By Tony Moore
Drivers will pass beneath the remains of some of Brisbane's best-known identities when the Northern Link project is completed.
The project's twin tunnels will now be dug 17 metres under Toowong Cemetery to minimise risks to headstones and monuments.
The graveyard is the final resting place of a prime minister, two Queensland governors, 13 premiers, 11 Labor leaders, and at least 15 mayors.
Grave concerns over Northern Link tunnel work
The project's 2008 environmental impact statement recommended the tunnels be dug no less than 8.4 metres under the cemetery.
However, the Co-ordinator General's report into the project ordered the depth be doubled.
Despite the alteration, the Friends of Toowong Cemetery remain concerned at the possible impact to a number of heritage-listed graves, headstones and monuments.
Spokeswoman Hilda Maclean said the graves most at risk sat on terraced earth and were not "pinned together".
"It is all those terraces there, they would be the main concern," she said.
"Governor Blackall [grave and monument] should be fine because it is on the flat, but directly in front of him is the Bell Family [monolith] and that is sitting on a terrace.
"It is that area from the terraces down, that would be of the highest concern."
Ms Maclean said the condition of the heritage-listed grave of a Boer War veteran was her biggest worry about the Northern Link project.
Vibration in areas of shallower cover is likely to adversely impact on already unstable and deteriorating retaining walls, grave surrounds and headstones.
Trooper John Cobb died three days after returning to Brisbane from the Boer War in 1901.
Other graves under threat include those of Thomas Finney and James Isles - the two Irish businessmen who established the popular Finney Isles department store on Queen Street.
In the 2008 EIS study, vibrations from tunnel boring machine were described as "strongly noticeable".
In that study, University of Queensland senior archaeologist Jon Prangell wrote that vibrations from the tunnelling equipment could damage graves, headstones and monuments.
"Vibration in areas of shallower cover is likely to adversely impact on already unstable and deteriorating retaining walls, grave surrounds and headstones," Professor Prangell wrote.
When contacted yesterday, Professor Prangell would not comment at any length on the recommendations.
"As far as I am aware the co-ordinator general has investigated these matters," Professor Prangell said.
Ms Maclean said she did not know whether the graves and monuments in the cemetery would be safer under the new plans than they were had the 2008 proposal gone ahead.
"Until someone can show me the projections of what the vibrations are going to be, I really don't know," she said.
The new report asks that "mitigation work" be part of the detailed planning stage because vibrations could still exceed accepted levels in a 230-metre long and 30-metre wide strip along the tunnels.
Professor Prangell wrote in 2008 that: "In consultations with the community and more specifically, with the Friends of Toowong Cemetery, concerns have been raised in regard to possible effects on graves and monuments of vibration from tunnel construction.
"Many of the graves and monuments on terraced areas of the cemetery are in a badly deteriorated and highly degraded condition."
Professor Prangell also mentioned the terraced area near Trooper Cobb's grave.