in authenticity and being yourself. I love the Oscar Wilde quote: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” You often see people go from a deputy role to a main role, or an assistant coach to head coach, and they then try and emulate a great leader they’ve had before. But as soon as you are not yourself, you lose that authenticity and you lose the dressing room, or the business you’re running.

I probably led from the front when I was playing and I am very passionate about success and high performance, and a lot of those attributes translate across to leading large teams in business, I have found. Building strong cultures in teams in sport leads to success and I am a big believer in that working in business as well, if you define and establish high-performance culture.

Rugby Australia’s new CEO Phil Waugh.

Rugby Australia’s new CEO Phil Waugh.Credit: James Brickwood

Since you retired in 2011, the success rates of Australian rugby have nosedived. Has Australian rugby become too comfortable with losing?

You see it across every sport, winning is a habit and losing is a habit. It’s subconscious and just becomes ingrained. Historically, in sport in Australia we have overachieved on a global scale because of that culture and ambition to be the best. We need to reset that and there is a good opportunity, I believe, with the talent we have coming through. And I genuinely believe the Australian public want us to do well in rugby, and this is a reset moment, around lifting the bar and lifting our standards, and expectations, and lifting our aspirations. And we have a great runway with the events we have coming our way.

Between 1996 and 2005, Australian teams had a success rate of almost 70 per cent in Super Rugby, but since 2016 it’s been in the 40s. Can Australia afford to have five teams in Super Rugby?


There is no doubt the performances are well below what they need to be. I often talk about pathways and we used to beat the New Zealand teams in schoolboys and under-19s, and so on. So you get used to it and when you beat them in a Bledisloe, you’re not surprised because you have been doing it all the way through. I think that’s similar with Super Rugby. We can’t be losing week-in, week-out in Super Rugby and then go out and expect to win Test matches.

Phil Waugh on the charge for the Waratahs in 2006. He retired in 2011 as NSW’s most capped player and captain.

Phil Waugh on the charge for the Waratahs in 2006. He retired in 2011 as NSW’s most capped player and captain.Credit: Getty

A big areas of focus will be about how do we support Super Rugby clubs to perform better than what we are, and that will involve how we attract players to our game and how do we bring players through the pathway? Then it’s also about how we do get creative in terms of marquee players and so on, there can be beneficial effect to playing alongside elite players. It is about lifting the standards and pushing players up to a winning level.

So five teams then? No going back?

The tournament we have and the coverage we have across the five teams, we have the potential for Super Rugby to be a really strong tournament. We just need to get better talent into our five teams and perform at a higher level.

An open player market with New Zealand has been floated. What other ways can you make Super Rugby into a better product? Because it’s not flying.

Better players into the tournament is one. The partnership we have with New Zealand is important in terms of whether is eligibility across the tournament and teams. Law variations you can play around with, but it’s more about the execution and interpretation of existing laws to make a better, more free-flowing product. Then there are questions around how do we get more creative around scheduling to get a broader audience who love sport also watching rugby. We have a good opportunity to work with our broadcasters and partners on that.

Super Rugby attendances have dwindled from Waugh’s days as a player.

Super Rugby attendances have dwindled from Waugh’s days as a player.Credit: Getty

Can you expand on ‘creative scheduling’?

Park Super Rugby for a moment but when you ask people about what day of the week George Gregan made that tackle in 1994, most people would answer ‘Saturday’. It was actually a Wednesday night. I thought the Test in Melbourne worked really well on a Thursday night last year against the All Blacks, and State of Origin has always worked well on Wednesday night. So it’s about how do get creative and potentially create a space in the diary that is rugby space, for people to watch high-quality rugby.

You have identified as a priority re-connecting the community and professional ends of the game. How do you plan to do that? Players have packed playing schedules these days.

You start by recognising who owns the game. The community and the rugby family own the game. It is not Rugby Australia. It is the people in the community who own the game and it’s important to acknowledge that. Then it is the connectivity between our professional teams and schools and clubs, and putting our players into those schools and communities. Kids are pretty malleable at a young age, when sporting teams come into schools with posters and balls and autographs and tickets. It’s pretty simple stuff. We have really separated too much. It’s not overly hard to fix but for whatever reason we have let go in that area.

Waugh and his youngest son Arthur on Allianz Stadium after being announced as CEO.

Waugh and his youngest son Arthur on Allianz Stadium after being announced as CEO.Credit: James Brickwood

Do you want to improve the relationship with New Zealand or do you think it’s healthy to have tension there?

I want to beat New Zealand. I think that’s what all Australians want. All Australians want to beat the All Blacks, and their Super Rugby teams. That will be a healthy relationship, when we are beating them. Where there has been some disparity, it’s because we haven’t performed at the levels we need to. It is important to have a healthy level of tension, but also to work together so we can take on the world.

Your chairman, Hamish McLennan, is very forthright in his views, and ending up having a strained relationship with your predecessor, Andy Marinos. How will you handle that dynamic?

Any relationship between a chair and a CEO needs to be strong, and it needs to be transparent and it needs to be robust. But the culture of the team is most important, and how that works best is when the culture between the executive and the board is strong.

