

This was published 17 years ago

Global team plays it fast and friendly

Aconex may be one of Australia's most successful start-ups but its unpretentious culture is based on country-style customer service and values, reports Cynthia Karena.

SEVEN years ago, a hard game of squash gave Leigh Jasper and Rob Phillpot the momentum and inspiration to found their online information management company Aconex.

Mr Jasper, 32, was then a management consultant at McKinsey & Company and Mr Phillpot, 33, was a project manager at Multiplex Constructions.

Friends since high school, they regularly caught up over weekly squash games, and a frequent topic of discussion was how the internet could improve organisations' management and storage of large amounts of information.

A key lesson in squash is to "position yourself well and you'll win", says Mr Phillpot. Taking advantage of their management and construction backgrounds, the men set up their venture, Aconex, in the construction market, using language and work-flow processes that match that industry.

Aconex replaces the use of paper documents on construction projects by managing information - such as drawings, building plans and correspondence - online through one secure site. This enables people working on the project to view, track and share their documents at any time, and from any location.

"Cover the court" is another strategy in squash that parallels the business, says Mr Jasper. "With our global expansion we cover the territory, get in fast and build the business."

Growing up in the country - Mr Jasper in Warrnambool and Mr Phillpot in Rutherglen - inspired both men to value good customer service, "where you go that extra mile to help other people", says Mr Jasper. "We have invested heavily in customer support and have built Aconex on providing great customer service. We consider localised, unlimited training and 24/7 support essential to successful project collaboration."

Mr Jasper and Mr Phillpot have been named as finalists in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2006 award. "They want to know about our motivation, what we've learnt, our business strategy, and how we got the business to where it is now," says Mr Jasper.

"We had a strong idea where we wanted to be," says Mr Phillpot. "We did it one step at a time. Focus on the basics and learn from mistakes."


Mr Jasper says: "We didn't know what we didn't know - we just did it. If we knew more, maybe we would have hesitated. We took the approach that we would make mistakes, learn from them and move forward.

"We've always had a vision. It was never just Australia; we've always had our sights on taking the business internationally."

Aconex now services more than 25,000 companies in 20 countries and is one of Australia's fastest-growing businesses, ranked 14th in the BRW Fast 100 Awards in 2005, and 18th in the 2004 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 for the Asia-Pacific region.

Customers in Australia include Multiplex, Grocon, Australand, St Hilliers, Bluescope Steel, Qantas, McDonald's Restaurants, Eureka Tower, GPO, and Waterfront City.

Aconex has offices in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, India, South Africa and Britain, and in May launched operations in China.

"China has the two things we look for when setting up: a massive development of big infrastructure, resources and construction; and high-speed internet," says Mr Jasper. "Countries that don't have these are automatically crossed off our list."

Mr Jasper is reading A History of China in an effort to gain a better understanding of the place, but says you can't beat local knowledge. "Local people staff all our overseas offices. They have an understanding of the language and culture that can be invaluable when setting up in a new country. It also demonstrates to clients that we are committed to the region and serious about doing business there."

At McKinsey, Mr Jasper developed growth and performance strategies for clients. With degrees in engineering and science from the University of Melbourne, McKinsey gave him a broad training in business, "like doing an MBA where you look at different types of business models in different industries".

Mr Jasper felt he was thrown in the deep end but learnt to "have a go and have the confidence to get out and do it".

After a commerce degree from the University of Melbourne, Mr Phillpot did a two-year cadetship with Deloittes in the audit division. "It was a great grounding in a professional corporate environment (but) I wanted to be in the construction industry." The key lesson he learnt was that if you're going to work, "make sure you enjoy it".

Further study in planning and design, and a master's in building from the University of Melbourne, led Mr Phillpot to Multiplex, where he learnt about project management and document control issues on construction projects around Melbourne.

The biggest hurdle in getting the business started was attracting investors and getting the money together. Mr Jasper used contacts from McKinsey and his father, Ken Jasper, who is the National Party's Member for Murray Valley in Victoria.

"The hard bit was getting a business plan and convincing investors that we knew what we were doing," says Mr Jasper.

After getting initial investment to "build the product and prove it could work", more was needed to market it. "But then the planes hit the World Trade Centre and everyone stopped investing. We had to batten down the hatches. We laid off staff; we had to bring costs down to make our money last longer. It took nine months for investor nervousness to go away."

Now the men give their shareholders a monthly update, "warts and all", says Mr Jasper. "This gives shareholders enormous confidence in what we are doing."

During the start-up phase of the business, Mr Phillpot was inspired by his parents to keep going. "Their advice has always been 'be honest, back yourself and don't be afraid to make mistakes'. Their support was invaluable when starting Aconex as I left a good-paying job to a position of uncertainty where I knew I wouldn't receive a salary for at least six months. Their reinforcement of the attitude 'what's the worst that could happen' assured me it was worth all the risks."

The only thing the men would do differently now is keep the technology in-house. "We bought a system off the shelf," says Mr Jasper, "but had to rebuild the platform that the software was built on. We ended up bringing all the technology back in-house. We do it all ourselves now."

The pair recognised early on that changing accepted practice in the construction industry would be difficult, so their system mirrors standard project management procedures. "It's still early days for people to move from the traditional way of moving documents around - by couriers, fax, photocopy, email," says Mr Jasper.

"Eighty-five per cent of industry still does it this way because it works. But once people see the benefits (of using the internet), such as increased control and productivity and reduced cost and risk, there is no going back."

To sell an idea, he advises entrepreneurs to "find people in companies who want to find a better way of doing something and adopt something new".

The hardest part of running the business now is getting enough good people to keep up with the company's growth. In life Mr Phillpot has learnt to "be honest, treat people with respect, and be humble". These are the qualities that the men look for when hiring, "which is why the company is filled with individuals who are extremely talented yet modest, down-to-earth and hardworking".

"We also try to look after people the way we would like to be treated," adds Mr Jasper.

Despite the growth of the company, the men still want to maintain a small-business feel. Mr Phillpot is reading Jason Jennings' Think Big, Act Small: How America's Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-Up Spirit Alive.

"We want it to be friendly, not stuck-up and corporate. Even the type of building we are in (is) a building with a bit of character to match the business, not some big corporate high-rise in the city. We are lucky to have a great working culture at Aconex that is fun, vibrant, determined and unpretentious. It's important to us, as the business grows, to maintain that small-company feel."

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