

This was published 3 years ago


Bravo, Carl Nassib ... and let’s hope that, one day soon, no one cares

One day of course – and it will be a great day – this kind of news won’t break, it will bounce.

That is, some famous footballer somewhere will say “I am gay,” and the world will go, “Great. And you’ve got red hair, too. But no-one cares. Let’s talk about your game!”

Las Vegas defensive end Carl Nassib is the first active NFL player to come out as gay.

Las Vegas defensive end Carl Nassib is the first active NFL player to come out as gay.Credit: Getty

But - as witness the case with the Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Carl Nassib - we ain’t there yet, as his coming out via Instagram yesterday generated headlines around the world.

“I just wanted to take a quick moment to say that I’m gay,” Nassib announced in his video message from his Pennsylvania home. “I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but I finally feel comfortable enough to get it off my chest. I really have the best life. I got the best family, friends and job a guy can ask for. I’m a pretty private person, so I hope you guys know that I’m really not doing this for attention. I just think that representation and visibility are so important.”

He followed with a written message to the effect that he had “agonised over this moment for the last 15 years” and it was only after he received so much encouragement from family and friends that he decided to go ahead.

“I am also incredibly thankful for the NFL, my coaches, and fellow players for their support,” Nassib wrote. “I would not have been able to do this without them. From the jump I was greeted with the utmost respect and acceptance.”

So at least right from the get-go, we can put this one in the category of “good news,” on the grounds that every such brave sportsperson who so declares their homosexuality takes the heat off others. And, in fact, the even better news is that this is not just another footballer declaring he is gay. This is in the NFL, which is Ground Zero for hairy-chested masculinity, and too often toxic masculinity at that.

And this is not an NFL draft player, either, as happened seven years ago when the openly gay Michael Sam was drafted as seventh-round pick by the St Louis Rams, only to not make the final cut and never play in an NFL match. There have been 14 other NFL players who declared they were gay, but only after their careers were over. This is different. Nassib has been around for six years in the NFL – twice the career-span of the average NFL player – and is highly regarded as one of the hard men of the game, all 2.01 metres and 125 kilograms of him.


(I know. The hard man angle is interesting, yes? Your humble correspondent has always said that Ian Roberts is the toughest footballer I’ve ever seen in any code, anywhere in the world, and he remains still the only NRL footballer to have come out.)

Twenty years ago, and even ten years ago, Nassib’s declaration would have been career-ending. Not because he would have been sacked on the grounds of his sexuality, but there simply would not be room at the Toxic Team Inn for someone who openly declared they were batting for the other team.

As recently as 2006, USA Today reports, the former NFL player Roy Simmons, who came out as gay in a memoir published after his career was over, “the NFL denied his application for a radio row Super Bowl credential.” Simmons was not surprised. The New York Times quoted his reasons for having kept his sexuality hidden as a player.

“The NFL has a reputation,” he’d said “and it’s not even a verbal thing — it’s just known. You are gladiators; you are male; you kick butt.”

These days though, the NFL itself could not have been more supportive of their first active player to declare he was gay, in their 101 year history.

“The NFL family is proud of Carl for courageously sharing his truth today,” NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. “Representation matters. We share his hope that someday soon statements like his will no longer be newsworthy as we march toward full equality for the LGBTQ+ community. We wish Carl the best of luck this coming season.”


And that was just the beginning. Nassib was equally met with a deluge of support, with everyone from famous hockey players to tennis players to Olympians showing their support on twitter and Instagram. Most importantly his own team-mates at the Raiders posting “Proud of you, Carl” on the team’s Twitter account and giving interviews that seemed genuinely supportive, while former team-mates – like defensive lineman Darius Stills and edge rusher Maxx Crosby, also expressed support well beyond the realms of official team spin.

My favourite bit of support though, comes from New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley, his former team-mate at Penn State, who tweeted: “Much respect brudda.” You get the drift.

The best news of all would be that this declaration makes no news at all. But if it must make news, the good news is that it seems to be all but universally treated as good news.

Who can take a bow? Carl Nassib for starters. And all those gay activists over the decades who have fought for acceptance and inclusion, together with the NFL itself which has embraced diversity. Most of all though, I reckon it is the rising generation that long ago got what my generation did not: your sexuality should be about as interesting as your hair colour.

Remark upon it if you must, but not at length. Ultimately, no-one cares!

Yes, yes, yes, Israel and Clive, apart from you two I mean. I’ll rephrase. Only the dinosaurs care.

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