I am really excited to be working with a chair and a board that is engaged as they are. When you look at the skill set and governance framework of the Rugby Australia board, and the skills matrix and the way it is put together, we have some amazing skill set. So how do we leverage that? And embrace the board leaning in on aspects where they have world-class skills. I actually think it is a big positive for us as an executive, for the board to be willing to lean in on strategic issues. I am more excited than I am concerned.

You doubtlessly were involved in the Joseph Suaalii signing. Is the reported $1.6m a year too much for a untested outside back? Or is it value for money, via the publicity?

There are a couple of answers. We have to do a better job in our pathways, in a congested market for talented young boys and girls, from 14 to 18. And we know the first year out of school is normally critical to where a talented athlete ends up in a culture they stick with. So how do we become more attractive in that transition period out of school, and do we bring athletes through?

Rugby-bound Roosters star Joseph Suaalii.

Rugby-bound Roosters star Joseph Suaalii.Credit: Getty

Then you look at players who have history in the game, which is so advantageous in rugby. A player like Joseph, he has that history in the game. The rumoured numbers sound expensive, but we need to lift the bar and lift the profile of the game and get the best athletes involved in our game.

Could there be more NRL recruits?

You never say never. There are players who have a rugby background, who would love to be involved in what we have coming up.

As a board member, why did you feel it was necessary to let Dave Rennie go and hire Eddie Jones?

Firstly, Dave did an amazing job in bringing together the team and the culture, and he was very well liked by the players. He did an amazing job and should be recognised for that.

But as a board the view was we are pretty aspirational around where we want to be, in regards to winning percentages and world rankings. The belief was this is a squad that can be on top of the world and the opportunity came up with Eddie.

You referenced the upcoming Lions tour, and two home World Cups, as massive “revenue events” this week. Can you give us a figure of how much you’ll bank and what are you going to do to ensure the windfall won’t disappear, as it did post-2003?

On the actual dollar number, I don’t want to give a dollar number because I don’t want to anchor ourselves on a number. I want us to be aspirational in what we can generate in regards to revenue.

The 2003 Rugby World yielded $40m in revenue for Australian rugby, but it didn’t last.

The 2003 Rugby World yielded $40m in revenue for Australian rugby, but it didn’t last.Credit: Fiona-Lee Quimby

Most importantly, when we think about the distribution of revenues, first and foremost, how do you get up a legacy fund in perpetuity that secures the game financially, forever? That’s really important. And we’ll quarantine that fund.

Then naturally there will be an investment fund to spend on the game across Australia, and to ensure we have the best athletes to succeed, and then maximise the revenue.

It’s an exciting time. Our most important responsibility is to ensure the game is financially secure in perpetuity.

Has Australia been slow with its investment in women’s rugby?

We have done a really good job on the women’s sevens, when you think about their remuneration and the investment in sevens, it is world class and was before its time, so I think we have worked quickly in sevens.

With 15s, we had significant financial challenges on the historical men’s side and then pivoted as quickly as we could on the women’s side. I think we are in a reasonably good space now in terms of the level of focus on elevating and investing in our women’s game. We are 2023 now, the World Cup is in 2025 and the next two years are going to be really important to establish a really strong 15-a-side program as we move towards 2029. You could argue it is always going to need more investment, and we need to generate more revenue to do that.

Grace Kemp and the Wallaroos celebrate victory over Wales at the World Cup.

Grace Kemp and the Wallaroos celebrate victory over Wales at the World Cup.Credit: Getty

Is private equity a big part of that extra revenue equation? What are the timelines the process?

We are pretty engaged with the process at the moment, and a lot of work has been done over the last 12 months to set us up for that. We will be looking at all different options given we have those revenue events occurring.

Smart people in the finance world say Rugby Australia shouldn’t go anywhere near PE. Is it a fait accompli you’ll do a private equity deal?

Definitely not. That’s why I am talking about the optionality, and ensuring you run a thorough process on all the options. And you model all the options, so you make a very informed, educated view as to what’s the best for the game in perpetuity. That’s why I talk about it being an honour and a privilege to do this job, but mostly it’s an enormous responsibility to do the right thing by the game, and not just in the short term.

Rugby Australia CEO Phil Waugh and chairman Hamish McLennan at Allianz Stadium.

Rugby Australia CEO Phil Waugh and chairman Hamish McLennan at Allianz Stadium.Credit: James Brickwood

There has been chat the Giteau Law will changed for this World Cup, with Eddie Jones getting exemptions to pick more than three players. Will that happen?

We did a lot of work with the actual policy, with the three (picks per series), and the engagement with member unions to make sure that was the right number. It is tricky one, because there is a balance between winning Wallabies and the integrity of Super Rugby. You have to have the right balance.


Then there is the process of looking at who is available offshore, and asking is there a significant delta between their ability and what they bring to the squad, in comparison to what we have onshore. It is three, with an exemption for a fourth or a fifth? Then depending on what Eddie and his staff request, then we go through those depth charts. It will be a pretty robust process because it’s important we have as many Australians playing onshore as we can.

Will you sign off on those requests?

It will come through the rugby committee, to the board.

Finally, can Australia win the 2023 World Cup?

I think we can win everything. We are not that far away. I genuinely think we can win everything.

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