This was published 9 years ago
Want a 'green' Victoria Bridge? Then remove Go Between toll: RACQ
By Cameron Atfield
Queensland's peak motoring body says plans to remove general traffic lanes on Brisbane's Victoria Bridge to make way for public transport should only be considered if tolls were removed from the nearby Go Between Bridge.
The Greens announced their election commitment to make Victoria Bridge a "green bridge" on Friday, five days after Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's own announcement of $1.54 billion metro system.
The RACQ says the Go Between Bridge (foreground) should be made toll free if the Victoria Bridge becomes a car-free zone.Credit: Glenn Hunt
Both plans would require the removal of the bridge's two general traffic lanes.
RACQ public policy executive manager Michael Roth said both announcements amounted to funnelling motorists to the council's Go Between Bridge toll road.
RACQ public policy executive manager Michael Roth.Credit: Harrison Saragossi
"Given the Story, Captain Cook and William Jolly bridges are congested most days, many of those motorists will be forced to pay a toll to go over the Go Between Bridge," he said.
"We do support the need for improving public transport into the CBD, so we wouldn't rule out the possibility of Victoria Bridge's operations changing, but we need to see more detail of exactly how it would work."
Mr Roth said the council should consider removing the Go Between Bridge toll if it went ahead with the Victoria Bridge plans.
"We wouldn't be so concerned about the closing of Victoria Bridge if the toll is removed from the Go Between Bridge," he said.
"That is a good compromise. The Go Between Bridge does have additional capacity, so without the toll it would be a good outcome.
"Obviously, Transurban would be concerned about that and Brisbane City Council would have to pay back some of the money it got for the bridge."
Prior to being taken over by Transurban, Queensland Motorways was awarded a 50-year lease on Go Between Bridge tolling rights in 2013.
Deputy mayor and council infrastructure chairman Adrian Schrinner said the RACQ was being hypocritical, citing its opposition to the LNP's $650 million Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade.
"It's a bit rich for the RACQ to suggest we are funnelling traffic to the Go Between Bridge when they are opposed to the upgrade and widening of Kingsford Smith Drive because they believe motorists can instead use the Airport Link toll road," he said.
"The Brisbane Metro subway system will not only remove 200 buses per hour in the morning peak but provide a much more attractive and quicker journey to work and encourage more people to use public transport.
"The subway will make the journeys from the Woolloongabba and Herston interchanges to the city much faster than is currently experienced and allow for more bus services in the suburbs and make the public transport journey more appealing for those who are currently using their car to cross the Victoria Bridge."
Cr Schrinner said 8400 motorists used the Victoria Bridge on weekdays and the William Jolly Bridge had "adequate capacity and often offers a quicker alternative from South Bank to the CBD".
Greens lord mayoral candidate Ben Pennings said the Victoria Bridge was not a major route for motorists so would not be terribly missed as part of the road network.
"It's not a huge bridge for car traffic and the more buses we have the fewer cars we have on the road," he said.
As for scrapping the Go Between Bridge toll, Mr Pennings said he doubted the council could do so, even if it wanted to.
"I don't think council has a huge say in that anymore," he said.
"They've got a contract (with Transurban).
"We imagine most motorists who want to go across the river will use the William Jolly Bridge and if they feel a bit wealthier, they can use the Go Between Bridge."
Labor lord mayoral candidate Rod Harding said he would not support the removal of general traffic lanes before proper studies were undertaken.
Mr Roth said neither the LNP's nor the Greens' Victoria Bridge proposals had been properly thought through.
"What we've failed to see so far from the announcements is a commitment to community engagement and to implementing the best solution rather than someone's pet project," he said.
"We're looking for a long-term vision and a commitment to a process of implementing a good solution, not defining it up-front and implementing it regardless of whether it works or not, or regardless of what the negative impacts might be."
Mr Roth said the RACQ would release its full critiques of candidates' roads policies prior to the March 19 local government elections.
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