

This was published 9 years ago

UQ suppressed bus racism study: academics

By Jorge Branco

Two Brisbane academics claim the University of Queensland suppressed the results of their study into racial discrimination on city buses after complaints from Translink.

But the university says the study was pulled because the pair didn't get the proper ethics approvals before going ahead with their work.

The study found white testers were twice as likely to be given a free ride than black testers in Brisbane.

The study found white testers were twice as likely to be given a free ride than black testers in Brisbane.Credit: Glenn Hunt

In 2013, Dr Redzo Mujcic and Professor Paul Frijters, from the university's School of Economics, published an early working paper finding strong evidence of discrimination against black-skinned people on Brisbane buses.

Their study, inspired by US civil rights figure Rosa Parks' experience of racial discrimination on a bus, saw 29 testers from different gender and ethnic groups asking bus drivers to let them on for free because their Go Cards were empty.

University of Queensland economist Professor Paul Frijters.

University of Queensland economist Professor Paul Frijters.

The researchers found white testers were twice as likely to be given a free ride than black testers (72% to 36%), among a host of other findings relating to group theory.

They proposed this was due to people being more likely to discriminate against those who were less like them, or not in their "in-group".

The university issued a press release to announce the findings, which was later retracted, and the Sydney Morning Herald and other media reported on it. But the full results of the study were never published.

The day after the articles were published UQ's Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the time, Deborah Terry, wrote to Professor Frijters to tell him the research couldn't be released because it hadn't received the required ethical clearance.

University of Queensland economist Dr Redzo Mujcic.

University of Queensland economist Dr Redzo Mujcic.

"Accordingly, you are not in a position to disseminate the outcomes of the research, unless a fuller investigation reveals that ethical clearance was not necessary," she wrote.

But Professor Frijter said the project didn't need to go to an ethics committee because it was signed off by the university's PhD coordinator.

"Because this was seen by the coordinator as such low risk, no one's going to get hurt, that's where it ended," he said.

"Often in other universities it doesn't work like this and you immediately have to go through an ethics committee.

"It didn't go to an ethics committee because it was just deemed such low risk by the PhD coordinator that signed off on it."

Professor Frijters was demoted to assistant professor after the university started investigations into the study and Dr Mujcic, a PhD student at the time, said the suppression hurt his career. Professor Frijters has since been reinstated as a professor.

In August last year he sent a public interest disclosure to UQ chancellor John Story alleging misconduct by a HR officer in addressing errors made by the university in investigating the case to take advantage of Queensland's whistleblower legislation.

The 44-year-old believed because he had waited six months without a response, he was free to speak about otherwise confidential matters.

The professor told Fairfax Media he thought the research was repressed because of complaints made to the university.

"It is certainly the case that the bus company (Translink) sent the university maybe half joking emails that this was fare evasion and that they objected to the research and that has been the main official excuse for the university in its subsequent proceedings," he said.

He called for a full external investigation into why the research was suppressed.

UQ vice-chancellor and president Professor Peter Hoj issued a statement saying the university was unable to comment because of the confidentiality of the investigation but was confident it had responded appropriately.

"Academic freedom is a core value at UQ, as is research integrity," he said.

"UQ places the highest importance on upholding the integrity of our research and will continue to do so with vigilance, and will seek to identify further measures to strengthen that endeavour."

After the demotion, Professor Frijters' lawyer brought in bioethicist Dr Andrew Crowden, an honorary Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne and at UQ, to act as an independent consultant on the matter.

Dr Crowden found Professor Frijters made a common mistake in underestimating the level of risk involved in the project but the university's procedures should have picked that up and its response was too harsh.

"In this matter the research was more than low risk because it involved deception of participants (the bus drivers) and therefore should have been reviewed by the UQ HREC (Human Research Ethics Committee)," he said in a statement.

"The level of risk was also underestimated by the department of economics at UQ – who apparently 'signed off' on the project.

"This meant that the research did not progress to a full HREC review.

"Prof Frijter thought that he could begin the project – and did. The bus company complained and UQ acted."

Dr Crowden argued the failing was a shared responsibility and the university should have acted to fix systemic issues in its research review process.

The university, Brisbane City Council and Translink all deny any complaints were made, despite the university issuing a long apology to BCC-owned Brisbane Transport.

Fairfax Media understands a senior Translink media adviser wrote to the university to question how a study revolving around what he called illegal fare evasion was allowed to go ahead.

A council spokesman said the council strongly denied any suggestion that it interfered with the research, "which was published prior to Council's knowledge of the study being conducted".

"UQ has disowned the research and formally apologised to Brisbane City Council for the research that they believe was conducted in an unacceptable fashion that compromised the University's ethical framework," he said.

A Translink spokesman said the company did not make any complaints but responded to questions posed by UQ as part of their investigations into the study.

Professor Deborah Terry, now Vice-Chancellor at Curtin University, declined to comment.

In the past two days the study has received international coverage in the New York Times, the Washington Post and Forbes after highlights from Eddie Murphy's famous White Like Me sketch aired on US TV.

In the sketch the comedian "discovers" white people give things to each other for free when they're alone.

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